Speed shops
Crazy Sr. Respected Jeeper
How many of you old guys remember the kick <-BAD WORD-> old speed shops that used to be scattered around. The real pros that learned the ropes by getting in the pits of the now endangered racetracks and getting dirty. Guys that knew things about gears and engine guts, and made a living passing that knowledge on to the swooning pimple faced teenagers hanging around trying to learn some fantastic thing that would make them the proverbial "gear head" that every boy lusted after. Today, I found the need for the odd bit for my CJ, and thought about Don's speed shop. The place that robbed me of just about every hard earned buck I could find a way to make, and where I learned a great deal from the odd greasy mentor hiding under the hood of some monster in a dimly lit garage. A quick search on the interweb......and there it was, Dons speed shop. After more than 35 years, It was still there, and off I went! I discovered that Dons had burned down in 03, and the family decided to do it again, fearing that old Don would just die off if his life's work were to be reduced to ashes. Well, It was like a trip in a time machine, and I felt like a kid again. The "new Don's" was just the same as the old Don's. the home of fantastic things, that every gear head dreams about, still there. Just like the old days, there was no way to get to the counter, because the floor was littered with cranks, blocks, blowers, heads, and every possible big block era Detroit masterpiece ever made. Every single place that you could possibly put a part, had 2 or 3 there. Racks to the ceiling held rusty old big blocks of every description, waiting for a new life. Engine stands with monsters being built in what few nooks of free space were left, and the smell of gas and oil was embedded in the fiber of the building, and it was like heaven. Best of all, there stood old Don in the chaos, smiling like a kid. Actually, a lot nicer than I remember him being
They didn't have the piece I needed in stock, but could have it by morning If I needed it, But hang on....let me look in here....Poking around on an old bench of bits and pieces, there it was, a perfectly good used part. Let you have it for 5 bucks If you want, and If there's anything wrong with it, gimmie a call, I'll order a new one, and take the 5 bucks off the price.
He took me all over the shop, thrilled to show me everything he had going, and what he was building. we chatted about the old days for a bit, and I left with a needed part, a hand shake, and a promise to be of any help that I may need, just stop by or gimmie a call.
Sorry about the lengthy post, but I was completely blown out of the water by this very important little piece of my younger years being brought back in living color. How many of you old school guys remember this fantastic piece of history, and are any of you still fortunate enough to have an amazing piece of history to go to when you need the old pros help? Tell me a story guys.

Sorry about the lengthy post, but I was completely blown out of the water by this very important little piece of my younger years being brought back in living color. How many of you old school guys remember this fantastic piece of history, and are any of you still fortunate enough to have an amazing piece of history to go to when you need the old pros help? Tell me a story guys.