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The Sky Is Falling ! ! !

The Sky Is Falling ! ! !


Always Off-Roading Jeeper
Durango, Crawlarado
1979 Jeep CJ5 with 304 V8, T18 Transmission, Dana 20 Transfer case with TeraLow 3:1 gears, 4.88 axle gears, Detroit Locker up front and Ox Locker in back with 1 piece axle shafts, 36" SuperSwamper SX Tires, Shackle reversal, MileMarker Hydraulic winch, MSD 6A ignition.
Anyone walk by a magazine stand lately? It looks like the end of motor-sports.
Here's what I found out (if you believe everything you read):
1. Jeeps will be outlawed
2. Trails will close
3. Four wheeling will be banned
4. High performance will be outlawed
5. Even diesel engines will be banned

I admit I haven't read all these magazines. I know they are closing trails but it can't be as bad as they make it out to be.
A bigger question may be how and why do all the magazines come up with the same theme and even the same cover graphics.
In reality it is all the same ragazine.

Anyone walk by a magazine stand lately? It looks like the end of motor-sports.
Here's what I found out (if you believe everything you read):
1. Jeeps will be outlawed
2. Trails will close
3. Four wheeling will be banned
4. High performance will be outlawed
5. Even diesel engines will be banned

I admit I haven't read all these magazines. I know they are closing trails but it can't be as bad as they make it out to be.
A bigger question may be how and why do all the magazines come up with the same theme and even the same cover graphics.
damn, you know what it is don't you? i believe all of these have something to with the upcoming mid term elections, and trying to persuade your vote. everyone of em has something about policies that will ban or close something that people who read those magazines love. thats my crazy idea but if it is most of the laws they are saying will ban things are policies made up by democrats which is ok by me
thats my crazy idea but if it is most of the laws they are saying will ban things are policies made up by democrats which is ok by me

Cheep, i don't understand that statement.

I read a few of the magazines, namely Petersen's and Off-Road. Both of them have articles about closures that have happened recently, and come that are on the horizon. One of them is a major area near i beleive Moab, someone will correct me I am sure, where the Marine Base wants to expand their trainging ground, and take over a significant amount of acreage. There is also another area in Glamis? that is possibly doomed, because people have complained that driving on the sand causes air pollution. As is typical, a small number of uninformed, or ill-informed people can make changes that affect the masses because that is what they want, or believe, which may not always be the correct course of action.

I wonder where Baja is, he normally has something to say about these types of discussions as well.
In reality it is all the same ragazine.
I know a lot of magazines are made by the same company but I also know they each have thier own editors, writers and graphic designers. You would expect them to be able to think on their own but I guess the parent company dictates what to print right down to the graphic of the circle with the line through it.

IOPort is exactly right. Source Interlink Media makes all the magazines pictured. They make virtually all the off-road magazines and most of the automotive magazines. Check out this link for a list of their magazines:
Source Interlink
MAN talk about your doom and gloom.
But they are right, if the greenies get their way it will all be true. Just look at all that has happened in the last 40 years. :eek:
Yeh but can the Greenies block a herd of thundering Jeeps crashing their territory.It didn't work in Colorado a few years back when over a 100 handicap people showed up when they tried it.They drove right thru the Greenies signs and got the area opened back up.
no no no, i'm not ok with the policies, what i am saying is that the articles are leaning against the current administration (democrats and liberal green weenies) and their policies of banning and closing things. which in my view makes them even worse as it would anyone who loves wheeling and enjoying the outdoors in their jeeps and other 4x4 vehicles. crisis averted, bad misunderstanding. there have been alot of places around here that i used to "play" at in high school, that are closed for no reason. i mean look at tellico that used to be the major place to go on the east coast and now its gone, it pisses me off.
P.E.T.A. farted, & it went up my nose.
My fault for breathing?
Geez. Gimme a hotdog.
I just didn't understand your comment is all, Cheep. It boils down to people not being informed, people not following the rules and screwing it up for others, and the biggest whiners with the most unrealistic storeies getting their way. Mainly 'cause we are too busy enjoying ourselves, and not chasing others down, trying to force our worldly views on them, regardless of what they want.
Sorry, not relevant other than some greenies are affiliated with P.E.T.A. & visaversa. Not all i suppose.
haha i like that comment, and i may only be 17 but i will gladly take my anti-greeni weeney jeep anywhere to keep trails from being shut down. If people think they can shut big jeep trails down out in the middle of the desert or in the middle of the woods where nobody knows whats goin on except for the people there im sorry they just gona have to quit drivin their hummers and livin in their 5000 sq. ft. houses and then maybe ill consider being a little more earth friendly.
While I agree it is overkill for all these mags to have the same articles and it is surely timed for the elections, I don't agree we should ignore it.

