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best alternator for plow

best alternator for plow
FRAM = :dung:

I went out took apart the guage tube, blew it out , put it back on and got closer to 5 psi :( Then drained the oil and changed teh FRAM filter and threw on a MOBIL one.....BINGO..Back to 50 to 60 PSI :chug:
It must have picked someting up and eventually blocked itself. Thuis is the second time I have had an almost new Filter clog on me...

Thanks for teh effort guys. Remember...Always check the easy :dung: first. This happen years ago during the 2001 MD blizzard and I had replaced the oil unit in the pan twice and it came down to the filter. My dumb <-BAD WORD-> found it AFTER the storm was gone...:mad::mad: you learn a lot when working on real Jeeps :D
Re: sealed alternator, I would guess you are talking about the C.E. Niehoff alternator, they are brush less, very well designed, and very expensive, but they are not sealed. It cant be done, there is so much heat generated that it would burn its self up in minutes, take the external fan off your alternator and fire it up, you will see what I am talking about.

You need to sharpen the pen on ohms law, that is what I am using. At 13 volts with lets say 5 watt bulb, ohms law tells us we will have .38 amps. At 16 volts ohms law tells us we have .31 amps, as you know amps = heat. We rarely see older vehicles running too much voltage and we frequently see voltage that is too low.

The fact is voltage is the key, why do you think car makers are working toward 42 volts systems? Everything will be electric; cam, lifters, and push rods will all be gone, you will have solenoids driving the valves and the flywheel, starter, and alternator will be one unit. If they were to try all this amp load at 12 volt they would need a couple of 200 amp alternators, however at 42 volt a single alternator will handle it. The scientific fact is amps go down when volts go up. You can check the numbers on our calculator here.

Again dual batteries are a band-aid, they will get you by, but it is not the best way to go.
simply put, e/i times r, and p/ i times e, change one varible and the others have to change. because of what we know as resistance, the hogher the voltage the more efficent the system is. Our 12 volt system. while such greater than the past 6 volt system is a really stupid system compared to the electrical draw of a modern engine, and with the technology they want to inact to future cars, we need to go with a higher voltage system. I beleive if we get away from wet cell batteries and go with modern battery technology we could easily. do this. Lithion Ion tech in cordless tools shows us the potential of battery technology
simply put, e/i times r, and p/ i times e, change one varible and the others have to change. because of what we know as resistance, the hogher the voltage the more efficent the system is. Our 12 volt system. while such greater than the past 6 volt system is a really stupid system compared to the electrical draw of a modern engine, and with the technology they want to inact to future cars, we need to go with a higher voltage system. I beleive if we get away from wet cell batteries and go with modern battery technology we could easily. do this. Lithion Ion tech in cordless tools shows us the potential of battery technology/QUOTE]


1) alternators don’t do very well at charging L-ion batteries, Rush Power Systems sells alternators, which makes Darren money, which allows Darren’s wife to spend money, which allows people to have jobs and buy things like alternators. So don’t screw with the circle of life simba!

2) the only truly effective way to make L-ion batteries work is a full electric vehicle or at least a 90% battery vehicle and we are years if not decades away from it working correctly, keep in mind when you buy a car, you become the R&D department. In the late 80's the government bought into the junk science of global warming and forced emissions standard that we did not have the technology to obtain, the result was POS first generation computer systems.

Today they are doing the same thing, I made the point that in the early days of air bags that people would die from them and they mysteriously stopped working on all my family and friends vehicles, today we have the technology to make them work right. A few years ago I went on record with this statement, "drive by wire systems and hybrid vehicles are death traps and they will have a lot of problems with them", I don’t and will not own one. The fact is with the load required we will need to do this in AC, like the electric / hybrids are doing, but what do you think is going to happen when you t-bone one right at the battery, the people in the car better hope they don’t touch anything metal until all 200 + volts discharge, otherwise they are the proud owners of a really fancy electric chair.

All this over junk science, so you can have the keys to my internal combustion engine vehicle when you pry them from my cold dead hands, providing you live through the lead poisoning.

