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My Stupid Cat!

My Stupid Cat!
If he hasnt come back yet , Im betting a nieghbor has him. Good luck with the signs
I have posted over 50 signs and combed the area. I sure hope he is with someone as I live in a pretty wooded area and we have lots of bad critters. :(

I had a call from a girl who said she thinks she has seen him. She lives in the area I marked with the lower red dot. The upper red dot is my home and the red border around it is my property. The area marked in yellow is where she says she saw him. I told her to call me any time - day or night if she sees him again... I can't begin to tell you how far that is! It's a good mile and a half or so as the crow flies!
I received a call about 9:30 last night from the same people who I had contact with before. They said the cat they thought was mine was outside. I rushed over and the cat was in the front yard.

I was able to get within 5 feet and I do think it is Phil. He was very skittish and didn't hang around for but a moment. I decided it would make it worse If I chased him so I let him be, left some food and a cat carrier. I'm heading over at lunch to talk with the people who's back yard he seams to have made home and let them know what I'm doing.

I also have a coworker with a small animal trap, he's bringing it with him when hew returns from lunch.

Wish me luck!
Good deal. I can imagine he was freaked out.
My sister in law had a housecat that got loose in my back yard when they moved from CA to WA. took a few days but I finally saw it under one of my sheds, and my bride put out a can of food and coaxed her out. My Bro-in-law had to drive 2 hours back to our house to get the critter, but it got home safe.
Heres hoping yours turns out the same.
Well, received a call during lunch today from a neighbor down the road (still a good little clip), said he thought he saw my cat under his shed. This seams allot more reasonable then Phil walking 1.5 or 2 miles through the woods. I went home as soon as he called but no cat... :(

It's storming like hell right now so maybe later he'll show up...
No more leads... :(

As everyday goes by the chances diminish that I'll ever see him again.

Damn I miss him! Here is one of my favorite shots of him, he always just sat at the window and watched the outdoors... :)
Cute shot.

Sorry to hear he hasn't come back though... :(
Today has been a very bad day... The best lead I had on Phil turned out to be a different cat... :( I'm afraid he is gone for good.

I feel so responsible that I have been very depressed for days. I had him declawed and because of that he has no way to fend for himself.

I have lost my best friend. :( I can only hope that he has found a good home and is OK. Unfortunately that most likely is not the case considering where I live and the animals that are around.

For the first time in almost three years, I picked up a drink... I just had a shot (only one) to my lost friend, Phil. :chug: There is one shot left in the bottle and I'm going to save it for when you return...
:( sorry to hear that cj. i sucks when you lose a best friend. when mrsdalefan and i moved to the house we got now. we had a cat the we got a few months after getting together in 2001. we lived here for a couple months and she got ran over right in front of our house. so i know how you feel. it stinks.
Unfortunately no... :( I'm going to place another group of signs out this afternoon but it's probably in vain.

I still call his name every time I go outside and his perch resides on the back patio in case he ever comes by...
CJ--so sorry to hear Phil hasn't come back yet. I am still hoping and praying he comes back to ya!! Don't give up hope, he had a good home and will return when his adventuring is done. I know its hard to lose a friend , but he's not lost just taking a vacation :)
Sorry to hear your cat hasn't come home yet.
I would give you this one but it will not let anyone close to it. It leaves us mice and loves my Jeep when I leave it parked outside.

Don't beat yourself up too bad, CJ, all things happen for a reason, even if we mere mortals, do not understand the reasoning why, at the time .............

I know of no words to say to ease the fear/pain that comes with a situation like this except to keep talking to friends about it.

I along with all the others are hoping for a safe return of your buddy !

Pretty bummed right now - thought I had a lead - the Vet called and thought they had Phil... :)

It wasn't him... :(

Just brought back memories that I had suppressed! :mad:
I now have a look a-like cat camping on back door step, can't get close to it, not even sure if it's a guy or a gall. :) Won't react to the cat treat shaking 'we' did before... Probably not Phil, but a nice looking cat. :)

Still miss my buddy though. :(
Maybe he'll warm up to ya and be your new buddy.:)

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