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This weather is not funny!

This weather is not funny!


Central FL
'72 CJ5, 401, T18, D20, D44, D30
'82 CJ8, 258, D300, AMC20, D30
All right you dang Canadians! You can have your cold back. I have had enough! South GA is not supposed to EVER drop below freezing, let alone to 17F!

You can have your cold air back and I promise not to ask for any ever again... I learned my lesson... :)

Anyone else ready to send this little bit of 'cool' air back to our Norther neighbors? I bet a few of you are!

As for those of you who are north of me, I bow to your durability - I don't know if I could handle more cold! :notworthy: :notworthy:
It definitely sucks...suppose to get into the single digits tonight....heat pump and emergency heating strips are working overtime...the little wheel on the electrical meter is spinning like crazy. :mad:
I live in Delaware and when I woke up my thermometer read 11.4 F. I used to work with the Canadian who brought this cold with him. Don't worry, I left him a voicemail.
Ever been to Ohio? We're about an hour (south) from Lake Erie and the past 2 days have been well below zero. Yesterday it was almost -14 here in Akron and today another wonderful -4! Spring can come ANY time now.
-15 here this morning, never got above 4 yesterday. Still not too bad though. What the hell, It won't last.:D
Grrrrr.... Looks like the gerbils in the wheel at my power company can't keep up with the demand in my little town... I've been without power for the last hour... LOL - At least my UPS on my cable modem is functioning so I can surf! :D
its been 40 to 50 the last 3 days here in AK:banana:
yep and i've been driving into the worst of it for 2 days...at least i'll be in a permanent hotel tomorrow night instead of driving thru this :dung:. at least we've missed most of the snow.
I had a close call the other night. Lucky the dithces by us aren't real deep! I was driving home. My husband was with me. We went to make a turn and next thing i knew the wheel just kept spinning and we were headed for a truck. For once i have to thank god i don't have ABS. I slammed on the brakes cuz i knew it would pull the jeep the other way. Well we dodged the truck and was finally free and clear..and also in a ditch. So i open the hood and behold my steering shaft was completely off! Lucky me.
All right you dang Canadians! You can have your cold back. I have had enough! South GA is not supposed to EVER drop below freezing, let alone to 17F!

How would you like to try putting a negative sign on that number? It got really cold for a couple nights here (read: -20F), so we put a heat lamp in the chicken coop. With only seven of them in there, they can't stay as warm as they'd like all the time.
How would you like to try putting a negative sign on that number?
To tell the truth... Not really... But your in Vermont! Your supposed to get cold. :laugh:
I might as well be in Floriduh! I'm only 30 minutes north of the border... I's not supposed to get this cold. I think it is the rules some where... :D
All right! The rules have been broken once again and I'm not one bit happy! :mad: It's going to be 24F or so when I awake tomorrow and by my calculations that is at least 40F or so below what I consider acceptable... :D

Would those who are 'borrowing' my warmth please return it? I promise not to prosecute... :rolleyes:
I see that someone has been playing with the southern thermostat again... :( It was below thirty when I woke this morning and it supposed to drop down into the teens again tonight (depending on who's weather prediction you use). I'm not sure who keeps borrowing my heat but enough is enough... Please return it!

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter...
We got about 2" of snow today. My kids school closed for 2". Come on! I have been on vacation for 10 days. Today was my last day. I got stuck in the house with 5 kids. I love them, but I just wanted one last peaceful, quiet day!:bang:
Resurrecting an old thread again...

Dudes and Dudettes! It's October and today the high is going to be 54! Ummm... I want global warming NOW!

Thank you very much! :)
Yea... But you don't live just above the equator! :laugh: You deserve the :dung: you get! LMAO! :)

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