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Would you swap wide trac axles for narrow track?

Would you swap wide trac axles for narrow track?


E. Tenn
1984 CJ7 258 w/T176
Silly question, but I don't want to spend $1000-1200 to change my ratio from 2.73 to anything else on my 84 front/rear wide trac axles. I found a set of nice 81 model narrow trac axles with 3.54 Limited slip on the model 20 with solid shafts and both axles complete from hub to hub for $250 almost in my backyard.

Would you sacrifice the 4" width in this situation?

I am running stock suspension now with 30 x 9.50's now and planning on one day to run 33's with 4 in lift. I also have swapping the AMC 258 i6 / 4.2l for the AMC 304 currently so everthing should come together within 6 mo or so.

Wide track will swap into narrow applications so I don’t see why the reverse won’t work. Wheel setbacks may need to be looked at.
Depends on what your going to do with this jeep.
I will be driving it every day to work until I find a truck that I like, then it will be my 2nd vehicle.
The NT axles sound like a deal for now, but when you go to 33's they will probally hit your front springs, and you will be wishing you had something like 4:10 gears instead of the 3:54 gears.
Just my 2 cents.
I wouldn't do it I think the wide trac dive so much better on the road. When I had my CJ5 it seamed that on the road you have gruves where every body drives and with the narrow trac its wont run in both so you are fighting it as it jumping back and forth between the two.It was great off road but on the street it was a real hand full. I love the wide trac much better road manners.
one pc shafts for the AMC are $250 by themselves
so the price for matched 3.54 axles at $250 and not ship is decent.
My vote do it will run way better than 2.73 and you will save gas also.

I ran 3.54 gears with a road 3 sp and 33 tires and got in the low 20 s for mpg hwy. I changed to 3.73 with some damge to ft ring gear and the desire for locks Ft & R. I did not jump to 4.1 becaue I have a granny low wide ratio Transmission 6.32 1st AND did not want to give up my HWY mileage. Very driveable.

Some guys have used the narrow tracks with with wheel spacers for both ends ft & r. This will give you the wide track stance with the narrow track. Search wheel spacers for use with CJ Narrow tracks to equal the wide tracks. Then keep your eyes open for wide tracks, with Dana 44 , lockers, 4 wheel disks, and they stuff you would dream of in your area. When a jeeper takes his small stuff out to go to big tires you might fall into a great deal before you do your 4" springs and do it all at once again.... Then sell your narrow tracks to another or keep for next proj.

I run narrow tracks for 1978 and I want trail use and the narrow stance will allow me in smaller places.

JUst another opinion on the internet

shock towers are different for wide/narrow tracks

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