T-5 tranny issues
I need some advice. My 86 CJ7 has worn out two T-5 tranny's the same way in 6 months. The failures seems to have been preceded both times by an extended 4th gear run (around 20-30 miles at about 65-75mph). The tranny starts making noise like a lower engine noise, even corisponding with engine speed, but completely disappears in 4th gear. The first time, I limped around for about another two days before a loud bang followed by horrendous vibrations made my swap out the unit. The first tranny, I was using 80w-90 gear oil, and assumed that was the reason for the failure. The second one, I was using Dextron ATF. I changed both types of fluid religiously, and never noticed any signs of water. Any help and advice will be GREATLY appreciated!!