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I would say a stinger's primary purpose is to put a disdainful smile on my face-in the same manner as 8 off road lights, a snorkel, or a "trail rated" medallion do. All useless to 99.99% of us or in the case of the latter, 100% of us.

I have been wheeling for more than 50 years now and have NEVER found the need for a stinger. On the flip side, I would guess I average using the winch probably 3 times every time I hit the trail and wouldn't have a Jeep without one.

Shucks, now that I think about it, I could probably have eliminated one of those winch jobs-if only I had had a stinger:D
Stingers have no cosmetic purpose....and they are not designed to be used in the same way a bumper is.
The sole purpose of a stinger is to provide an elevated attachment point for stability during EXTREME angles while rock crawling. A bumper is simply not high enough and winch placement is generally too low to provide stabilizing effects with an altered COG as well as being awkward to use. The disclaimer is the position the vehicle is at an extreme angle (think straight up and down) and the extra height and projection of the stinger makes it easy for a spotter to attach a strap and aid in stability....fulcrum concept.

Iv'e seen stingers used many times at places like Moab and rock crawling comps where you are'nt going to accomplish the same things with a standard bumper or winch attachment point...
Stingers have no cosmetic purpose....and they are not designed to be used in the same way a bumper is.
The sole purpose of a stinger is to provide an elevated attachment point for stability during EXTREME angles while rock crawling. A bumper is simply not high enough and winch placement is generally too low to provide stabilizing effects with an altered COG as well as being awkward to use. The disclaimer is the position the vehicle is at an extreme angle (think straight up and down) and the extra height and projection of the stinger makes it easy for a spotter to attach a strap and aid in stability....fulcrum concept.

I'm not sure everyone got your memo about "no cosmetic purpose" because I think most people that get a stinger do so because they think they are "cool".
Most stingers don't have a good way to attach a winch cable at the tip. If the jeep is too vertical or the winching jeep isn't right in front of the jeep with a stinger getting winched then the winch cable will just slide to the side of the stinger. If you did attach a 8000 lb winch cable to the tip of most stingers they would bend or break off.
Not to be argumentative but I think these guys below got stingers because they think they look cool.


I stand by what I said earlier: I think stingers are a fad that will die. Show me a stinger that can withstand a 8000 pound winch pulling on it. I know they exist but they are the minority.
I agree, but I think Jim did too, he just used the wrong word. I believe his intent (the way I read it anyhow) was to say they are cosmetic and have only one real use and that's for extreme rock crawlers and their spotters assistance. That part though I would disagree with -having only one real use. Originally they were used for Baja pre-runners to help stop damage from nose dives. And then they are used in glacier crossing to help prevent being swallowed by a crevice (pronounced krev-azs). But you'd be hard pressed to find a Jeep or a Wrangler with one on for those purposes.
I'm not sure everyone got your memo about "no cosmetic purpose" because I think most people that get a stinger do so because they think they are "cool".
Most stingers don't have a good way to attach a winch cable at the tip. If the jeep is too vertical or the winching jeep isn't right in front of the jeep with a stinger getting winched then the winch cable will just slide to the side of the stinger. If you did attach a 8000 lb winch cable to the tip of most stingers they would bend or break off.
Not to be argumentative but I think these guys below got stingers because they think they look cool.


I stand by what I said earlier: I think stingers are a fad that will die. Show me a stinger that can withstand a 8000 pound winch pulling on it. I know they exist but they are the minority.

Dave I think those guys are just compensating for something else that is short. :D Ive thought about installing one on my jeep BUT if I don't use something I won't have it on my jeep. Not saying I'm trying to compensate for anything :cool:
You can tell how much all those stingers in the photos were used by looking at all that missing paint:D Something short indeed-on both ends.
You can tell how much all those stingers in the photos were used by looking at all that missing paint:D Something short indeed-on both ends.
beat me to it
they sure look good all shiney like that don't they?
I have seen rear stingers getting use on the Rubi though.
Stingers are not designed to withstand the use of a winch cable in any manner. It's purpose is reserved for a spotter and a strap. I've never...ever....seen someone trying to attach a winch cable to a stinger, but then I wheel with people who know the proper use of these things.

True...there are a lot of people who put em on because they look "cool" with no idea as to their actual use. :rolleyes:

I dont believe they are a fad. They still serve their purpose extremelly well and there is simply no other alternative to them when used correctly.
Stingers purpose is reserved for a spotter and a strap.
I concede, you are Baja are correct about the purpose of a stinger.
But I really believe, as a percentage, very few stingers are ever once used for that.
Originally they were used for Baja pre-runners to help stop damage from nose dives.

YouTube is full of forward roll overs. Would a large stinger help prevent this:confused: or would it just get in the way most of the time.
I like the Stinger because if you have a tall enough garage, the CJ can be hung on the wall, with a big enough nail of course.
for the most part they're like those three foot tall aluminum spoilers on those rice cars. as compared to the real ones that the racers use at the track. most are for show but a few have the real deals an use them as such.

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