1978 Carb Connector ???

1978 Carb Connector ???


Cj 258 1980, T176 4Speed
Please can everbody tell my where is "1" connected?? 2 goes to Vapor canister.
will someone tell me what carburetor this is??:cool:
I still don't think it looks like a Carter carb.
Maybe it is some type of Carter that was swapped in from some other make.
#1 looks like a vacuum line. But I am just guessing. Wait for someone that is more familiar with that carb.
Its not my car!!!!! Have someone a Answer for my Question????
It's not the Carter Carb that we in the United States are familiar with. It is not OEM.
Maybe someone else will recognize that carb and answer your question.
I used Photoshop to see if I could enhance the label on that carb. It looks like it says it was remanufactured in 07-15-10. If it was recently purchased you should be able to get info from the seller.
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It's not the Carter Carb that we in the United States are familiar with. It is not OEM.
Maybe someone else will recognize that carb and answer your question.
I used Photoshop to see if I could enhance the label on that carb. It looks like it says it was remanufactured in 07-15-10. If it was recently purchased you should be able to get info from the seller.

Thats deffinitive wrong the Carb is Stock!! The Car was buyed 1981 in Texas its a US Modell!!!!!! All is Stock we have the complete Emission System with Airpump Cat Evap canister and and... I buy the Carb on Rockauto for my Car AMC 258 i6 / 4.2l Ci 1978 1 BBl my old carb was completly the same as the spare part from Rockauto!!! The Car stand from 1985 in a Garage nobody works on the Car we start Restauration 10/2010.


Sorry I'm not more help. This is the Carter Carburetor I am familiar with being on a Jeep AMC 258 i6 / 4.2l

I followed your links and yes Rock Auto says that carb will work on the CJ AMC 258 i6 / 4.2l but it doesn't explicitly say it's a Carter Carburetor. It says it's from Autoline Products. They are the Company that re-manufactured it. Maybe it is some type of Carter Carb but I just don't recognize it.
Maybe someone else will chime in that could help.
yep, it's a YF.:eek:

this is what the FSM has to say.
All YF carburetors have a choke clean air tube to prevent dust or other contaminants from being brought into the choke housing. From the air horn, the clean air tube passes under the exhaust manifold and slips into the choke heater tube, and eventually enters the choke hosing.

thats pretty much all they have to say about it so now you know everything there is to know about just about everything.:cool:

The later models had the built in kanuter valve option, this must have been one of the over runs.:D
nicht ein Problem. Wenn Sie unsere Arbeit mögen, erklären Sie Ihren Freunden.:D

@IOPort51 Thats the Solution i say Thanky you very much you help me!!!

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