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Build Thread 83 CJ7 its time to get it done

Build Thread 83 CJ7 its time to get it done
:D I will, I saw a picture or article somewhere about them having a winch control set up in the dashboard and thats what I am planning on doing :chug: I want to be able to use the winch and gas pedal to help get me out of what I am in
well I hooked up enough wires that I figured I would give it a shot and see what happens :chug:

:D I will, I saw a picture or article somewhere about them having a winch control set up in the dashboard and thats what I am planning on doing :chug: I want to be able to use the winch and gas pedal to help get me out of what I am in

:)I have an on/off keyed switch in the dash that controls power to the winch and then a push button next to it that controls the cable. I also wired a similar push button that was inside the grill so you could do the same from outside. ...........both activated by relays between the battery and winch motor. I was using 100 amp starter relays mounted to the fender triggered by 14 gauge wire...... simple but yet effective.
Tarry99, that's cool how you set your controls up under the hood and dash, I was looking at the 12voltguy because I like the PLAN B switch cover he has. 2.5 SQ LARGE BUTTONS

:)Gert: those are pretty cool looking...........what I like about the key switch is simple , if your away from the Jeep no one can flip a switch and activate the winch while its attached to a hook on your bumper. I have seen kids tear off bumpers before.
Here's a picture of mine out of the Jeep , simple Key switch and waterproof button. Like I said you can hook another set of leads off of the same relay and put another remote button in your grill.........good for winding the cable up.
Lol it would suck ripping your bumper off the key switch is a good idea to keep people from screwing with your stuff, I haven't thought to much about the fact that it is an open tip vehicle
Lol it would suck ripping your bumper off the key switch is a good idea to keep people from screwing with your stuff, I haven't thought to much about the fact that it is an open tip vehicle

:)Yep your right..........people and kids love to push buttons. Its always worked for me and that little loop of wire holding the key I just used to take it off and slip it over the gear shift , hardly ever noticed it was down there.
Diddy & Gert - I see you both used the MORE HD steering gear mount. Did you have issues with the spacers they sent you being too thin (the one for the frame behind the shackle hanger)? The stock shackle hanger is 5/16" thick but the spacer that came with mine is only 3/16" thick, which is useless. All the aftermarket hangers are also at least that thick.
Parenegade, I stretched my wheel base 3" fwd and did a shackle reversal so I don't have anything in the way, looking at your pic I would make a 5/16 plate to give it a flat surface to mount to
Well I had complained to the company about it and they said they had never heard of it being an issue, which is hard to believe since they are the stock mounts from the factory that I took off years ago. But they did have some thicker spacers made up and zinc plated, then sent to me, so they made it right. I just can't believe no one ever complained about it before. Do you know how thick the ones were that were included with yours? Of the 2 smaller ones, one gets used for the gear mount. I just hope it's the right size.

Once I get to that stage I may end up doing as you said and make a 5/16" plate for more surface bearing.
Here are a few pictures as it was getting mounted up. I broke one of the stock shackle hangers so I have all warrior products heavy duty shackle hangers now. Bad pics that were taken when the Jeep was still on the lift when the parts were going on.


wow I can hardly believe how long it has been since the last time I posted about my CJ which is still in the garage not a lot different shape than what the last pics show. Alot has happened since my last post in my personal life however, I spent 2.5 years in Afghanistan as a civilian aircraft mechanic. I am re married and now have a new born son and a 2 year old daughter, a new house, a different career, sold my beloved SRT8 and bought a Quad cab Diesel 6 speed to haul the kids and boat around. I have now acquired a low gear(by accident) 95 model NV4500 for the Jeep and have converted it to a 23 spline 4wd Dodge output with the Chevy input. Still need to buy the Advance Adapters bell housing and new 5th gear. I also have my first Goodyear DuraTrac and Mickey Thompson Classic wheel, looks like I can narrow my axles to 60" without rubbing. I calculated my low gear ratio the other night and its a 99 to 1 :D things are a little slow since my 2 wonderful children take up 99% of my time but the wife will be back at work next week which should free the Jeep fund back up so I can get the tranny complete and narrow the axles :chug:
for a little progress/tease here are some pics of the NV4500. Hope to get the gears back in by this weekend...wife and kids keeping me plenty busyNV4500%205th%20gear%20burnt%20out_zpsmcreuzse.webpIMG_3356_zpsbt8pndmc.webpIMG_3382_zpscevxt5zx.webp
your looking at a rare beast, it has the 95-up case like the Dodges but the 92-94 6.34 low gears and non synchro reverse as well as the 23% Overdrive . I only discovered this in the last few days as i was looking into replacing the 5th gears and decided to count the teeth of the small 5th gear (22t instead of 19t) which lead me into counting the other gears to confirm what I had. I have thought of selling this Transmission as I am not sure if I want this low of a 1st gear but for now it is going in the Jeep
I am somehow logged in through my old tapatalk account on my phone but I am not able to log on to the computer or change my password I tried to send the mods a message yesterday about me not being able to log in but have not gotten a response yet. Gvandoesburg@yahoo.com. I need some help here

Please try again. I was told this issue was fixed yesterday. Pm me if you still have the same issue.

Please try again. I was told this issue was fixed yesterday. Pm me if you still have the same issue.


Woo Hoo back in business :chug: Thanks Pete I was getting lonely out there lol

been an interesting few days not being able to log in, now im back. Thanks to OldJeepLady for her reference on paintref.com I now know the paint code for my Jeep was an 1984 Topaz Gold :barf: even tho my Jeep is an 1983.... no matter I ground it all off only the gold on the VIN plate is surviving. i am going to have to recount the teeth on my Transmission again as I thought I bought a 1996 Transmission with the 5.61 first gear a few months ago, and then I finally counted the 5th gear last week and thought I had the rare "hybrid" 1995 low gear Transmission (6.34) anyway this is coming up because I bought the Transmission partially disassembled so I looked at the mainshaft bearings, gears, and syncros and decided to not rebuild it but to run it as is. I went to install my new 23 spline mainshaft and discovered that the rear countershaft bearing had been destroyed removing the counter shaft. more parts to order from http://www.quad4x4.com/NV4500_Small_Parts.html I m determined to make next years trail ride I even informed the wife lol :D I also have spent the better part of the day re pricing what I think I eed to road worthy again and that came in at $6500 plus whatever I forgot about :eek::eek: so God willing I will be working overtime for a long time to make this happen. Most informative rebuild manual I have found for the NV4500 so far http://www.zieglerdigital.ca/public/downloads/nv4500rbman.pdf
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Woo Hoo back in business :chug: Thanks Pete I was getting lonely out there lol

Thanks for sticking around. Hopefully it's a little easier to update your build thread now. :chug:

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