T176 question-1985 CJ7
I am new to the group and reading threads from others has helped me understand this Transmission quite a bit. Lots of folks with lots of knowledge and since this is my first jeep it is much appreciated. I had an issue yesterday where the jeep acted like it was stuck in 1st and the shift linkage would not engage in any gear from the shifter. So I read all of the threads I could find on alignment of the forks and downloaded prints of the tranny. I have the shift arm off (removed the retainer with the detent by 1/4 turn rotation) and I can see in side. I removed all of the bolts on the top cover and tried to lift it off. I can pick it up about 3/4 of an inch and something is stuck keeping me from removing the cover. What did I miss? The only thing I did not remove on top was the pin with the e-clip on the side. Does that need to come off? I want to remove the cover and realign everything to neutral and replace. I think the linkage popped out or either the forks are misaligned. Can't figure out how to get the top off and I don't want to force it and break something. Any help would be appreciated.