Your friends - 4 legged or otherwise...

Your friends - 4 legged or otherwise...
Thats awesome Cj. The red x is a very exotic pet. Did you import it from Brazil like most or know? :laugh:
Um... What red x... :) - Just trying to see why the images from 250 meg don't parse... :D
Heres my doofus. Yellow Lab that my girls named Simba


Edit -embeded link for you... :) -- CJ
A recent shot of my two critters, they were actually being nice to each other...

Heres my cat. Hes potty taining , please bear with him. His name is Flash. If you saw him in person youd know why.

This is our newly adopted rescue dog. We've only had him three weeks, but his already made us his family. I wanted to name him CJ, but the wife said that could get confusing, so we named him Wrangler.

Thanx for rescuing that dog. Mines a pure bred that I got from a breeder. I love him dearly but there are so many other animals out there that need to be helped. I'll never buy from a breeder or pet shop again.
My best friend, (Honeydog), was living in an alley and feasting from garbage cans when I caught her. She did not know me and did not want to. That was 11 years ago, she is now the best friend I have ever had.

The other chile is LizKitty, she wandered into my garage one day during a terrible thunder storm and she was so small that you could still see my fingers when I held her in my hand.(Unlike now where she is almost as big as a satellite dish !) We have been together for 4 years now .........

Thought Id revive this thread. My cat "flash" that I posted earlier decided to book it out the door one nite and hasnt returned. :( He comes by for food but has a girlfriend and no desire to be a housecat anymore. Heres the new additions

Man's best friend. It won't run off (on it's own),
and it'll always be there for you if you show it love and affection.

This little guy is Mutt. He showed up about a week after Hurricane Ike passed through. We put up some fliers in the area and about a week later this guy calls and says he thinks it's his dog. Comes by, says yeah it's his, then goes on to tell us he evacuated and left the dog chained in the yard. I'm thinking there's no way this sob is getting this dog back. After a little discussion, he decides that the dog has become attached to us, so we can have it if we want it.
His neck has healed from the chafing from the chain, and he now has the run of the place. Gets really po'd if you don't let him ride with you. Get's in my lap, puts a paw on each shoulder and "talks" to me. Dammit, I think I'm starting to understand him!
Sounds like hes much better off with you. Good story
This little guy is Mutt. He showed up about a week after Hurricane Ike passed through. We put up some fliers in the area and about a week later this guy calls and says he thinks it's his dog. Comes by, says yeah it's his, then goes on to tell us he evacuated and left the dog chained in the yard. I'm thinking there's no way this sob is getting this dog back. After a little discussion, he decides that the dog has become attached to us, so we can have it if we want it.
His neck has healed from the chafing from the chain, and he now has the run of the place. Gets really po'd if you don't let him ride with you. Get's in my lap, puts a paw on each shoulder and "talks" to me. Dammit, I think I'm starting to understand him!
We have a few critters as well....

Sadie the Beagle, Jenna is Sheppard / Husky? mix, and Morris the cat.
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She's standing guard ;)

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