Your vehicles nicknames

Your vehicles nicknames


Senior Jeeper
clayton, DE
78 CJ7
Cj gave me an idea for a new thread. He said he had a green amc hornet he used to call the "Green Limosine" . My wife used to borrow her mom's Taurus to go cruising when hers car was in the shop. She used to call it the "phatty taurus". I used to call my monte carlo ss the "monty carslow"(it had the 305). What nicknames did you have for your vehicles? My old stock wrangler was "The unstuckable"(sarcasm, it was always stuck).
LOL - Yep, 1976 AMC hornet station wagon painted factory 'Lime Fire Green'. It even had metal flake in it...

I inherited it when I was in high school and when I wasn't driving the CJ (broken) I was in the 'Green Limousine!' It had a AMC 258 i6 / 4.2l in it and could fit 6 partying and slightly inebriated teenagers or 15 or so very drunk ones (not recommended).

I was always the designated driver to the concert of the week!

Man, that thing just wouldn't die. I was driving home from work one night, saw some water coming out from under the hood and the temp gauge started to rise... Did I stop? Heck no! When I got home, it wouldn't turn off. It just kept dieseling forever! I had to stop the car by placing a rag over the carb throat.

The next day I looked under the hood. It got so hot it actually melted the spark plug wires!!! :laugh: Well, I replaced them as well as the split hose and I'll be damned if I didn't drive that beast for many more years!

CJ 's ride - the bad 'Green Limousine!'
A lot of people give their truck nick names, like mine all my buddy's call the "THE BEAST". And my 86 Carprice Classic, is the "BOMBER BLUE". Lets hear some of your nicknames for your vehicle!
Well....being such an old guy, I call mine Nellie Belle.

Anyone know where I got it from?

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HAHAHAHA.......That's it! WOAHHHHHHHHHH NELLE BELLE!!!!! I used to park my narrow butt right in front of the ol Zenith every saturday and watch Roy Rogers. I was pretty young, and I believe the shows were re runs, but I still remember Nellie Belle!

Thanks for that link! What a hoot to see that old Jeep again. The toy page was great!
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FJ40 is called Yoda or Toylet (real friggin original). BMW M3 is called The Gay Yellow Car. Wifes Audi I call Gloopy Lada (she's originally from Russia and finds my remarks insensitive). Crew Cab Chevy has been dubbed the Mighty Beach Pig in honor of my long ago rusted away Suburban. Currently looking at Wagoneers which should I find one, will probably get called Piglet.
My kids name my 69cj for me they are 24 and 27 they named Him WALL-E
when I painted him yellow the name stuck. They said it looked like something that was dug out of the trash can and it was. lol but look at him now.
My F-AMC 150 is called perty girl. I call my spouses truck "his truck.'

I had a '85 Monte Carlo when I was 19. Poor thing. I was hard on that car. Anyway, she was my beast.

You know what, I have named every vehicle I have ever had. The list is forever long.
I am going to bump this thread because I have a habit of naming almost everything I own (I have a cat named Minion, because I have always wanted a personal minion. . . wouldn't you know it- she is the most independent cat I have ever owned. Guess thats what I get!)

My first car I bought with my own money was 91 Honda Civic, original paint was 'Cappuccino' but she was so burnt she looked ancient. Her name was 'Betty' because she was tiny, couldn't get out of her own way on the HWY, yet still had a habit of cutting in front of people in traffic, and just wouldn't die! She has 250K on her when I moved south and got my Escape in '09. Gave her to charity and now she is belongs to a girl in Alabama going to college- her first car, too!

'09 Ford Escape Limited is my traveling car- I routinely travel from the Gulf coast to New England and to make tons of stops in between. 'Elsie' is my hotel on the road- I have more then paid for her with the savings I get from in a couple hours in the back in stead of a stop at a no-tell motel. For some reason she reminded me of the cow on those tubs of butter- Elsie.

I had a '01 Nissan Frontier named FiFi that my mom picked out. I had given my mother 3 perimeters for picking me up a truck for work;

1. Small V8 or large V6 to pull a 2 horse trailer (with horses) for short distances
2. Tow package to tow said ponies
3. Extended cab

I handed her 4500. and left the country, having that day went with her to look at a F150 with all the billets ticked.

She got talked into the 4 banger Frontier that had been in a front end collision. "The salesman said it would put a horse trailer if you put a hitch on it. . ." Sigh. . . I love my momma. FiFi came about because the F150 was red- the same color as the Fire Monitors (Fifi system) on the boat I work on. On the Nissan it better represented her work ethic.

Anywho, last month I sold Fifi and purchased my '74 CJ5 from a great couple in PA. The owner had it for 21 years and was rebuilding it for his wife (they met through 4X4ing- real sweet story) but many years ago she got sick and was eventually no longer able to use a 3 speed. He hung onto it (and the 66 Kaiser he got for himself) for years before finally deciding to sell them.

I was planning to name her after the Wife in tribute to her (we were all balling when we finally pulled away with the two Jeeps on the trailer) but her name is Cathy- my sister's name and one of the few name I could not use. I decided to name her Gabby after Gabriel Gifford in stead. She has gone through some rough patches, but still looks so beautiful. (I'm also a bit of a space cadet, so I figure we would be good partners :) )

I came across some of those fake bullet hole stickers at a store the other day and though about putting one on drivers side of the hood, but they stayed on the shelf. Too soon? :)
My exwife use to call it "The Betty". She thought it got more attention then she did. And right now in life, it does :D

Nowadays I call it a lot of different things...many of which aren't post-able on a family oriented forum.
I had a '62 Buick LeSabre with a 401 big block in it that I, including my mom, called George. Don't my why, I have no idea how got that name. Called him George once why driving it and it stuck.

My CJ I el diablo. It fights me everytime I work on it so it is the devil jeep.

Everything else I have had have not had nicknames.
My 85 CJ is covered in bedliner by the previous owner. I call it the bedliner special.
I never used to name my vehicles, but my mother-in-law has named every vehicle they've ever owned, and now it's beginning to run over into our family a bit.. I only have a few named, my screen name is also the name of my 1970 Dodge Charger, Niedhogg, and has been named this for nearly 18 years now, it is from Norse mythology and is the dragon that chews on the roots of the tree of life, and destroying the earth.... I also have a white Dodge Megecab Dually that I affectionately call Moby, as it is basically the biggest truck on the planet... my son calls his '79 Cherokee Chief, Master Chief, which I believe is a movie reference to one of Robert DeNiro's characters.... and I'm still trying to come up with something clever for my CJ7 , so I will turn the task over to my mother-in-law, who will likely come up with several to choose from.. she's really good at it!
My old 76 is called "Rusty" although there is no rust, faded red paint. Always thought if you treat them like a buddy they will take care of you. Sometimes I'd like to kick my buddies behind!

I didn't say "behind" either, the mods have this auto correct thing down, pretty good guys!
Me and the wife call my CJ the mountain goat.
Wife calls the CJ7 "The POS" yet she loves to go mudding in the darn thing. lol

Sent from Tapatalk on a small phone, forgive the misspelling.
Mine used to be "old blue" but after the tub replacement he became "Al".

I think Nellie Belle planted the seed for my first CJ2B that met a terrible fate of scattering the Transfer Case all over I94. (pre CB days). I called her "POS" which were the first 3 licence plate letters.

My favorite was my mountaineer. CNC666 licence plate. CNC Devil. I used to program CNCs....

Nice bump. :chug:

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