AH! that explains that (I was wondering about the CK myself, but didn't want to ask).
I know people that buy food stamps from those that get them thru legit channels for cash. The buyer knows the markets they can shop at without getting carded or ID'ed, so they figure they get a great deal on groceries. The seller gets cash to buy those things that food stamps can't buy. Not always good things, like food or clothes. Thats probably why CJ's girl left with an empty cart, it wasn't worth the questions that could have come up...
I used to work for a guy that would buy $50 or $100 worth of meat every couple weeks from a couple that would take orders, then go shoplift the meat from the grocery store. Did that for many years before I met him, and I am sure for years afterward. They had an entire route they worked every month.
There is a black market for everything. You just have to know who to talk to.