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I swear when I checked earlier both ford truck club and jeep-cj were tied at 85.

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I just checked and it says tied at 83. Something is fishy about that site. Course I don't think it really matters a hill of beans. It doesn't get enough of traffic to benefit anyone.

100 in 4th place. Felt like I needed a screenshot to back me up this time.

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Wow 103... 4th place ...........about time!
Wow 115 in 4th...........about time the membership woke up!
120 7 ahead of 5th. Looks like we have some voters again. Now we stop looking at who's below us and focus on who's ahead. We've finished 2nd in this poll before, but never 1st. It can happen. Just watch ;)
122 in 4th two ahead of 5th
127 and still behind by 1

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