Willys Wagon part II

Willys Wagon part II
Also, the sun plays deadly tricks on the plastic they used back then. The window crank nob looked great. I grabbed it to try the windows and it turned to dust in my hand. :( I see where the handles are available, but other than the nob the handle is in great condition. Maybe I can make new nobs ..... maybe a drilled and glued ball of some kind ..... Hmmmmm maybe a kitchen drawer pull. I bet one of those will work.

McMaster has all kinds of black plastic knobs for woodworking jigs... so do woodworking stores. Might look more original than a cabinet knob. Do a search for knobs when you get there.


On a side note... I just upload pictures from my computer. Scroll down on a new post and click the "Manage Attachments" button. Then "Browse" to your picture and upload.
Did the upload thing, nothing seemed to happen, The pictures might be to big...

The knobs are available and are ordered and on the way. ... Except for the door handles. I think I can very closely match the shape and color of the original knob/handle. The door handles are actually inexpensive enough, this will be mostly for fun, if it all falls apart I know where to get them.

Edit: Hey look at that the images DID load. They are sideways because the original owner took the pictures. I did rotate them, but evidently it didn't stick during the upload.

Due to some urging from a "Keep the patina" enthusiast I've been working with the paint. Buffing it out and putting a shine on it. The jury is still out on keeping the paint, but I am beginning to like it a little more all the time.


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Some more pictures. The seats are better than they look and they look good. I expected a cracking mess. No they are nice and soft, they are even comfortable. Nice unmolested engine compartment with a tiny 4 cylinder engine living in there.


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Does/can the engine turn over?
It turns freely. Right now the cylinders are cooking in a nice Marvel Mystery Oil bath. The carbonator is out and going to a rebuild shop this afternoon. A new fuel pump is on it's way. Most of what you are seeing is not rust, it's dirt and dust. I found a little book in the glove compartment that chronicles all the fuel, mileage, odometer readings, a rebuild and the life of the Wagon starting in 1958. Right now it has ~78,000 miles on it, back in 1959 it had 60,000 miles. This corresponds with what I know about it. She sat for a very long time in a storage shed. The family said the old girl was much loved for it's entire civilian life.

I don't mind saying, this is a far different wrenching experience from working on a V8. :)

One more thing. I mentioned that it has a water tank under the floors that is meant to be pressurized to spray water. This morning I put some water in her, shot in 20 lbs of air and by the grace of god it works like a charm. Frankly I'm amazed at how well it works.
HH I like the old patina and the seats do look good ! You have a very nice looking wagon.
It is a great starting point, that is for sure. The paint is drawing me in. The only part that bothers me is the passenger door. The paint is pealed down to the metal, not good. If I can figure a way to protect the paint without seriously altering the feel of the patina I think I'll keep it the way it is .... well the way it is shinned up and waxed. The polisher is actually finding some shinny paint down under all the sun baked paint dust.

Errrrr! Just found out the carburetor is not stock and they are almost impossible to find. New rebuilt ones can be purchased, but there is a strict core return required on all of them. It has an adapted VW carb on it right now. I guess they work well enough ... as long as they work at all.
I’m think I have a YF sitting in my parts bin.
Posi - What would you need to ask for your YF? For my Wagon to be correct I need one.
You mean for the “almost impossible to find stock carb”? :)
How bout free, would that work?
However, I’m not 100 percent sure I have one, and if I do, I’m certain it will need a rebuild.
Hopefully I have a chance to look for it tomorrow after work.
Heading to Indy early on Friday so the latest would be Monday for sure.
YEA Posi to the rescue. I'll pay for the shipping.
As the old saying goes, beggars can't be choosers. No matter what I would automatically rebuild or at least freshen up a used carb. Of course I'll pay shipping. If you can find it let me know how you'd like to proceed. I'm not picky, but if you prefer we can go to Private Messaging. Your Carb would help in many ways.

The carb I've got was rebuild and flow tested yesterday at a professional rebuilder shop. So, I've got a carb, but I've heard the commonly adapted VW carb is finicky on the F head Willys motor. Essentially they either work or they don't work. The proper carb is far more reliable.
She's mostly scrubbed and buffed clean. There's still some shine down under all that sun baked paint dust. The jury is still out on leaving the paint as is, it's all about the patina these days. Unfortunately its a rattle can paint job and the passenger door has some paint loss all the way down to the metal. If I paint it the paint will be Ivory/tan on top (top, hood, top 1/4 of the body) with forest green bottom. Always liked that paint scheme.


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How about a close up picture of that license plate on the front
That is a historic plate from ADOT. It's a 1977 plate. I really like it and wanted to have it transferred. They are made of Copper, Arizona = The Copper State. The plate can be cleaned up to look like a new copper penny. In themselves they are very cool. Unfortunately there is a yearly fee for a specialty plate and I simply can't abide wasting money on what essentially is a vanity plate. The plates will go on my wall.
Wiring ..... Painless makes a decent wiring harness, but it doesn't hold a candle to the harness Walck's 4 Wheel Drive sells for the Willys Wagon. For less money the harness is smooth, the ends are terminated and the instructions are specific. I'm EXTRELEMLY impressed.
Yes, I have a YF carb.
PM me your address and I’ll send it out
I’m leaving for Canada tomorrow so I’ll get it in the mail sometime next week.
After replacing a few things and cutting off all power to the rest of the Wagon (no gas, no spark plugs) the starter was engaged. Amazing, she turned over like a new engine. Compression was mostly better than expected.

+ = a little more, - = a little less
#1 = +137lbs .... pleased
#2 = - 137lbs .... pleased
#3 = -120lbs .... OOPS
#4 = -136lbs .... pleased

She has been sitting for a long time, I'm hoping #3 will come back. Most of the numbers are great, even #3 is well within acceptable levels, except the 12.4% difference. Everything should be within 10% so even the low cylinder is close.

Is there any secret concoction that can be dumped in #3 to loosen up it's rings. When I got the Wagon the plugs got pulled and Marvelous Mystery Oil was put in each cylinder to loosen everything up.

At this point I'm going to run the old gal as is and check everything again in 500 miles or so.


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Did I mention the WATER tank .....


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