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Doomsday Survival!

Doomsday Survival!
Seriously though. Am I a prepper as portrayed on TV? No. But all throughout my life several "motto's" have been lived by and one is "Always be prepared". Yes it may have came from the Boy Scouts originally and then enforced by the Marine Corps, but I've always been a forward thinker.
So no I don't stockpile food but I do have a couple weeks worth. And being an avid hunter, fisherman, camper, and general woodsman type, I have plenty of gear for self sustainment (is that a word?) and being a firearms dealer for about 18 years I've got weapons and ammo covered as well. Could I do more, certainly, and I most likely will over time.
I do think we will have a massive upheaval of life as we currently know it, but how far away I don't know. It will happen sooner if this current guy were to get re-elected by our gullible voting public that live in a fantasy world. I think our "upheaval" will be something along the lines of the awesome tv show "Jericho" in which terrorist cells will attack us on US soils in large cities. And us backwoods hick redneck types who never got away from nature will have the upper hand.
I 100% agree with you!
AR-15 with 5.56 and .22lr uppers with supressor (everyone knows zombies are attracted by loud noises)
Mossberg 500 12ga
S&W .357
Freeze dried food and medical supplies (I am an EMT)
Plus I live in Nebraska, nothing new comes to Nebraska until at least 10 years after the rest of the world. :rolleyes:
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Yesterday I went to a "prepper's" home to see about a GUN safe problem
Well it was locked up solid

He went from prepping to almost crying when I had to put a hole in his $4000 BEAUTIFUL gun-safe and that it only took me 25 minutes to open it

plus its more heartbreaking to see the look on their face when you do deface such a gun-safe
I had to put a hole in his $4000 BEAUTIFUL gun-safe and that it only took me 25 minutes to open it

That is a survival skill in itself, at some poing things will need unlocked to get to the good stuff. Or can anyone say "bank job". :D
I have anger issues and an aggressive attitude. So if dooms day comes, I'll just take other peoples stuff. Think about it how many places will be abandoned, diners, schools, etc. Avoid the obvious like wal-mart and grocery stores. I don't condone such behavior but you gota survive in an apocalyptic situation.
Not to mention I was taught survival skills by my dad and the military.
Avoid the obvious like wal-mart and grocery stores. I don't condone such behavior but you gota survive in an apocalyptic situation.

Good call.

People are starting to eat other peoples faces off when doing those bath salts or whatever. It's only a matter of time :D.
the funny part of the situation is that 80 percent of the people out there have no clue about what to do in an emergency, they will be sheep for about 5 percent of the population that will prey on them, that leaves about 15 percent of the population, of that 15 I bet 5% are serious preppers who will self destruct cumming all over themselves that it actually happened and end up killing themselves or someone else in some endorphin enhanced craze because they are ecstatic they were correct .
Now we have 10% of the population, guys like us who are prepared not because we are preppers but because of a lifestyle with guns and enough sense to have a few months of reserves because of natural disasters.
Kinda of puts new thought into Darwin's ideas doesn't it?
Once during a hurricane evac everyone crowded the only real road ways trying to GTFO. I in my old '88 K5 Blazer took me and my family and took the railroad service road to GTFO, think outside the box and you'll stay alive longer.
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