3) 12 volt systems are very smart! You will not need high amp alternators with 42 volt systems, see item # 1
~~~Lithion Ion tech in cordless tools shows us the potential of battery technology
Off Topic - Battery Powered Vehicles - I run LiPo batteries in my RC helicopters - they are scary containers of energy - you won't believe the precautions I take when charging them - but I can charge at over 10c now with the correct charger - and the battery can discharge at over 30c for a few moments as long as the ESC can handle it. Your talking amps out of a 8800 ma that you can weld with! Unfortunately - I have also killed a few packs by discharging them so low that the cell cannot take a charge. :(

LiPo is the wave of the future - but it's expensive...
I simply compared the technology we have developed, I never stated I would use one in a car, What was meant was if we have the technology to make batteries like the lition ones that date nickle cadmium to the caveman days, and that we are using a 12 volt system from the 50s in out vehicles because it was convenient, why does not someone move us into the 21st century with technology? Some people think thier worth is way overinflated. they need to take some blood pressure pills. But I fine most SO CALLED EXPERTS are such.
I simply compared the technology we have developed, I never stated I would use one in a car, What was meant was if we have the technology to make batteries like the lition ones that date nickle cadmium to the caveman days, and that we are using a 12 volt system from the 50s in out vehicles because it was convenient, why does not someone move us into the 21st century with technology? Some people think thier worth is way overinflated. they need to take some blood pressure pills. But I fine most SO CALLED EXPERTS are such.
Sorry, just trying to give some info on my use of LI batteries. :eek:
I was not referring to you CJ. I have spent 32 years of my life dealing with ohms law, and I am amazed at how some guys get into an area and want to change the world, fact is the invention of the electron microscope proved everything we thought we knew as 180 degrees out of phase. We need to just chill before screaming blasphemy because someone makes a post. We can ask for clarification in a PM before we pick on each other.
This is a great place, why attack others openly?
I took it as the blasphemy comment was supposed to be funny... I refer to item #1...

1) alternators don’t do very well at charging L-ion batteries, Rush Power Systems sells alternators, which makes Darren money, which allows Darren’s wife to spend money, which allows people to have jobs and buy things like alternators. So don’t screw with the circle of life simba!

He agrees with your statement but it would suck the life out of his business... There by taking the one away to support Darren's wife's shopping habit and support his employees... :)
Man I have spent time in the penally box for less than that.
I Did not realize the no funny light was on. I will only do this:mad:
I will say this, what is said about electric cars, is correct, Infact I was in a position where someone else had to pay for a rental of mine last year and I tried a Prius for a month, what a useless peice of technology. I think a 10 mpg ford 350 is better for the environment over the long run with battery disposal and total cost of energy to produce issues. I was never so glad to get my new Wrangler for the wife. I do believe that we do need new technology and greener technology, but forcing units such as that on the public without full total disclosure of total carbon inprint is a crime. I mean it is like waste disposal sites, yes we need them but teach the world to recycle efficiently and we could eliminate 90 percent of them.

End Hyjack, back to the thread
Man I have spent time in the penally box for less than that.
I Did not realize the no funny light was on. I will only do this:mad:
LMAO! All I have to say is that we have strong personalities here, and that is good! I love good banter and I'm very tolerant as to how far it goes! :chug:

You need to sharpen the pen on ohms law, that is what I am using. At 13 volts with lets say 5 watt bulb, ohms law tells us we will have .38 amps. At 16 volts ohms law tells us we have .31 amps, as you know amps = heat. We rarely see older vehicles running too much voltage and we frequently see voltage that is too low.

when volts go up. You can check the numbers on our calculator here.


You gotta love this suff.

First determine the resistance of a 13 volt 5 watt bulb. The resistance will not change. :
enter 13 Volts and 5 watts



We gat a resistance of 33.8 Ohms.

Now put in the resistance of 33.8 ohms and increase the voltage to 16 volts:


OMG!! :eek::eek: CURRENT AND WATTAGE HAS INCREASED!!! :eek::eek::eek:

Are my pencils sharp enough now?? :)

Seems like your own program proves I'm right.
You forgot to take into effect we need a constant and the only constant will be the resistance of the bulb which determines the wattge and current.
simply put, e/i times r, and p/ i times e, change one varible and the others have to change. because of what we know as resistance, the hogher the voltage the more efficent the system is. Our 12 volt system. while such greater than the past 6 volt system is a really stupid system compared to the electrical draw of a modern engine, and with the technology they want to inact to future cars, we need to go with a higher voltage system. I beleive if we get away from wet cell batteries and go with modern battery technology we could easily. do this. Lithion Ion tech in cordless tools shows us the potential of battery technology/QUOTE]


