best alternator for plow
I went out took apart the guage tube, blew it out , put it back on and got closer to 5 psi Then drained the oil and changed teh FRAM filter and threw on a MOBIL one.....BINGO..Back to 50 to 60 PSI
It must have picked someting up and eventually blocked itself. Thuis is the second time I have had an almost new Filter clog on me...
Thanks for teh effort guys. Remember...Always check the easy first. This happen years ago during the 2001 MD blizzard and I had replaced the oil unit in the pan twice and it came down to the filter. My dumb <-BAD WORD-> found it AFTER the storm was gone... you learn a lot when working on real Jeeps
I went out took apart the guage tube, blew it out , put it back on and got closer to 5 psi Then drained the oil and changed teh FRAM filter and threw on a MOBIL one.....BINGO..Back to 50 to 60 PSI
It must have picked someting up and eventually blocked itself. Thuis is the second time I have had an almost new Filter clog on me...
Thanks for teh effort guys. Remember...Always check the easy first. This happen years ago during the 2001 MD blizzard and I had replaced the oil unit in the pan twice and it came down to the filter. My dumb <-BAD WORD-> found it AFTER the storm was gone... you learn a lot when working on real Jeeps