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Steel, aluminum or fiberglass?

Steel, aluminum or fiberglass?
My sister (IR JODI) has a fiberglass body. I have a steel, i think the paint looks much nicer on a steel tub.
Thanks PB&M... I like steel also.

I was browsing Quadratec and damn if I didn't find an aluminum body... Man it looks nice!

Aqualu Industries 5010 - Aluminum Body Tub for 55-75 Jeep® CJ-5 - Quadratec

LOL - When I add it to the cart I'm asked if I want standard UPS shipping for $56.00! That's a bargain!!! :laugh:

$56? There's no way i could ever get that lucky. I had to replace the gas tank on the CJ not to long ago, got in from 4wd, i live an hour and half from there and i paid like 25 just for shipping on that! i would love to replace the tub, but out of everything falling apart on her, she's still the one thing that looks pretty good!
LOL - I'm sure the $56 is just a 'bad' calculation... It would have to be shipped by truck anyway. :)

BTW - $25 to ship a gas tank - anywhere is a good deal - IMHO. :)
Fibreglass would be a fun project to try - also easyer to create the desired shape, and no tiresome welding involved.

Lightweaight means a better power to weight ratio, and as for it being cheaper than buying metal sevenfold...

Thats what I would go for if I could...
I like steel but can you believe the aluminum body from aqualu is only 275 pounds, that's crazy!

That's still about 130 kg (I always have to convert to kg, its just the way I think). That wouls be significantly heavier than a fibreglass shell constructed onsite, but still alot lighter than steel! ;)
Out of curiosity I wrote to Willys Overland Motors to ask what they do to the bodies they sell that others do not. Very interesting to say the least. I knew that there was really only one place that made the replacement jeep bodies (the Philippines) but I did not know how generic they were...

This is the letter I received from 'Jay', the owner of the company. He insisted that he speak with me personally when I called for more information.

Very nice speaking with you, and thanks for your interest in our unique and user-friendly product. Please read the "Repli-Tub" story below, check out the pictures, and let me know how we can help.

Since we designed, built and started to market the "Repli-Tub"Jeep replacement body ten years ago, I have insisted that the only way to receive a price quote on it was to speak to me personally. The Repli-Tub is so different from every other product on the market, that I wanted to make sure our customers were aware of those differences, and therefore, not lured into making a decision based on "price" only. Well, not surprisingly, the interest in our exclusive product has grown to the point where I can't keep up with the demand for information. While I still welcome and hope for the opportunity to speak to everyone who is interested in our Repli-Tub, and tell them in detail how our product is superior to any other Jeep replacement body, I have decided to offer pricing information along with a brief overview of the product by e-mail, to those requesting it. I will attempt to follow up by telephone, and will continue to take all incoming calls regarding our product.

There is only one company in the world, located in the Philippines, manufacturing a steel replacement body for any model of Jeep. The problem is that these bodies are not put together properly and require the user to be a combination of engineer, steel cutter, metal fabricator, and welder. Unfortunately, most people are not all of these, and even if they were, they may not have all the tools required to accomplish the task. At Willys-Overland Motors, we are all of these, and we do have all the proper tools. The Repli-Tub is the only, (and I do mean only), replacement body that will come to you with all mounting holes cut, and in the correct position, (with crush sleeves welded in place too), all firewall holes properly cut and angled, holes for the gas, brake, and clutch pedals, as well the hole for the steering column. All tail light wiring and fuel filler holes will also be in place. And until we fix them, the later CJ models do not have the brackets for the grille support rods, tailgate seals, or tail light wiring holes when received from overseas. There are also a number of other parts actually missing from the bodies that, obviously, we fabricate and weld into place. On many models, the supports on the under side of the floor are incorrectly installed and must be removed, repaired, modified and/or re-positioned. Of course, each of these problems will have been fixed and/or installed when you receive your Repli-Tub.

For most restoration or body repair projects, buying a body that is guaranteed to “bolt right to your frame”, is the right choice. There are some applications, however, where an unfixed body, just the way it comes from the factory, is the better choice. For anyone putting a body on a non-stock or non-Jeep frame, or where extensive body modifications are considered, or where you have a fully functional body shop with cutting, welding and fabrication abilities on site, you might want to consider a less expensive alternative. The exact same body tub can now be purchased for less than the fully fixed Repli-Tub. In these cases, why pay us to cut in holes, weld in missing pieces, or move channels, that you will just have to un-do or move again once you get it? Of course, since we really do know how to fix them, we will be happy to answer any questions you have along the way.

So, when making your decision as to which body to buy, I want you to ask yourself, "Do I want the guarantee I get from Willys-Overland, or am I willing to accept the excuses and disclaimers I get from every other seller of bodies?" Please click on the link below to see some very good pictures of the Repli-Tub for the model of Jeep you have.

The prices for the Repli-Tub are as follows; (While we have been notified of a price increase coming from the factory, we do have a number of bodies in stock that are still at the old price. Please call me, toll free, for the most up to the minute pricing and availability)

CJ2a , CJ3a , MB, M38 - The kit which includes the tub, fenders, hood, tailgate, and windshield frame, as well as all mounting pads and bolts.

CJ3b - The kit which includes the tub, fenders, hood, tailgate, and windshield frame, as well as all mounting pads and bolts.

