It's always a pleasant surprise to find others that have a mind of their own, an ability to think clearly, and the personal courage to speak their minds without fear of "hurting the feelings of the great social healers"
Funny, but this line of conversation is closely aligned with the current health care disaster. SOCIALISM, plain and simple. When you remove the drive of the people to do for themselves by supplying their needs, progress,, personal, or as a nation, will never will never happen. You will only create a pathetic welfare society, completely and hopelessly dependant on a totalitarian government to support them. The absolute destruction of the classes, and a worthless society. You mention Haiti. A disaster since It's beginnings, because the people had no drive or desire to succeed as a society. They opened shop as a corrupt, worthless gaggle of bipeds, content to breed, eat, and sleep in the dirt. No heroes, no leaders, no ambition. So, here come the do gooders!! Begging the world for handouts to help the poor unfortunates, which is a noble calling, IF the help is used as a hand up, and not a hand out. Fast forward
AMC 150 years, and hundreds of millions of dollars, plus tangible aid, and their still the same pathetic mess they were back at day one. You cannot help those that refuse to help themselves. The current government of the United States, is going down the same path, and trying to create a failure prone society. One global socialist spineless mass.