Who owns what year?

Who owns what year?
With the 61 model I think the seats and frame/mounts are a unit and not easilly replaced if so. Early CJ's have seat issues and a picture would help.
Prob a good idea to post and ask in the appropriate area, your responce will be beter too.:)
1986 CJ7 Laredo , AMC 258 i6 / 4.2l , 5 speed. My brother sold it to me for $800:D. I thought it was a great deal. He said it didn't run right after the carb was rebuilt, even with my Limited mechanical skills it didn't seem to me that much could be wrong, SO I bought it. Changed all of the vacuum hoses. Guess what it started, that is after spraying started fluid in it. It seems to run great especially after sitting for 6 years in WA state. I will post pic when my computer gets over its tantrum and lets me load them:bang:.
I am of the younger generation but I am Christion based and farm raised. There are 6 generations of my family with in a 10 mile radious of my home and yes I mean home not house. This is where I was raised and were I'll die unless my country askes me to go to war and die for it. Morels are dieing becouse home is dieing. I may be sharpe as a marble but I know my maners and and respect my fellow man,woman and elder's. It isn't dead just harder to find in the crouded metro. Out here we still have it come on out if you don't understand and we can learn you some maners real quick. 1. GOD, 2. FAMILY, 3. COUNTRY I'll gladley Die for them and for you but I will live on through my children and theres. I was tought "Respect can not be learned purchest or aquired it can only be erned." But I believe there is a sertin amount of respect that should be given to everyone Just becouse they are human.

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