CJ spotted thread

CJ spotted thread
I believe so. There is a dark olive drab green one I’ve see too with black top.

Trying to get my phone situated for a pic was enough of a distraction I didn’t focus on the color.......

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Coming out of Sheetz Orange Ave and 581.

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Spotted this the other day while goofing off, it was so far down dudes driveway I needed a telephoto lens lol


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Found a cool high fender in really beautiful shape behind our hotel in Aspen
Also saw this 80s 5speed CJ7 around the corner

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Love the snowshoe doors......

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Found one in a picture on a wall in a tool supply store in Carlsbad, NM. Thought it was neat as it was a surprise when looking at all the old semis...


Zoomed in...


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Very cool - and in a cool old pic as well......

Sent from my phone using Tapatalk - because I’m too lazy to get the iPad, or laptop.
Spotted this one heading home today hiding behind a JK....... must be a new acquisition, as I’ve never seen this one here before. We’ve gone by there 3 or 4 times a year for 15 or more years...... looks to be very clean. And it also looks like it’s keeping a nice old Dodge company



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Saw this one while on my way to work Friday.

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Man - I haven’t seen one around here in a while....... maybe I’m not paying attention

I have no idea where I sent this from......
Got one at the mall today, it’s pretty clean, YJ family bar child seat in back great paint vet plates re upholstered factory seats


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As they say in GA - that’s a nice’n

I have no idea where I sent this from......
Pulled up next to this one as I was leaving the house.

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