Anyone who doesn't think they can and will close down wheeling needs to take their head out of the sand and look around.

Tellico and Paragon are but two examples of how we can lose wheeling spots.
The Marines are trying to take over Johnson Valley in CA, where the Hammers are (Home of the King of the Hammers race every Feb.) The Chili Run in NM is in danger of losing the trails it runs on annually as well.

As for the statements, like who cares if they close it, I will go anyway and they won't catch me, hopefully that is a joke. Part of the reason we are losing legal wheeling spots is the people who wheel illegally under the guise, "It's okay, I've always done it and never been caught."

The Omibus bill is aimed at closing a lot of Moab, and other areas in UT and the surrounding states.

The way to beat this is to keep after your elected officials, no matter their party affiliation, and let them know Public Lands belong to all of us.
I started 4 wheeling in 73 and we had all kinds of places we could go, but the trespassers and slobs got most of the private land shut down to those of us that had permission to be there.
Now the greenies or what ever you want to call them are sueing to get land shut down. They have gotten the EPA to shut a few private parks down around here in just the last 5 years. They have also already closed a lot of the Daniel Boone forest and are working on getting the rest closed as I write this.
If we don't fight back we will loose it all.
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I agree, we have to fight for what we want. I do think we need to fight with in the law, otherwise we are the losers that trashed out the trails we used to have and lost.
Remember this; Most of the time the "Greenies" want the same things we do. We have to be a partner rather than a problem. With that said, telling then to bite your back side is not going to make a lot of points. Don't show off out favorite pass time by forging new trails across the desert or leaving beer cans to mark your trail across the mountains. It may be a good time to rethink your stance on running straight headers and removing your emissions system. some where along the line you are part of the problem or part of the solution.
If this is our responsibility, we best get responsible.:cool:
Well said IO. I'm not one of the extreme off-road, rock climbing, mud bogging, test the limits 4 wheelers, but I respect their right to enjoy what they do, in the appropriate places. I'm more of a backroads wanderer who just likes to get out there and enjoy the countryside. The problem seems to be that a few idiots don't know the difference, and we all suffer from their ignorance. Maybe not the best example, but last spring we were driving the backroads in Big Bend National Park. Most of these roads are in the high desert - a hostile environment, but at the same time very fragile. On one section of road, bikers had left the roadway to cut donuts in a desert flat. On another, tracks from a 4x4 were etched in a steep slope that went nowhere, because, apparently, someone couldn't resist the temptation to see if they could climb it. Both were probably a lot of fun at the time, but the scars will be there for many years as witness to the lack of responsibility of a few. As the venerable Pogo said, "We have met the enemy, and he is us".
The Greenies are not going away, just like the animal rights folks are not going away. I don't like everybody, and not everyone likes me. That's ok with me. I will tolerate most folks, because I expect them to tolerate me. I like veggies with my meat, @ 62 I need some veggies, just not all veggies. For the most part the Greenies have done a better job of making their point than we have. A mind-set of 'they can do that' will cause more grief than cure. Generally speaking they have approached the issues in more of a professional manner. If you are complaining and are not a member of BRC, Tread Lightly, or other such organizations of our sport/hobby, shame on you. Kind of like complaining about the framer with a full mouth of food, or being 40lbs overweight. Get involved!

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