1) alternators don’t do very well at charging L-ion batteries, Rush Power Systems sells alternators, which makes Darren money, which allows Darren’s wife to spend money, which allows people to have jobs and buy things like alternators. So don’t screw with the circle of life simba!

2) the only truly effective way to make L-ion batteries work is a full electric vehicle or at least a 90% battery vehicle and we are years if not decades away from it working correctly, keep in mind when you buy a car, you become the R&D department. In the late 80's the government bought into the junk science of global warming and forced emissions standard that we did not have the technology to obtain, the result was POS first generation computer systems.

Today they are doing the same thing, I made the point that in the early days of air bags that people would die from them and they mysteriously stopped working on all my family and friends vehicles, today we have the technology to make them work right. A few years ago I went on record with this statement, "drive by wire systems and hybrid vehicles are death traps and they will have a lot of problems with them", I don’t and will not own one. The fact is with the load required we will need to do this in AC, like the electric / hybrids are doing, but what do you think is going to happen when you t-bone one right at the battery, the people in the car better hope they don’t touch anything metal until all 200 + volts discharge, otherwise they are the proud owners of a really fancy electric chair.

All this over junk science, so you can have the keys to my internal combustion engine vehicle when you pry them from my cold dead hands, providing you live through the lead poisoning.

3) 12 volt systems are very smart! You will not need high amp alternators with 42 volt systems, see item # 1

You will have ask why a 10' fiberglass is included in the service kit for Ford Hybrids dealers.

It's to remove the body of the auto tech when he makes a mistake
UGH, I hate snow days. The constant is the bulb! Not the resistance!

You cant change the formula in the middle. If we are using 2 numbers to work the equation one must remain the same. For the formula I was using the constant was the 5 watt bulb. Your formula change the 5 watt bulb to nearly 8 watts, now go back and run the numbers based on 5 watt load as the constant you will see the results.

Your math is like saying we have global warming and then when it is below zero saying oh that is climate change and your PEN is dull.

What the hell is a gat?

however you other post gets you this :laugh:
Sorry, resistance is the only constant in this equasion, Only thing I changed was the voltage. The only formulas I used was E=IR and P=EI were E=volts, I=amps, r= resisance and P= watts. Both are used on your web page. :)

Do you propose the resistance of the bulb changes with the voltage???
I think not. 5 watts is the rating on a bulb at a defined voltage.

Still, if you doubt me get a meter out and measure the current into a dash light bulb. Then raise the voltage.

In fact I will do this tomorrow. Anyone can try it for themselves and let us know thier results.

This is what Mr. Rush Power should of said.

I need 5 watts to properly illuminate my meter.

so put in 24 volts and 5 watts

So 5 Watts at 24 Vots means I need a bulb resistance of 115.2 ohms. Wow, I could use less tungsten and make the bulb cheaper.!!

Look, The current drops to 0.208 amps. Less current draw, the alternator work easier, I can use smaller wire in the car because I need less current. yada yada yada...

The bilb still putsout 5 watts of heat relitivley speaking but it's much easier and cheaper to run it at 24 volts.

HP is watts, well aproximatly 700 wattd per Hourse power.

so a 7 HP winch will draw 4900 watts of power

At 12 volts a 7 HP winch designed for 12 volts will draw 408 amps
at 24 volts a 7 HP winch designed for 24 volts will draw 204 amps.

Again less current needs smaller wire and easier loads.

However running a winch desighned for 12 vots and running it at 16 volts gives you a winch drawing 544 amps and using up 8711 Watts of power.

in short, higher voltages will make things easier more efficent if designed to run at higher voltages. However, increasing the voltage on a device designed to run at a lower voltage will just burn it out faster. Will a 12 volt winch running at 16 volts pull harder? Probably until you burn out the moter running it at 16 volts.
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I need a high output alternator for the plow on my CJ. What is the best kind, price, voltage, etc.
And CJ says - the next person(s) who post here should answer the OP's question. Other responses (debates) belong in the appropriate forum! :chug:

Lets start a new thread if this debate is to continue - and I hope it does as I find it intriguing! :)
Wait.....you need an alternator on your plow???
Wait.....you need an alternator on your plow???
And CJ says - the next person(s) who post here should answer the OP's question.
MUST NOT CLICK THE BAN BUTTON! LMAO! :laugh: :) :) :notworthy: :chug:

You all get what I mean - lets stay on topic and help the OP out... :)

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