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~The company was called Manlove auto parts. He has a company truck that he drives home and it says Manlove all over it.:D
That is just wrong on so many different levels! :laugh:
If I drove a truck with manlove written on it I'd have to kick my own <-BAD WORD->.
I have an ace in the hole. My father-in-law works for federated auto parts. He is a car guy, and has about 30 years working for parts suppliers. We do pick on him because he worked for a company that federated bought out. The company was called Manlove auto parts. He has a company truck that he drives home and it says Manlove all over it.:D

oh my god :eek:
The Autozone here is a disaster! I went there tuesday to get new radiator hoses, and the lady came out with 2 hoses that were twice as long as they shoud be, and had about 6 bends in them:eek: No maam, those arent the ones..... Leeeeets see,,78, CJ7 , AMC 258 i6 / 4.2l ........YUP, that's what it calls for!..... No maam, their not right..... You sure about the year?...... Yes maam....... You know, sometimes those older vehicles are confusing, are you sure it's a 78?.......:rolleyes: Yes maam, It's a 1978, CJ7 , AMC 258 i6 / 4.2l -6. Those hoses arent even close. .......... OH, well, you do know you will have to trim them a little to fit properly......... Yes maam, but no ammount of trimming will make those hoses fit, I'll just get them at the dealer, but thanks so much for your time. Advance has 2 young guys there that are pretty sharp, work on their own stuff, and seem to get the whole, "just let me have that part # please" thing. I stay away when their not on duty!
Your post is exactly right... Be it Advanced, Autozone, Oreily, Napa, PepBoys or Manlove... It takes knowledgeable people to run them...
I believe it all comes down to location and training...

In our small farm town, many work on their own vehicles so all our parts stores are very good. I'm not knocking Autozone, Advanced or Oreily...

Heck DaleFan88 works there (Autozone) and we all know that he works on and understands vehicles...

Any parts store can be great if the right people are put in place. Napa just tends to cater to the professional mechanic so they tend to have the more experienced people in place. Of course Napa is usually a bit more expensive but you pay for that experience.

The other stores have a much less experienced clientell so they have to have the safe guards in place to filter out all the wrong information. If they didn't - they would be handleing returns all day long!

Not everyone who goes in to a parts store can look at a brake shoe and know if its the leading ot the trailing one... Just us Jeep people! :laugh:

its advance auto. lol i know what you guys are talking about. i see sales lost left and right. we cant get it. do you see this book right here. we have it. its all training. i deal with the garages all day. im always in the books finding parts. i think that is part of the fun. the books have every part in the store in them. we have a auto college here and those kids dont know :dung: mommy and daddy just wasted alot of money. if its not in the computer they say we cant get it. one kid we have cannt even find a fuse block in a customers car. hes been in school over a year. thats bad. sometimes people need a part and they tell me all the info and i just go get it. i have done this fo 7 years and have alot of parts in my memory.
I think CJ is right it depends on the size of the town. I work at the advance in a farm town, so I am used to guys coming in all day long with miscilanous parts that don't belong to anything and finding the right one.

My least favorite customers are the arogant guys that think all SB chevy's are the same and that they know way more than a girl. Whatever.....if they really tick me off they purposely get the wrong parts, just to teach them a lesson :D
My least favorite customers are the arogant guys that think all SB chevy's are the same and that they know way more than a girl. Whatever.....if they really tick me off they purposely get the wrong parts, just to teach them a lesson :D
Why does the movie 'My Cousin Vinnie' jump into mind after reading this? :laugh: Your not from New York are ya? :D
The two yoots......
what did you say? yoots? whats that? :laugh:
LOL - From how to check the proper charging of an alternator to a Joe Pesci movie in 5 steps!!! :laugh:
How do you test an alternator while it's in the jeep for proper operation?
To make sure it's putting out the right voltage and not over charging the battery.

Should be what 14v or something like that? Is it constant?
I swapped in a 124amp CS144 from a caddy and I know I had issues with the old battery but I want to eleminate the alternator as the cause.
Especially since I just picked up a Red top optima. $145 :eek:

A "12 volt" battery actually is 6 cells producing 2.2 volts per cell for a total of 13.2 volts when fully charged.

The easiest way to check your alternator is to do a voltage test at the battery posts,
BEFORE you start the engine, when the voltage will usually be around 12.5 to 12.9 volts.

Then again AFTER you start the engine and let it run a little bit (Recharging the battery from starting),
You will see the voltage rise to about 14.5 volts.

If your alternator produces more than 14.5 volt at any time, it's OVERCHARGING.
If you don't read any more voltage than you had before you started the engine, the alternator isn't charging...

Now, for the Delco CS alternator 'Upgrade'....
Did you use a different resistor in the 'Excite' wire to the CS alternator?

Or did you use a 'Pig Tail Adapter' that had the resistor built in?

If you DID NOT use a resistor (about 75 Ohms at 1/4 to 1/2 Watt) then your CS series alternator isn't long for this world, and it will do STRANGE THINGS while it's 'Working'...

Without the added resistance (Factory Jeep/Delco SI alternators use a 10 to 15 Ohm resistor) and you need at least 35 Ohms MINIMUM to keep the CS series alive!

75 Ohms will keep them charging at VERY LOW RPM...

SO! Get back to us with the information about the 'Adapter' and resisted 'Excite' circuit wire and we can help you better!

Swapped it out as the alt was going bad (bushing).
Put in a brand new stock alternator, and sometime the idiot light is on and it's putting out like 12+v at the battery while running. Then start it up later and the idiot light it off and the volt gauge reads 16-18v. I completely rewired the whole setup, with all new wires, fuseable links, grounds, etc. It's pissing me off.

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