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Build Thread It is what it was, and now it is what you might call

Build Thread It is what it was, and now it is what you might call
Looks great !! :chug:
Here we are, just a little behind on the pix. Here are a couple of the interior. There are still some things/details to do, so don't think what is posted is the final result. Think of this as just an update towards the final product.

The second pic (426) shows the correct way to install the drop down hinges. NOT like the previous pic posted. I see how no one caught that and said "hey dumb *** you got the hinges on upside". I found out when I dropped the tailgate and it hung weird.

The last pic is just the steps/sideboard.

Stay tuned some more on the way.

How do ya' like my trick daddy air grill on the side? Uh.... the orginal plastic was broke so I improvised.
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The first pic is just kinda how the dash is gonna look.

The next two show how we used painter's tape to stay on line with the mount hardware for the diamond plate. Then we really went high tech and used a plumb bob (the symbol of my office) to stay vertical with the top bolt.

The next is starting to look like the end product. You can see the old dash in the background. Anyone wanna buy it? I'll make a helluva a deal. Anyway, I had bought another dash, had it painted then today just marked and transferred each piece. So now I got an extra.

Now I'm not sure about tomorrows progress, I got other errands to take care of. I kinda put them off. I haven't forgot about the body mounts and their pics. Just stay tuned.

If you are doing a YJ to CJ swap, be aware of the old YJ tailgate supports inside the tub. I used the diamond plate to hide the holes from the old tailgate, BUT the old hinge support for the bottom could be in the way depending upon how/where you mount the fuel tank bezel and assc. equipment.
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For all the YJ to CJ tub swapover guys. Get your notebook out and write this one down. The captured nuts for the windshield on a YJ tub did not line up with the CJ windshield and bracket; this was the story on both sides. The first picture just barely shows part of the nut. The sharpie marks show where the new hole is gonna be. I took pix of the orginal bracket and the bracket I made. Keep in mind this still not the finished product. My bracket partially covered the dash mounting holes located on the corner. I gonna come back with a stainless bracket that is better designed. Lesson here is make sure you check the windshield alignment with knobs, brackets, and the dash. Others may not have had this problem, but it got me.

The last picture came off the protective wrapping on the back seat. Guess what pictures are coming next.

Slowly, I'm making progress. About 95% of the wiring is completely hooked up, but not secured. Poured some gas in the tank and slug down the carb and it fired up on the third try. Ran kinda rough but it started sounding better after a while. Still got some brake work to finish and tighten down all the steering column stuff. No work this week, got a dinner to attend for my dad, then a South East Fishing Club meeting on Wednesday, and Knights Templar on Thursday. Maybe this weekend if all goes well I get a little more done.
Slid in the back seat and rollbar and some random shots. If you look closely that is split loom tubing on the shifters. It was left over, so I just wrapped 'em also. Kinda started connecting some of the stereo wiring; that's what is ty-rapped to the grab handle.

So I didn't make much progress this week, but next should be better. No meetings and no outside distractions.
Here's a couple of recent updated pix. I took two ammo cans (50 cal) and cut 'em out to out a pair of 6x9's; 5x7's would have probably been a better fit. However, at this point I'm just trying to get to the finish line. The 486 image actually goes on the passenger side of the jeep. There is a hole where the speaker wires will come in that should be pointed towards the back. I just put it on the driver's side for a pic. I intend to come into the hole with split loom tubing clamped down with a electrical romex connnector. I'll will put some kinda "feet" between the boxes and fender well's when I bolt 'em down.

You can say you saw it here first. I took the aluminum diamond plate over the the water jet peeps and had them carve out "CJ7 ". Turned out real nice. I almost went with "Laredo ", but ......
I just re-discovered this thread and I gotta say... NICE JOB!!

Going back a bit, how did you apply the Raptor liner to the roof ? You did a very nice job with it.

Here's a couple of recent updated pix. I took two ammo cans (50 cal) and cut 'em out to out a pair of 6x9's; 5x7's would have probably been a better fit. However, at this point I'm just trying to get to the finish line. The 486 image actually goes on the passenger side of the jeep. There is a hole where the speaker wires will come in that should be pointed towards the back. I just put it on the driver's side for a pic. I intend to come into the hole with split loom tubing clamped down with a electrical romex connnector. I'll will put some kinda "feet" between the boxes and fender well's when I bolt 'em down.

You can say you saw it here first. I took the aluminum diamond plate over the the water jet peeps and had them carve out "CJ7 ". Turned out real nice. I almost went with "Laredo ", but ......

:)P-86.........Lookin Good......Nice Job.

Great looking Jeep Dan. You have some good ideals. Thanks for the tip on the body mounts, you just saved me alot of grieve.
Looks awesome! I love the way your jeep is going...

You may want to pick up a box of Dynamat for those ammo cans. It will make them sound much better and help with the rattles too of the lid and handle.
Took some vacation and got WAY under water at work. Here are some almost finished pictures. Still gotta do a bumper. Next post will be hard top pictures.
OK, so they are. I think it looks better with the hard top on. Still gotta a teeny amount of fine tuning. Carb gets stuck on hi idle, radio occasionally gets cocked a bit in the hole, need to finish the lift supports for the back glass, bumper, Jeep stickers for the front of the tub. "Laredo " for the hood maybe, the trick hood paint...maybe.
Looks real good doesn't look like the same Jeep :notworthy:
Great job on the '86. You have an eye for details.

That is one thing TDCJ-ID is not short on, labor! Living and growing up within 30mins drive of about 9 prison farms, I have seen some stuff. Once saw 14 push mowers lined up in a staggered line mowing a ten acre patch of green space. Got it done in about an hour too!

This won't be too expensive Dear! That's what I keep saying. Over and over again.
Here's a tip for those of ya' who wanna go to gas filled lift supports, but are pulling out your hair trying to find the right shock. The part numbers are for a Stabilus lift support and a NAPA knuckle joint. I had to take it apart and do some slight modifications to the ball stud to get to the correct diameter. The shock calls for a 8mm ball stud the stud I removed from the NAPA part measured 8.87 mm. A little love from the die grinder and it was done. Having hell posting the pictures, the part numbers are Stabilus support SG304075 and NAPA 2-687 knuckle joint. I'll keep working on the pictures. Evidently I'm gonna have to resize. Just curious, but did we change the size (kb's) restrictions on the site? What is a good and easy photo resizer?

Found one we'll see how the pix turned out.
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Well first off I used www.shrinkpictures.com to do the resizing. Really simple site.

OK, now for the rear bumper. I cashed in a favor for this one. My buddy Pat has a full blown machine shop and I figured he could whip up a bumper quicker than I could. I sweetened the deal with a quart of "white likker", and he couldn't pass it up. We held off the drinkin' til later. Anyway this is what we came up with in about 3 hours of working. I changed the cotter pin in the tire arm rest to a implement hairpin. That way no pliers are needed to swing the tire arm outward. Considering that I went from no bumper to bumper and was home before the sun went down I'm pleased. Plus I didn't bloody my hands. We are gonna come back and add a couple of "D" rings once I get some ordered in. We was gonna put on a receiver hitch but the 2" tubing at the shop had in inside seam in it and would not work. Gonna have to hustle up a piece of seamless for that.

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