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Repairing oil pan again. Help

Repairing oil pan again. Help


Active Jeeper
Waldorf, MD
1975 CJ5 w 4.2 258.
2004 TJ Rubi
2011 Toyota Tundra
My son tried to help me and I still have a leak with a new one on the front. I had bought a gasket when I replace the oil pan the first time and the oil pan would fit back up with the gasket. So I just put some rtb on the pan and bolted it up into place and it is leaking from the front now and the back. Now I bought another gasket this time from quadratec and it will be here tonight and I will try this all over again. Damn. Does anyone have any suggestions? or tricks? :chug:
Sometimes when using rtv on a gasket when you thighten up the bolts the gasket will slide in because it is slick and cause a leak. What I do is glue it to the pan and let it set up before bolting it to the block that whey you don't have it sliding around and will get a better seal.
I always use the rtv on the corners of the gaskets only, also i try not to use alot of rtv as it makes it slip like stated above. make sure it settles before start up. and re tighten it after the first worm up. hope this helps.
I have had better luck using high tack from Permatex on the gasket and only use RTV in the corners. The high tack holds the gasket in place and is still fairly easy to remove gasket in the future.
Went I tried to use the felpro gasket the oil pan wouldn't go into place. I had an inch gap all the way around the oil pan. It just wouldn't go into place. So I took it out and just used rtv and lots of leaks. Any tricks or suggestions
1st get ALL of the old rtv off. next get the felpro set that has the blew plastic helper studs. its the all blue rubber gasket. it is a little more money but its worth it.
I just received another felpro gasket but this one is grey.... Where and how would I look up the blue one...
it should be at autozone, it is reinforced with plastic and comes with helper studs. give it a shot with the grey one tho, just be easy with it and take your time. it is a possability that felpro changed the color as well...
Last time I used the fepro the oil pan wouldn't go back into place. Weird huh. I hope I have better luck this time. Thank you
there also verry small vareants in sbc's mostly what side the dipstick is. if you run the numbers on your block "behind the right side head" it will tell you your vehicle and year range, this may help you in ordering parts, also if its too hard to read the numbers behind the head, the side of the block has them too. hope this helps, good luck.
Ok well all the bolts are out of the oil pan and it didn't drop out like it did last time. I have to figure out how to break it free w/o messing it up. I keep smelling coolant but never have found a leak. when I was working on the oil pan I notice on the exhaust manifold there was a liquid. I don't have any coolant lines any where near this. Does anyone have any Ideas Please don't say a head gasket. I am really starting to think I am way over my head on this...:bang: Any advice would be awesome. I can post a pic when I get home from base today if needed.

Thank you Thank you
Well I broke it lose and cleanded everything to find out the rear seal on the oil pan had folded in so I fixed it and reset everything back into place and sure as :dung: it is still leaking in the back. All the bolts are snug and the valve cover isn't leaking at all. WHAT NEXT.... Sorry my wife and I quit smoking a week ago ugh.. Please help!!!!
Is it the rear oil pan seal or the rear main seal leaking? Glad to hear you quit smoking, next thing to fail will be either your brain or heart.
It is leaking at the back of the pan and I don't know if it is the rear main seal or the gasket. It is leaking down the flywheel cover and out the bell housing. On top of everything my wife tripped off our deck and broke her ankle in many spots and now I have to take my baby to pre op tomorrow and surgery on Wednesday. We picked a great time to quit smoking.... I wish I was the one hurt and not her.. Thanks for all the help
Sorry to here about your wife I hope she comes out of it ok. And about your Jeep I would bet your Rear main is leaking because it sounds like you got the pan sealed up good. I hate to be the bearer of bad news. But for now just take care of your wife she is going to need you and she is in my prayers.
I finally had some time to work on my baby. My wife broken ankle is healing wonderfully and hopefully this week she will be down to one crutch. I have been asking many questions about my rear main seal and have put it off for months. Worried I was in over my head and the fact that they day before I snapped two bolts off the top of my right rear shock on my 06 Rubi. It cost me 450.00 to have the tank dropped and repaired. :censored:!!!!!! I have gotten pretty good at dropping the oil pan because this would be like the fourth time I had to have to do it because of leaks. Everything went great and when I was getting ready to put the bottom part of the rear main seal and bracket back up in I notice that on the other side there was a gasket that was in really poor shape that the oil pan mounts upto. I took the whole unit to my buddy at the parts store and he came up with a part number and said that I would have to go to napa or carquest to get the part. Napa mentioned something about a four piece gasket but they had no idea what it was and neither did carquest. I went home w my tail between my legs and was taking pictures to put on here and ask for more advice when it hit me. op must of used a four piece gasket (only the back part of it anyways) and a one piece cork gasket. to hopefully fix the rear main seal leak. So I called my buddy at advance auto and he ordered me a new felpro one piece and I hope to have it all back in tonight.
I replaced the speedo in it and now the gas gauge and the temp gauge no longer work. damn I hate electrical :dung:. Any ideas on the gauges. Does the speedo body have to be grounded? this is the second time I have had issues and I don't know what I did the first time to fix it. This baby hasn't been registered and I have only driven her 200 feet ever. Can't wait to have her on the road. Thanks for all the help !!!!:notworthy:

Read more: http://www.jeep-cj.com/forums/f98/my-new-75-cj5-11894/index5.html#ixzz2083RSnjo
The grounds for the temp and fuel gauges attach to the speedo. So ya you probably just lost a ground there.

I just quit chewing tobacco after about 18 yrs; get some nicorette.
We have been doing the e-cigs and they are pretty great Sunday will be 2 months smoke free

How does the ground connect to the speedo. The tub is glass

There has to be a wire that is grounded to something that eventually gets to the battery on your dash somewhere.

Maybe look for a wire hanging back there that you missed; might have been on one of the mounting studs for the speedo.

All the lights and other gauges have grounds so you could always tie in to those.

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