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Re-use or toss and get new???

Re-use or toss and get new???


Raeford, NC
79 CJ7 original stock V8 and original stock tranny
79 CJ7 , Did an oil change and replaced the VC gaskets full synthetic $6 a qt. Less than a mile later turns out the rear main seal is bad and needs to be replaced. Anyone see an issue with draining the oil into a clean drip-pan and re-using it after I finish with the RMS? Literally less than a mile on the new oil.
Not really, I would run it through a filter (coffee or paint filter would work) just to get any shavings, dirt or gunk out.
Not really, I would run it through a filter (coffee or paint filter would work) just to get any shavings, dirt or gunk out.

X2 put a funnel under the drain hole with a clean paper towel or rag in it and re use it :chug:
79 CJ7 , Did an oil change and replaced the VC gaskets full synthetic $6 a qt. Less than a mile later turns out the rear main seal is bad and needs to be replaced. Anyone see an issue with draining the oil into a clean drip-pan and re-using it after I finish with the RMS? Literally less than a mile on the new oil.


Did you change oil types ( petroleum versus synthetic) and or oil weight on this oil change?

nope it was synthetic before i changed it and i put synthetic back in it

:)Ok , when did the rear main start leaking?...............before or after the oil change?
Just trying to see if there was any connection between your choice of oil type or weight....................sometimes a simple change in either will bring a new problem to the forefront.

I saw the leak before but figured it was the VC cus I saw that leaking. After changing the VC gasket I realized that there was still a leak so I figured it was the RMS. I just finished changing the RMS and now its leaking worse than it was before now I'm at a loss. I know it's the RMS I just don't know what I did wrong.
I saw the leak before but figured it was the VC cus I saw that leaking. After changing the VC gasket I realized that there was still a leak so I figured it was the RMS. I just finished changing the RMS and now its leaking worse than it was before now I'm at a loss. I know it's the RMS I just don't know what I did wrong.

:)Not sure what rear main seal you changed? Perhaps you changed the rubber seal at the pan?
In order to change the "Real" rear main seal that is in two pieces ..the rear main bearing cap has to come off and all the rest of the bearing caps have to be loosened progressively from front to rear so the crank will come down .060-.080 to be able to roll the top half of the rear seal out and a new one in...........Not an easy job. All the caps would then have to be retorqued.
Yeah that's what I did the two piece seal I didn't have to loosen all the caps though I just pushed out the top half with a punch I might have gouged out part of the top half of the seal though when I pushed it back in. I'm about to pull it all back apart and look.
Yeah that's what I did the two piece seal I didn't have to loosen all the caps though I just pushed out the top half with a punch I might have gouged out part of the top half of the seal though when I pushed it back in. I'm about to pull it all back apart and look.

:)10-4............a little sealer at the breaking point of the seal is good , I'm surprised that you could get that in without dropping the crank a little? Make sure the seal goes in the correct direction.............also check the surface on the crank........if its scored a little that might also be an issure. You may want to check around and see if anyone sells an aftermarket double lip seal for that application........alot of the rebuild kits do that just to get away from that old worn seal area on the crank.


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