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What did you get yourself for Christmas?

What did you get yourself for Christmas?


Jeep-CJ.com Archive Master
Kathleen, GA
I picked up a new computer for myself.
Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q8300
750GB Hard Drive
Windows 7 Home Premium

Also a 500GB External Drive

All the geeky goodness without the filler, LOL.

Oh picked up some 33" KM2's and some rock crusher type bumpers for the wifes jeep. I know I know........miss jeep....... :confused:
I picked up a book for my car/truck/racing/etc. library.

It's "Porsche 911 Perfection by Design" by Randy Leffeningwell. Book 104 in my collection. Already read about 25% of it.

My other present I'll order on Monday - It's for my CJ and you'll see it once installed sometime in Jan. Okay, it'a rear bumper with other stuff.
We are kinda holding back this year, the wife has been unemployed for a year and things are starting to get real tight around here. I was wanting to rebuild the axle in the rear of the CJ5 and do not have the money for that.
I think the trip to the book store for a few books today will be my present, reference books about wiring circuits for autos and a book about auto body welding and leading old school style by the guy who did the cars for Cars.
Anyway, I have hope someone will point out to Obama we need to make money in the country not print it.
We are kinda holding back this year, the wife has been unemployed for a year and things are starting to get real tight around here. I was wanting to rebuild the axle in the rear of the CJ5 and do not have the money for that.
I think the trip to the book store for a few books today will be my present, reference books about wiring circuits for autos and a book about auto body welding and leading old school style by the guy who did the cars for Cars.
Anyway, I have hope someone will point out to Obama we need to make money in the country not print it.

For reference eastwood makes a non-lead filler, you can do all the same stuff just not die of lead related goodness.
this year cause of the new baby i havent went out and bought me anything. if it was i might of got me a wii. we where ay a frinds house last night and had a blast playing bowling on there.
HID light kit for my Mountaineer. (even though they are illegal for highway use... :) )
I'm getting the wife a Laptop. :D

It's the least I could do after she purchased me a Jeep :drool: CJ7 1979 for my Birthday. To my wife :ty:
What do you think...Wilurb :patriot: USN Retired
I ended up spending my welder money on a new IPOD touch for the wife, since her (7 year old!!) IPOD classic is starting to act up.
So while we were at Best Buy, She (OK, I) bought me a 23" flat screen for my computer to replace my 19" flat. It will go to the kid's computer, replacing her 8 year old 17" CRT monitor, freeing up some much needed space on MY desk!
And I am replacing my burned up speaker system with an upgraded unit. :)
So, no welder right now, but a few good things for my computer! I can live with that...
I ordered a pair of corbeau baja ultra ss seats and 4 point harness for my winter project.
With times being tight I splurged on a bottle of Cpt. Morgan's:chug:
New 10mm static rope, Yates tac harness, and a Edelrid Eddy descender.
Worked 78 hrs. this week. Have a little bit of an idea where the $$$ went or is going. :)
I wont be able to get myself anything this year. The wife and I went out and bought the kids gifts. I got the wife some things and there is no money left for me. That is OK I think that it is more about them anyway and they should be happy with what we got them.

On a side note sent the kids out to cut down a Christmas tree and they came back with a 12ft tree with no branches on the back side. I have to do some trimming and add some branches so it doesn't look so much like a Charlie Brown tree.

The whole family got a good laugh over it. I want to post pictures but the family doesn't want them up. I might sneak a few.

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