CJ5 (all years except '72-'75) - Tub only. All other body parts are available as needed. The "Jeep" stamp is now available on the side panels, just like the original, for an additional fee.

CJ5 (1972-1975) - Tub only. All other body parts are available as needed. The "Jeep" stamp is now available on the side panels, just like the original, for an additional Fee.
Click here for pictures of Mid CJ5 .

Fenders - Additional
Hood -
Tailgate - Additional
Windshield frame - Additional

The mid range CJ5 (72-75), is actually the body that requires the most amount of work for us to repair. The "before and after" picture shows how the body comes to us, and what it looks like (before re-priming), after we have taken the front end apart, fabricated the necessary parts, and re-shaped others, and welded the whole tub back together. Again, when comparing our body to all others, ask yourself, does the term "some drilling may be required", accurately describe what is obviously necessary to install this body?

CJ7 , M38A1 - Tub only. And yes, it's true, for the first time, the "Jeep" stamp is now available on the side panels, just like the original, for an additional charge. All other body parts are available as needed.

CJ8 Scrambler & CJ6 - Tub only. All other body parts are available as needed.

Of course, we also carry just about everything else you will require for your restoration, including drivetrain, steering, brakes, exhaust, suspension, gauges, etc. We specialize in those "hard to find" parts, as well. Any one of our restoration experts and parts specialists will be happy to help you with those needs as well as offer technical assistance. And who do you want to depend on... someone who drop ships one or two un-fixed bodies a year, or someone who actually builds 3 correct bodies a week?

Finally, since so many of you have been asking, we can now offer to help protect your body against rust and corrosion, using the very latest Line-X Spray-On Liner system. The complete underside of your body can be sprayed for only $349. Isn't it just like us... offering one MORE layer of protection against rust when your body is delivered to your door! To read what Line-X has to say about their product, Click here:

Please call us, toll free, and let us help you get your Jeep back into the best shape it can be.

Call toll free today, because when it comes from Willys-Overland... it fits.
Jay Margolies, President Willys-Overland Motors Toledo, Ohio
Parts / Accessories / Service / Installation and more
Toll free 888-265-JEEP(5337) Local 419-531-0707 Fax 419-531-4747
http://www.willysoverland.com ----- info@willysoverland.com
Can anyone give me a good reason why fiberglass would NOT be a good idea? I don't plan on roughing it up too much. Mostly runs around town and camping trips, and if I can talk my wife into it, trips south to the beach. I like the no-rust-ever factor.
There are allot of great looking CJ's out there with fiberglass bodies and it works for many. The only reason I'm not going to go fiberglass is that I'm sure I'm going to beat the hell out of my CJ. I know I'm going to be running into trees and backing into stuff. I know I'm headed for body work...
Also, as you may or may not know they often reinforce the floors with plywood, this gives you a potential problem as leaks begin to form. these reinforcement plates will actually begin to collect water and can start to rot away, severley weakening the floor. Another down side is the fact that many come with a tailgate-less design which is unfortunate when you really want to use your back end for carrying something. But it does make it much lighter, and looks really good. If you want a fiberglass style body i would go with kevlar from shellvalley.
Shellvalley Inc | Jeep Parts and Accessories
Aluminum, no rust it's still metal.
If you look into it, it's as strong or stronger than steel, depending on mfg.
It's lighter so you lower your COG, no rolly over.
I was seriously considering the aluminum body until I found out about all the work I would have to do. I'm just not sure I want to spend all the time to make all the holes and access panels, let alone locate all the body mounts (see the picture). And I'd loos that nifty little box under the pass seat! :) I'm not that good with my Tig either... :laugh:

So, what was the buy in for a steel tub?
So, what was the buy in for a steel tub?
Including all the hand work to fix the body and put all things to factory locations - less then $3300. That was for the 72 model not including the Jeep embossing. Add $250 for the true Jeep emblems.
Including all the hand work to fix the body and put all things to factory locations - less then $3300. That was for the 72 model not including the Jeep embossing. Add $250 for the true Jeep emblems.

All things considdered, that's little money for what you get. considdering you can build a museum quality CJ with it.
Re: Aluminum

Here's some shots of a Matkins aluminum tub on a 73 CJ5 . I'm very impressed with it. 1/4" sides - heavy duty. Storage under the passenger seat and in the tail gate.

Ya it's a lot of work drilling and cutting all the holes, but it gives you a chance to upgrade and redo the seats and firewall. No plugging of the old holes!

Best thing to do is get setup for aluminum welding w/mig and argon. Works great. Drew up tube fenders on Autocad till I liked them and made them right the first time. 1-1/2" Aluminum tube is hard to get in Fargo.
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Re: Aluminum

That is some great information! And a great looking CJ. You did an excellent job on the fab. Did it come with the holes for the body mounts or did you have to put those in to? How about the actual bottom? Is it braced like a normal CJ tub?
Re: Aluminum

The body mount holes were in. It was reinforced similar to the stock tub. The hood hinge, tailgate and fender mounting had helicoils installed. I had to tweak the firewall by the valve cover for more clearance.

My brother in-law had a Kevlar tub on a 79 CJ5 . It split at the firewall and floor. The mfg said is wasn't covered by his warranty. All you can do is patch it. With Aluminum you can weld it!

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