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Wiring nightmare inside!

Wiring nightmare inside!


West Texas
1973 CJ5 stock 304
in need of rewire
I have a 73 CJ5 that is wired for just a push button start up but doesnt seem to charge the battery.
Bellow is what's wired and it starts and runs but doesnt seem to charge. Is this correct or am I missing somthing?
Sorry for the paint diagrams but thought wording it would be confusing.
this is how i purchased the Jeep!
Elaborate on "seem" please.
Elaborate on "seem" please.
I can jump start and run for a long time and turn it off, and if I fire it up just after i turn it off it will fire. Now if I wait it drains off and I then have to jump it again.

Now there is no other wires in the entire jeep other then what is shown so nothing I know of could be draining this other then it just not charging.
When you turn it off, remove the Red battery cable and see if it sparks when you brake contact. The way you are talking is sounds like it is draining off while it sets. if you leave the battery unhooked for a while as it is not running/charging or causing any drain on the battery, will it still fail to start after it cools down??:cool:
Try starting it, disconnect the battery and see if it keeps running. If it does, then your ALT. is putting out. If it dies when you disconnect the Batt. then you got a prob.
Look into the alternator connection.

Not sure what kind of alternator you're running but I sure like the 1-wire alternator for keeping it simple.
this is kind of hard on the voltage regulator, if you do it just do it for a couple of seconds.

Try starting it, disconnect the battery and see if it keeps running. If it does, then your ALT. is putting out. If it dies when you disconnect the Batt. then you got a prob.
Also, might want to pick up a little cheapo hydrometer and check the cells on the battery. One bad cell can drain the whole battery.
The battery is new and as for unhooking the red terminal it does stay on after it's removed. For some reason after a few cranks and a day or two later it slowly gives out and dies.
The battery is new and as for unhooking the red terminal it does stay on after it's removed. For some reason after a few cranks and a day or two later it slowly gives out and dies.
Could you have made a mistake on your diagram? You show the blue alt, red coil, and black starter all on the same terminal. This terminal can't do both things. The blue and red wires would be hot all of the time in RUN. The black starter wire will crank the starter when it is hot, which would only be when you push the START button. No big deal. You said it runs with the positive cable unhooked? That should indicate the alternator puts out when running. If so, With the engine not running, the kill switch OFF, unhook the positive cable. Hook a test light in between the positive battery post and the positive battery cable end. If it lights up or even just glows a little, it indicates that you have a parasitic drain on the battery when the Jeep is just sitting. While the test light is still glowing, unhook wires, one at a time and see which one makes the light go out. That will be the circuit that is draining the battery. My guess would be to try the alternator first.

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