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Using POR-15...

Using POR-15...


Port Royal, SC
1984 CJ7, 2008 JK Unlimited
So, I am coming to finish line with my CJ7 build (I plan to make a thread with plenty of pics) and I just wanted to let everyone know that POR-15 (just like they advertise) does NOT come off of your skin when it is dry. It will laugh at your feeble attempts to remove it from your skin with gojo and paint thinner. Needless to say, I look like a leopard and will be going to Lowes tomorrow to buy a face shield and possibly a latex body suit if I can find one. Hopefully this stuff comes off by Tuesday when I go back to work. FML.
:laugh::laugh: LOL I think I still have some on my fingers from a few years ago
I gather that stuff works well for covering rust, yes?
Been there done that! Even petroleum jelly would not touch it!

I'm always getting paint on my hands, I know I should be wearing gloves, but I rarely do.
I've never used Por-15, but I can say that Color-Place rust control spary paint sticks to skin pretty well....

It's OK to use rubber gloves with POR. If your buddy giggle, accidentally get some on them and they will shut up. :D

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