Misc. Self cleaning oven, yea right.

Misc. Self cleaning oven, yea right.


Central FL
'72 CJ5, 401, T18, D20, D44, D30
'82 CJ8, 258, D300, AMC20, D30
Self cleaning oven is an overreach. It's self charcoaling, you still have to clean up all the incenerations. Why don't they supply a cleaning service also?

Things that make you go hmm...
Why does every toaster come with a setting that burns the toast beyond any possible recognition

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Also you never see a commercial for a microwave

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Exactly, who uses extra dark?
on the technical side of that, as the heating element wears out you have the ability to increase the setting to achieve the original setting...because most of us are too cheap to throw it away as it wears out and buy a new one🥴
on the technical side of that, as the heating element wears out you have the ability to increase the setting to achieve the original setting...because most of us are too cheap to throw it away as it wears out and buy a new one
I've never used one enough to ever wear it out

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Also you never see a commercial for a microwave

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Never thought about that, but you're right. Maybe 'cause they're so cheap it's not worth the cost to advertise them? When I was a teen and my early adulthood, I worked in a mom & pop appliance store. I serviced and installed washing machines, dryers, fridges, and microwave ovens. A microwave oven cost $400 back then (circa 1981). A TV satellite dish was 9 feet in diameter and the largest TVs we sold were 25" screens in a large wooden cabinet that served as a piece of living room furniture, sometimes with a record player built into one side of it if you were willing to splurge.
Never thought about that, but you're right. Maybe 'cause they're so cheap it's not worth the cost to advertise them? When I was a teen and my early adulthood, I worked in a mom & pop appliance store. I serviced and installed washing machines, dryers, fridges, and microwave ovens. A microwave oven cost $400 back then (circa 1981). A TV satellite dish was 9 feet in diameter and the largest TVs we sold were 25" screens in a large wooden cabinet that served as a piece of living room furniture, sometimes with a record player built into one side of it if you were willing to splurge.
my first tv was a 13" black-n-white mounted on a little table a couple feet from my bed, and everytime the signal would fuzz out I'd smack it with a pool cue
I'm showing my age here but my first TV was a cable color TV with a remote control hbo Cinemax and show time. Keep in mind I was born in 86 (yes my Jeep was already on a used car lot by the time I came along. Some of you probably have Jeep accessories older than me.

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In 86 my big TV was projection, I moved the bars to calibrate for convergence.
I guess I’ve had my Jeep longer than you have been around MM. As for the microwave, my girlfriend, now my wife got our $400 microwave for $110 because she was working at Sears and the glass tray was broken. Still working everyday, just kinda wondering if it’s leaking any microwaves
I guess I’ve had my Jeep longer than you have been around MM. As for the microwave, my girlfriend, now my wife got our $400 microwave for $110 because she was working at Sears and the glass tray was broken. Still working everyday, just kinda wondering if it’s leaking any microwaves
My parents still have an old microwave from Montgomery wards that has a metal rack in it

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I remember as a kid there were only 2 stations. cbs and nbc. That was it. The news was Walter Cronkite and Huntley/Brinkley
I remember as a kid there were only 2 stations. cbs and nbc. That was it. The news was Walter Cronkite and Huntley/Brinkley
Every Sunday night we watched Mutual of Omaha with zmarlin Perkins after seeing the fireworks on lake Butler on the pontoon boat... Good times...
I remember as a kid there were only 2 stations. cbs and nbc. That was it. The news was Walter Cronkite and Huntley/Brinkley
And if the president came on you were screwed

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Wow I still remember the boob tube cabinet setup my grand parents had, it didnt like softballs being thrown at it

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