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Shirts, hats and stuff...

Shirts, hats and stuff...


Central FL
'72 CJ5, 401, T18, D20, D44, D30
'82 CJ8, 258, D300, AMC20, D30
These are just preliminary - I'm just in the design process.

What do you all think? I need to work on rounding of the boarders and such... I also am considering the logo. With or without the windshield? To make the windshield stand out I added a reverse gradient border - kinda like the frame. (yes - I'm aware the winshield is slightly skewed to the left... I'm to tire to fix it right now... LOL :) )

Thoughts - Ideas???
Not crazy about the hat. But the logo looks good!

Cafe press?
Not crazy about the hat. But the logo looks good!

Cafe press?
Yea - Just for the mock ups. It's easy for me to see what the design looks like... I'm not to crazy about the hat either...

Funny thing about Cafe Press, they just sent me an email about possible infringement. I was waiting for that - and I found many interesting things.

The Jeep CJ trademark was #1,170,088 and it was abandoned by Jeep when the CJ went out of production. After a long trademark search I found over 300 Jeep trademarks. The majority are not DaimlerChrylers or Jeeps but other businesses. There is also a trademark on the grill, even a few court cases concerning the use of grill overlays. The best and biggest case is DaimlerChrysler vs Ted Vandtz (Country Craft). Needless to say it gets pretty heavy and Ted looses... :( At first... ;)

Years later and after many times back and forth to court the verdict is reversed.

The Limited time clause is what killed them - among lying and other things.

"Vanzant - Country Craft was then given more time to elaborate, at which time he brought to the attention of the court the "Limited Times" clause of the U. S. Constitution and argued that DaimlerChrysler's use of the trademark to limit competition on a functional product was in direct opposition to the constitution of the United States. A win for DaimlerChrysler would effectively give them a "Patent" that would last FOREVER. At long last - as of August 28, 1997 the decision of the appellate court is in . The district court order for partial summary judgment in favor of DaimlerChrysler is REVERSED."

"It is inappropriate to treat DaimlerChrysler's Limited monopoly -- one that the Trademark office registered only for the radiator grilles on its vehicles -- as though that monopoly extended to other products, in this case a protective grille overlay. That protection was not sought by DaimlerChrysler before the Trademark Office, nor was it registered by that Office, and no reason appears for the judiciary to confer protection for which the Trademark Office has not granted registration."

"DaimlerChrysler petitioned the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals for a re-hearing - DENIED"

"Update - DaimlerChrysler filed their motion for reconsideration and It was denied."


Since I'm still working on the logo design I have a preliminary fair use trademark search going... I'm hoping to have this sorted soon. I sent the information to them (Cafe Press) - we'll see what happens...
I like the logo. With you guys that the hat. Its not working for me.

I dont know how hard I would fight the fight with Cafe press. Check out Zazzle or any of the other on-demand printers.
hmmmm........I'm thinking loose the windshield is a good idea. Other than that, I like!
I am not a collar shirt guy and agree with the others on the hat, but definately would like a few t's. My cousin does graphic design and she uses www.vistaprint.com . My wife and I both use them for business cards and promo stuff. They have done well by me. Just a thought. Keep us posted!:)
Dont like the hat.

I will need a tank top. But I need to be able to cut it (right between the girls) so make sure the logo is low enough. And centered. :)
Dont like the hat.

I will need a tank top. But I need to be able to cut it (right between the girls) so make sure the logo is low enough. And centered. :)

You need to negotiate here CJ. Make a special shirt for her, but only if she adds a pic of the girls in the shirt to her gallery!;)
i would buy a shirt. id buy two but mrsdalefan88 would just take it and wear it when she wants it like all my other shirts. a logo for the jeep would be cool to.
NO. Wait. Mrsdalefan88 needs one too. Make her a tank. Me a tank. And I will post pics.
If you get them in the right sizes, I may be able to talk my bride into posing also...Believe me, those girls are worth it! :)
Ok, I have to be responsible....

We have kids here. We cant post any naked pics. We can still post pics of us in our cute jeep tanks.... Um, CJ...

and any other pics, well, just pm me.... damn. No. :dung:helldamn. This is hard... I dont think I can be a good girl. And CJ begged me to keep it clean... I am trying...And I think I am doing pretty good. So far.

Hi guys, how ya doin'? ;)
:confused::confused: who said anything about nekkid pics?? :confused::confused: We can't put those on here for sure!

But my email is in my profile if you need a place to store them... :notworthy:
Id take the Male version of a tank top , the muscle shirt. Probably 2. I not only dont like collars , Im not much for any sleeve in general either. Id post pics , but youd probably be better off without them. :p
Definately not doing naked pics.
Dalefan loves sleeveless shirts, its all he wears all summer long so I know he would order a bunch of those.
I would like to have the T without the back logo and I would also take one of the collared shirts ....

Xtra Large Please, sorry, no pics from here either .......



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