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blowing oil from crankcase vent

blowing oil from crankcase vent

elwood blues

Always Off-Roading Jeeper
Export, PA
1978 CJ7 4.2L Comp Cam & valve train, MC2100 carb, MSD ignition, Dana 30 front, T18 trans, Dana 20 txfr, AMC 20 rear.
Hi everyone,

Thanks to a lot of help from this forum (coldwater :chug:) I successfully installed a MC2150 a couple of months ago. I recently replaced the 2150 with a 2100 from a '72 Mercury Comet, because the 2100 does not have an electric choke, or all of the vacuum lines.

Anyway, this week I noticed that I'm blowing oil out of my crankcase vent. With the carb swap I moved my PCV valve to the rear opening on the valve cover (one line to the charcoal canister and the other side to the carb), and the front opening is a K&N breather filter. I checked it while it was running yesterday, the K&N breather had smoke and oil spitting out of it.

Is my PCV valve shot?
Do you mean the PCV valve is no longer connected to a vacuum line?
your PCV valve needs to be hooked up to suck blow bye out of your crank case, I have seen several of the auto lite carbs come with a spacer plate that you hook your PCV valve up to,that would give you the suction you need.:rolleyes: What is your K&N hooked to?
Oops had to read your question three times ......sounds like your not getting sucktion on the PCV valve or the valve is clogged. your valve should be drawing its air from under the throttle valves on the carb thats were it works best.:chug:
Do you mean the PCV valve is no longer connected to a vacuum line?

No, it's still hooked up.


(this is a picture of the 2150 carb, but the set-up hasn't changed)

The PCV has a T on top, one side goes to the charcoal filter, the other side goes to the pull-off valve on the carb.

Could I just run two crankcase vents, and t-off the vacuum advance of the distributor?
you can run two vents, however the purpose of your positive crankase vent valve is to suck excess blow bye coming off the piston rings and reburn it so you do not get the gas coming out of your breathers. this is part of your emisions package. Your valve should be hooked up under the carb and/or to the charcol canister that would stop the gases coming out of your breather since it would get sucked back into your combustion chamber also the charcol canister is usualy hooked to the carb float blow sothe gasoline vapors travel to the canister and not the atmosphere. I am not familar with your carb but your second hose that goes to the carb is not getting any vacuam I suppose it would benifet you to hook it to the dist advance.:chug: my compliments on the engine getting rid of the BBD carb is a good move
Hard to suggest options without seeing it in person, But to start, your dist vac looks fine. The PCV valve isn't possition sensitive, so it can go front or back on the valve cover. The PCV should be pulling Its suction from the base of the carb from a 3/8" port, and I have the other outlet on the valve cover plumbed into the aircleaner. If it were me, I would kill the vac line to the charcoal canister, as it is prolly losing half the suction you need to pull pressure on the PCV valve. Try that, and if you still have a little blow by on the filter, you can use a fitting to plumb it into the air cleaner, or just plug the opening with a block off plug.
my compliments on the engine getting rid of the BBD carb is a good move

Thanks gert, the best part is that I didn't get rid of the BBD, I got rid of the YF barf.webp
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The PCV should be pulling Its suction from the base of the carb If it were me, I would kill the vac line to the charcoal canister, as it is prolly losing half the suction you need to pull pressure on the PCV valve

Dave, you're a freaking genius. Suction, not vacuum, that's the problem, now I think I've got it eureka-1.webp
Nice ditching a 1 barrel carb evan better hope we have been able to help:D
Nice new avitar.

Yes, I have done all of the molestation to this CJ. The original owner flat towed her behind his RV up until 2000(ish). His son-in-law bought it from him, and I picked it up in 2006. It had never seen a dirt road before I bought it.
I took a look at your gallery youve got a beautiful cj. My pic is from Hot Springs ARK road trip prior to me going to town with it I would post more pics but I ran out of space:chug:
Blame CJ for the lack of space :D
need to put his barbie doll to work clearing space:D
~~~I would post more pics but I ran out of space:chug:
LOL - Dude! The pictures you posted are HUGE! All are more then .5 meg! You should be able to get 100 or more images in the gallery if you resize them before posting... :)

Hint: Take the original and open it in MS paint. Use 'Stretch / Skew' to resize them and when you save them they will be normal size. You only need the large ones if you plan on doing any thing with them such as photoshop or something.

Example - I took this image its snowing - well the super swampers said it was time for 1 piece axles! Jeep-CJ Gallery and resized it by 50%. It went from 461KB to 154KB. Then I went to the option 'Image Tools' - 'Edit Image' and replaced the large image with a resized one... Tada!!! :)
Umm... Aren't they the same thing? :confused:

Technically speaking, yes they are. But that wasn't the point. The way he said it made me understand what my problem was. I was taking the side of the PCV that needs vacuum, and connecting to a port on the carb that needs vacuum. So I had a vacuum need connected to a vacuum need, not a vacuum source to a vacuum need.

I have (still haven't gotten that far) to find another source of vacuum to connect to the PCV and to the carb. But, I've got it all laid out in my head.

Does any of this make any sense, or is it just incoherent ramblings :confused:
~~~I was taking the side of the PCV that needs vacuum, and connecting to a port on the carb that needs vacuum. So I had a vacuum need connected to a vacuum need, not a vacuum source to a vacuum need.~~~
Ahh! I understand now what you mean! :)
That makes one of us :D

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