Your friends - 4 legged or otherwise...

Your friends - 4 legged or otherwise...


Central FL
'72 CJ5, 401, T18, D20, D44, D30
'82 CJ8, 258, D300, AMC20, D30
Thought I'd make a thread for all of our 'best friends'. Show off your buddies!

I have several so I think I'll start with one of my critters -Phil.

Phil was found in a ditch behind a co-workers house about five years ago. A little scraggly thing for sure!


Now he's a fat cat that just hangs out and thinks he's a human. Here he is pulling up to the window / bar (motion activated camera -yea I'm a geek) and ordering a beer! :chug:

Calisto hoarding the rawhides... (ignore the carpet, it's impossible to keep clean)

Meeko looking distraught...

Logan, the puppy...

I don't have any pics of the cats online. Got three of them too. Getting another this weekend.

Then there's the chinchilla and the chickens...
Holy cow batman! That's a zoo! We had a chicken when I was growing up... Ferrets also. Love the animals... :banana:
Yeah, my sister had ferrets. We had rabbits, ducks, gerbils, hamsters, and guinea pigs while I was growing up. Before I was born, there was a flying squirrel.
LOL - We had the usual assortment of hamsters and gerbils also. Never duck or a rabbit... We did have some strange ones though. We used to capture bats, put a bunch of sand in a sock, place that in some old nylons and throw it in the air when the bats are flying around dusk. Their claws get stuck in the mesh when they grabbed it and - Wamo! They ride that trap all the way to the ground.

My neighbor had a possum... Meanest SOB there ever was (possum that is). They had a monitor lizard also - another mean SOB!

I think my Brother still has his tarantual. Sammy? I think that's his name... That thing has to be atleast 15 years old by now...

It's amazing what kind of critters you can accumulate during a life time, isn't it?
its a zoo around my house
2 dogs (dachsunds)
1 cat (<-BAD WORD-> that does absolutly nothing)
Birds Birds Birds
6 birds
2 quaker parrots
1 sun conyer
1 white caped pionus
2 budgies

and a 125 gal reef tank thats sitting in ga empty
its a zoo around my house
2 dogs (dachsunds)
1 cat (<-BAD WORD-> that does absolutly nothing)
Birds Birds Birds
6 birds
2 quaker parrots
1 sun conyer
1 white caped pionus
2 budgies

and a 125 gal reef tank thats sitting in ga empty
I'm currently running a 220 with about 300 lbs of LR, a 60 gal sump and a 30 gal refugium. Various corals, yellow tang, blenny, hawk fish, wrasee, clown, 7 chromis, shrimps and such... Also have a 120 that is fish with only LR.

I'm beginning to believe I have way to many hobbies! Oh wait! I'm single... :)
I have a cat....and I hate cats. The cat's name is Stupid Cat though my wife insists on calling it Sweety or Precious. For the life of me, I can't understand the point in these terrible creatures. Our's like's to sleep on the black convertible top of my car...awful mess..I'd shoot the beast if I thought I could get away with it. She also likes to bring home badly mangled small critters and leave them...generally headless...on our front door step...this from an animal my wife gladly allows to sleep in our bed.:mad:
Here are our beasts, two mini dachshunds and a German shepherd-terrier mix.
Only about 100lbs of lap dogs. Had to crop it or the wife would skin me.

I have a cat....and I hate cats. The cat's name is Stupid Cat though my wife insists on calling it Sweety or Precious. For the life of me, I can't understand the point in these terrible creatures. Our's like's to sleep on the black convertible top of my car...awful mess..I'd shoot the beast if I thought I could get away with it. She also likes to bring home badly mangled small critters and leave them...generally headless...on our front door step...this from an animal my wife gladly allows to sleep in our bed.:mad:

I've found that people either love cats or hate 'em.
I've found that people either love cats or hate 'em.
I hatted them 'till I tried them with hot sauce. Now I love them.:D
Here are our beasts, two mini dachshunds and a German shepherd-terrier mix.
Only about 100lbs of lap dogs. Had to crop it or the wife would skin me.

That is a great picture! They all have to get some of that lap!!!:banana:
Here are our beasts, two mini dachshunds and a German shepherd-terrier mix.
Only about 100lbs of lap dogs. Had to crop it or the wife would skin me.


Everybody loves the wire-haired Dachshund. Massive personalities for such a small creature.
I recently took my sisters dog. Angel is a Vegas dog. My sister rescued her from the pound, the poor thing had been beaten.

My sister's husband was stationed in Vegas for over 5 yrs, and was recently transferred to Oklahoma. So, this is Angels first real winter, and one of the coldest winters in years. Illinois weather sucks.

She refuses to get off of the sidewalk when I take her out because the ground is too cold and feels wet. I know this because the way she walks.

She is part Collie. She sheds. But she listens. Better than the 8 yr old and 34 yr old I am raising :) She is so precious. But when my brother in law gets out of the Air Force in May, she will go back to my sister. :(
Don't let yourself get very attached! Giving up a unconditional loving animal can be harder then giving up a Brother!
Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful!!!​


oh i have a 2-month old poodle named lady... we go to the beach every morning with my old cj-jeep... she looks so good riding infront and my cj looks handsome with her infront.:)
Reign, my 4 year old Rottweiler, my best buddy and a gentle soul. All Rotties need a job, or they will become "self employed", and you will not like their choice of jobs!:mad: So her career is to visit the childrens home, rest homes, and VA hospital. All our dogs have been used as therapy dogs.

And stupid cat. Not a fan of the cat, but my wife loves her. Don't ask me why, but she likes the powder room sink. I cant tell you how tempting that faucet is to me!:eek:


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