Thats pretty damn impressive for a streetable Jeep.
I opened my shop in about 1978..called Mountain Enterprises. We shared an automotive complex in Hot Rod City of Torrance, California. The complex was owned by Tony Cappana of Wilcap. I learned a

load from Tony and his sons...adapters, engine transplants, etc. Tony was one of the original hot rodders and a truly remarkable human being. I count myself as extremely luck to have been able to call him and his family friends.
My shop sold and installed the various off road stuff available at the time (nothing as extreme as what they have these days...near everything was straight axles back then). We also did engine/trannie conversions on numerous Jeeps and Land Cruisers...a few odd ball trucks here and there...some strange things given the chance. Did lots of LC steering conversions. Knew most of the original crew that were starting their own off road supply and manufacturing houses...Rancho, Smitybuilt, Con-Fer, Burbank Springs, Hickey, the gang at Cepek...pretty much anyone that had something going back in Southern California. At the time it was a pretty small group compared to who's there now. We also had some major engine builders in the area too. I think, at least for me, that the smog requirements on vehicles killed it. Plus I didn't have the money to attack the market like the big boys were able to...hats off to them for being able to do it. My LC...a 1971..has the first ever prototype Rancho Springs that were coupled with their 9000 series shocks...which were also prototypes (probably worthless compared to what they have now). I made a bracket to hold the old Hickey Sidewinder winch...a true classic..under the rear of my vehicle. A rep for Warn saw it and next year they had them for all vehicles. Bastards stole my idea.

Good for them...another good crew even though they were not in my area. Anyway, somewhere buried in the books are several articles with my old shop highlighted as the installer. Petersons 4 Wheel Drive Mag (are they still around) had one of their writers that lived in my area and he always came to me to do an article on some new product or whatever. Fun times..small real stress...everything was new to us....the good old days.