Motor oil warning!

Motor oil warning!
From what I remember on the thread I read, the extra detergent in the diesel oil cleans so throughly that the chance of clogging the filter is an issue and hence the filter change. I'll see if I can find the thread. I think it may have been on, not sure of that though.
This is good info. I'll be changing! I remember reading a thread recently, that when you change from conventional motor oil to Rotella, for example, you should change the oil filter every 500 miles for a while? Any thoughts on this?

Rotella T is conventional oil.
It just has an old style additive package that works with flat tappet camshafts better than some of the newer oils.;)
I did a lot of research on this a few years back
checked out the additives and the dino vs synth stuff
Even talked to a guy who works in a lab that did some of the testing for a lot of these articles you read.
What I found out was
1 Any modern oil sold by a major brand is a good oil and will not hurt your car
2 Synths seem to be better oils than dinos because they can custom design the polymers.
3 If you use a modern oil, using additives can help, but are not necessary. A good oil will protect your car.
4 Super high priced oils are only good if you do not change the oil, I mean if you change the oil every 3000 miles, do you get the benefit of Royal Purple or are you throwing away a lot of expensive product before it is all used up.
And what did the guy who worked doing that testing say?
5 Well he said the best thing you can do for your vehicle is change the oil every 3000 miles no matter what oil you use, leaving it in there longer will lessen the life of the vehicle as it is contaminated by then. And the fact that Mobile One is a very good synth, and is not nearly as expensive as the designer snths makes it the best choice out ther for an oil to use.

I thought about the statement about changing oil every 3000 miles and realised using a super high priced oil is like throwing money down the toilet. If I should change every 3000 not because of polymers are wore out but because contamination is at a point it starts to deteriorate the engine, then why pay for the super expensive stuff

I use mobile one,
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A friend who builds engines did a test with the same eninge on a dyno.
After each test he tore the motor down and checked for worn parts.
Replaced all worn parts and tested again.
He did this with several motor oils, he tested for wear and performance.
Castrol was the worst, BradPenn the best, Mobile1 and Royal Purple almost
a tie.
I run Mobile1 cause I know I can always get it.
For my quad I run royal purple because I can always get it for motorcycles.
All other vehicles get Mobile1.
I run a K&N filter on everything because of the quality of the parts used, silicone anti-drainback valve, nut on the end makes it easy to get off and is predrilled for safety wire.
After reading this thread i called our Amsoil rep. to hear his take on this.

Our shop carries Amsoil asl 5w30 which we use for 80% on our customers cars.

Now, i like Amsoil,& use it in my outfits, but some of the propaganda, ie 25k service intervals just don't sit well with me.

The rep. told me the asl i use in my CJ7 would be fine @ 8-900 ppm of zinc/phos.
Even better would be the amo @ 1350 ppm.

Being a new Jeep owner, i'm grateful to ya'll keeping me informed, i hadn't really thought much about the oil i've been using.

Whats your take? Thanks!
Rotella T is conventional oil.
It just has an old style additive package that works with flat tappet camshafts better than some of the newer oils.;)

I thought Rotella T was commercial grade oil, rather than conventional oil. Commercial grade meaning a little bit heavier duty?
Ever hear someone spitting out figures left and right trying to impress someone?
Like dude you lost me a while ago. I will buy anything you tell me to. Snake oil salesmen use that tactic. Stick with mobile 1.
After reading this thread i called our Amsoil rep. to hear his take on this.

Our shop carries Amsoil asl 5w30 which we use for 80% on our customers cars.

Now, i like Amsoil,& use it in my outfits, but some of the propaganda, ie 25k service intervals just don't sit well with me.

The rep. told me the asl i use in my CJ7 would be fine @ 8-900 ppm of zinc/phos.
Even better would be the amo @ 1350 ppm.

Being a new Jeep owner, i'm grateful to ya'll keeping me informed, i hadn't really thought much about the oil i've been using.

Whats your take? Thanks!
I wrote that last reply at work, so it was short and I would like to clear it up a bit
we usually change oil every 3000 miles.
that is based on 2 things, the limit of oils in the 40s and 50s, and how much contamination a engine puts out.
I realise that they now say change oil every 5000 now, but that is not for vehicles worked in dirty areas, areas where the ambient temperature is over 85 degrees or vehicles doing a lot of stop and go traffic, basically that is 80 percent of vehicles out there. So it is back to the 3000 mile range.
As far as dirt goes, even with modern detergent oils, we ask more and more out of a modern engine than ever before, so an engine putting out 2 to 3 times the HP that a engine made when our CJs were really need those detergents just to last the 3000 miles between oil changes.
So we can improve the Dino oil with a additive. I think we all have read and chosen a brand of additive, and most are good products. Marvel has been mentioned in this thread, And I also like Lucas, both do as claimed, improve the Dyno oil and help to extend the life of the vehicle, a side benefit is it does not work as hard with the extra polymers. But then we are also Limited to Dyno oils.
Enter the area of synthetic oils, and here it really gets complicated as there are so many really fantastic synths out there. Two of the big companies are Royal Purple and Amsol, both spoken well of in this thread. If you were to call a SALESMAN from either of these companies they could go through a mured of information expounding the benefits of their product, and recomending different products for different applications till we are amassed and overcome.
So we buy, paying the super premium price for a superior product that we change in 3000 miles.
All that time there is a product that such as Mobile 1 (not the only one, just one I am using as an example) that is as competent as any other for the life of the oil change.
Yes change that oil every 3000 miles, especially if you actually wheel that vehicle, you need to remove all particulates getting into the oil.
but now do we fall under the spell of the super premiums, or go with one of the standards?
I guess it is up to your pocket book. But remember when reading that brochure, or talking to the trained SALESPERSON, that they are spitting out info designed to sell their product over every product they are in competition with.
I invite the other side of the coin to be debated now.
:)just for the record, I'm not a salesman for rotella or any other oil manufacturer, but I sure do use and sell alot of oil at both of my shops.

Thats all, carry on.
Never said you were, just wanting to hear the other side of the coin.
I mean the guy who tries to sell me Royal Purple talks about how long it will work for, I will only use it for less than a 1/4 of that time.
I'm no oil salesman either, much less a mechanic.
I just manage a shop,& love to drive just about anything with wheels.

We get all kinds, Mobil 1, Amsoil, R.Purple,& die hard dinos.
Everyone has their reasons for what they like, & i'm not going to preach.

It's dang funny to hear our Amsoil reps. schpeel. You'd think everything else on the market is going to roach your outfit if you really listened.
I usually cause the phone to ring after about 2 min.
Makes me thirsty. :)
Thats why I use Rotella T it has the additives my flat tappet cam needs and it's cheap.;)
funny thing is I use different for different stuff, I use Mobile 1 in the Crossfire, new Jeep and the 70, the 67 has a bit of valve trouble, (next winter guys) so it gets Dyno and Marvel in it, and My beloved Kawasaki 1200 ZZR gets Dyno and Lucas additive, Why do I use that in a high compression motorcycle engine? for some damn reason it gets better MPG and runs better. I can not explain it.
I know I can Argue Mobile 1 till I am blue in the face but it is not because I feel it is the best out there, I just feel it is the as good as up to the next oil change.
And that is why I use it, I have friends that have reasons they use other product and it amazes me sometime when you see a guy driving a car as expensive as a Vette that has a HP engine grab a quart of the cheapest oil on the shelf for his vehicle.
I guess he has never read a thread like this, some good info on a lot of different products has been referred to, and the discussion has been fun to read and participate in.:chug:

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