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Where were you CJ???

Where were you CJ???


Active Jeeper
Outer Banks, NC
Waited all morning for CJ to show up....I was positive he wouldn't be able to resist a 7 hour drive just to help me replace the valve cover gasket on my gay yellow German car. For those who haven't had the luxury of working on German engineering, let me tell you...it's a good way to help gain an appreciation for American made motors. I grew up with knowing that most valve covers used a handful of bolts to secure, a half a can of beer and about 10 minutes of your time to remove and then replace. BMW has seen fit to make this happy go lucky 10 minute job turn into 3 hours of scratching your head and wondering why they need 15 bolts to secure a valve cover along with another dozen or so bolts to hold the coil packs, a few more bolts for various grounding wires, several very strange wire harness clips that threaten to shatter as force is applied and of course, the one bolt in the very back that takes a twistomatic wrist and two long fingers to reach (I counted 5 cramps received as this bolt was taken out). Once valve cover is off, it's soon discovered that it's really not the cover gasket that leaks...it's the round little gaskets that go around each spark plug hole...they leak and they seem quite happy to do so. Leaking spark plug hole gaskets also tend to cause heaps of dripping oil that eventually makes it's way to the exhaust headers where lots and lots of funny smelling smoke is produced. Anyway...leaks have been stopped if only for the moment. If anyone here finds themselves turning 50 and decides to regain some lost youth by buying a 10 year old sports car, I am now well versed in gasket replacement, seat cable repairs, diff changes, soft top pondering, brake switch cussing, climate control computer destruction (ask CJ about that one...and don't ask me about soldering), getting my doors blown off by super charged Mustangs and explaining to people that yellow is not a gay color.:cool:
Sorry Sham! :( I'll try harder to be there next time!

I don't envy you at all having to that on the M3. Working on that SBC in the FJ is a whole lot easier, isn't it? :)

Any BTW - In a 1/4 there are very few cars that will out run those supercharged mustangs, they couldn't hold a candle to you on the twisties though! :notworthy:
Can I cuss here? Stupid car is still leaking....(insert cuss word here) :mad:. Pulled valve cover again and then went heavy on the high temp sealant....and it's still leaking (more cuss words go right about here). From under car I can see the oil dripping along the O2 sensors wire clip...right till the point it drips on to the hot exhaust (cuss, cuss, cuss). The origins of the leak are in a spot at the back of the motor thats totally impossible to view...unless the motor is out of course. Figured I'd be smart and bend the stupid wire clip over to a spot where the drip misses the exhaust...and it worked...except for the part where I suddenly got a check engine light and my code reader now shows 4 (cuss word) O2 sensor related codes. Must have pinched the stupid wires. Check those and they're ok...:confused:...clear codes from engine and all seems good...but wait...the ASC light just came on...and so did my airbag light. The airbag light is a no brainer related to the seat belt buckle...it goes off about once a month...strange thing though is it only goes off when I buckle the seat belt and I haven't even touched the seat or the seat belt in two days.:confused: As far as the ASC stuff....it's way over on the other side of the motor...never even got near that mystery box...why the hell is that light on??? I take a deep breath, clear airbag light....see my wifes cat giving me the evil eye...throw small rock at cat...miss....start car and now all is well again...except for that pesky oil leak.:mad:
Man - that really sucks... I hate oil leaks! That M3 is a nice car. So, what are you going to do? :)
Oil leak is fixed and I've placed a voodoo curse on all the supposid BMW experts that claimed up and down, backwards and forwards, that any leak coming from the area in question...was the result of a bad valve cover gasket. There's a treaded plug on the backside of the head...impossible to see and only touchable by the tip of one finger (guess which one). That plug was loose. Plug is now tight and mighty gay yellow car is once again leak free.:chug:
Damn glad to hear you have it fixed. I was worried about my favorite Beamer!

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