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what color!!!! i need a painters help

what color!!!! i need a painters help


1980 cj5 golden eagle All stock at the moment.
Hey I have a 79 CJ5 i am starting a restore project and trying to get everything in order so i can have things ordered and ready. The body on the jeep is in really good cond. except for one spot i am gonna to get fixed. my question is.. i have chosen 3 colors i have atached the pictures on here.. the colors are like a maroon, blue, and orange and i like them in that order.. but as i have read in other fourms yall know more about paint than i do.. in yalls opinion out of the colors maroon & blue do you think that it is going to show flaws in the body to bad... also i found those pics on yahoo.. can anyone give me a good web site that i can posibally find those colors OR if any of yall know of any color schems that would be close please let me know...
i dont know but i have always thought blue was such a distracting color you wouldn't notice flaws.
I have a maroon '77 CJ7 and I love the color. When I have it repainted I'm sticking with it. I don't think it shows scratches and flaws that much, but Blue is probably your best bet. Unless you just want the better color...then you'll go with maroon! :)
In my opinion the brighter the color the less the flaws show...

Think of looking into a chrome piece: when the sun is shinning off it, its hard to tell the bumper is bent... Same idea, although obviously less drastic.

I would say the Orange would be the brightest / most covering...

But, while all the above is noted, I'm going with a darker red on mine... :cool:

I guess it's really all up to your preference. :chug:
In my opinion the brighter the color the less the flaws show...

Think of looking into a chrome piece: when the sun is shinning off it, its hard to tell the bumper is bent... Same idea, although obviously less drastic.

I would say the Orange would be the brightest / most covering...

But, while all the above is noted, I'm going with a darker red on mine... :cool:

I guess it's really all up to your preference. :chug:

its not about how light the color is its about how contrasty it is. Its hard to see a bend in chrome because chrome naturally reflects alot of dark and light colors. Its hard to see a reflection in yellow paint so therefore you will notice the actual paint more. If you have a dark glossy blue your going to see alot of reflection off the jeep and the reflections distract you from seeing the flaws in the paint. Think... if you have a black glossy jeep parked in the woods, finding a scratch would be like finding a needle in the woods. Blue changes color. If you have a curvy fender the whole fender isnt the same shade blue, its dark blue and light blue depending on the curves. This makes dents in the fender hard to see and you wont notice scratches because your amazed at the pretty blue. Then if you add glossy metallic blue.. now your talking!

Sorry for rambling on about nothing... im bored :D
its not about how light the color is its about how contrasty it is.

That actually sounds more realistic than mine... I'm not much of an expert, I think i was thinking this and typing something different :notworthy:

Then if you add glossy metallic blue.. now your talking!

Want to paint mine to match my boat... :cool: Then I'll be Rollin' in style!

Cheers! :chug:
IM a painter or am when I can get the work haha.
The lighter the color the easier it is to hide bad bodywork/flaws. Dark colors you see every spec or scratch. Thats why its so hard to paint a car black and make it look 100%.

I wanted to add this. When buying paint online what you see on your computer monitor is one thing.
The color chips will be set to your monitors color settings.
I have ordered paint online and without an actual color code# for the supplier to match up you will see differences in the color.
I am putting that jobber paint on my CJ7 from TCP Global. Its dark moss green and its very very dark compared to the paint chip online.
The bad thing for me is I have to iron out some very bad body work just to make it look okay.
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JR74CJ5.. your boat is gorgeous.

OK LETS SOLVE THIS ISSUE. Just pack on some bondo and a cammo wrap on it an call it a day :laugh:
lol this convo could probally go on for years lol but yall all helped me out... i think i am gonna stick with the matlic blue and the jeep i bought only has one rust spot one the whole jeep really and its right under the door and i am gonna have it fixed.. but i did come out good on the body for what i gave for the jeep... and yes i think you should paint your jeep to match your boat that would be an awsome pair... oh and i am glad you told me bout the color chip on the comp i didnt think about that.. i will get with my wifes father and pick out a color chip he ownes his own body shop.. oh and that paint you ordered is it a fairly thick paint.. cause i painted a 53 chevy a while back with a paint he brought me and it was awfull way to thin i guess it was just cheap paint.. and yea i thought about doing the camo wrap but i think the body on the jeep is too good to cover up... and i cant do it on the next one i fix up cause i have to paint the next one white and hot pink for the wife... ugh a pink jeep ;"(
:laugh: X 2 on the pink comment...

channing Post us some pics when the painting is done! :cool:

Thanks for the coodo's on the boat Guy's! I got it from my grandfather (he was going to donate it...) but i grew up skiing behind it and knew i could bring it back to living! :rolleyes:

It's an old 72 Marlin, did everything on it myself. Hoping this jeep of mine will come out as good... :cool:

Still got many posts to read, and money to spend and :booze: to do...

Cheers All :chug:
Not sure if you were asking me about the thin paint?
I learned this the hard way. I learned to paint on the old Binks #7 guns, siphon feed. Lots of these newer single stage paints will say its for the HVLP gravity type guns.
I shot a firewall once using the thinner type paint in a siphon gun and it was running off the firewall dripping. I couldnt figure out what was going on.
Then it came to me and I kept saying you old dumbass and broke down and bought some new guns. The thin paint for those guns looks like milk instead of paint but it works fine with the proper equipment.
Oh yea i will post before and after picks.. it will be a while because of the the way i work i work 28days at work and 14 days home... i hope to soon get more time at the house... but pics will be posted.... yea i know how you feel on the paint dripping... yea i am using one of the gravvity fed guns its my paw in laws its a kinda expensive gun it was about 600 dollars 5 years ago and with the right paint it sprays beautiful.. i never sprayed one of the other type of guns but i may try one...
Take Oldc7 advice. Light colors hide much better
.....but i grew up skiing behind it and knew i could bring it back to living!.................Hoping this jeep of mine will come out as good... :cool:

I'd be careful skiing behind the CJ - might get water in the distributor....:poke:
I'd be careful skiing behind the CJ - might get water in the distributor....:poke:

lol Shum8 you brought back a really old thread.... I like blue tho :rolleyes:
Yeah, well - it's late and I wasn't paying attention. I'll have more chocolate pie as penance. [emoji16]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I've been skiing behind this old girl since 1974! And i was born 10 years later! :eek:

I've got a sealed distributor! 🍻

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