Oil spray at highway speeds

Oil spray at highway speeds
Crappy man; thats frustrating.

It probably is the VC gasket. Did you inspect the VC real good and make sure that it wasn't cracked? Here's another thing that can happen; I'm guessing this is a sheet metal valve cover. Sometimes when they are stuck on there, we all tend to use a screwdriver or something to pry them off. Even if you are "careful" and slowly tap along the gasket to separate the VC from the head, you can warp it a little. Here's something I would try. With a small hammer, lightly tap down on the outer edge of the valve cover. By outer edge Im talking about the ridge where the VC turns down towards the head on the outside of each bolt. You can go all the way around the valve cover tapping down. You can do it on the flat part that has the gasket under it or more out towards the edge. I've done this before and you can actually hear the difference when you get to an area where the bolt isn't pulling the valve cover down hard onto the gasket. You'll get a hollow sound/feel rather than a solid feel/sound.

Not trying to underestimate your abilities but make sure that you use a razor blade scraper and get a nice clean surface on the head. Use brake cleaner to get all the oil residue off. Same with the VC surface. Inspect both while cleaning for cracks, etc. I always use "ultra black rtv". I used to never use it and had lots of little seeps show up on a total engine rebuild. Now I put a very fine layer--like a coat of paint--on both sides of the gasket (or metal surface, whichever is easier).

Keep at it man, you'll get it.

If it is a sheet metal cover, I'd highly recommend tapping around the edge like I said. I've sealed VCs that way as it will straighten it out.
Yeah, I took the gasket we bought back to AutoZone and picked up a new one yesterday. The guy said to check the VC for any type of dings or dents, especially since we were frustrated and tightening the bolts down we could have bent it a little. When you put the gasket sealer on, do you put it on both sides of the gasket or just on the side closest to the VC?

He said to clean the surfaces, line a thin bead along the lip of the VC, stick the gasket to that, then place the whole thing onto the cleaned off base. Another buddy said to apply to the base and not to the VC directly. Going to do it today, but I'm not sure which way to go about it or just say to hell with it and but a bead on both sides.
Put a straight edge on that cover and head surface as well, valve cover could be warped to much (alittle is 'normal'). Clean off all traces of any old gasket/sealer ect. from both surfaces and as mentioned then clean them with brake cleaner. They need to be completely oil free. I butter both sides of the gasket with a thin coat of gasket sealer then assemble. I prefer cork gasket but the rubber works ok. Tighten them bolts all just snug (sorta hand tight) then tighten them down evenly in a criss cross pattern but dont over tighten. Run it awhile then retighten the bolts if needed.

Gotta find out how this ends...:popcorn:
Dont use a bead. In theory, you shouldn't need any. There was none from the factory. So, just put a dab on your finger and spread it across the entire surface of the valve cover gasket. Should be a very thin layer--almost as light as you can get it by spreading it around.

Do this to both sides of the valve cover gasket. I usually set the gasket on the head and or valve cover dry and see if it will stay in place, then make my decision as to how I will install and it whether I will put the RTV on the VC, gasket, or head. Get the ULTRA BLACK from any parts store. Its a little more expensive but works the best.

As far as what the parts guy said about what happens when you overtighten the bolts--here is how to check for that. With the VC off, flip it over and take a look at the area around the bolt holes. You'll probably see or be able to feel that the area right around the bolt hole is protruding DOWN towards the head were you to hold it like it is installed. When this happens, you tighten the bolts and they get tight while the areas between the bolts isn't tight. I've remedied this with the VC installed by just tapping along the edge of the VC between the bolt holes. With the VC off, use a small ball peen hammer and tap the raised bolt hole area back flat. I actually tap them past flat, so that the areas between the bolt holes will be holding down tight first. Then, as you tighten the bolt a little more, it will pull the VC down nice and tight all the way around. Kind of preloads the VC rails between the bolt holes.

Hope that helps.
Hey folks,

Figured I'd update everyone on how this ended. Sealed it back up, was still leaking, so got frustrated and called the shop. They said to try a cork gasket and if that didn't work they'd take a look at it. Managed to get a refund on all 3 rubber gaskets I bought :chug: and picked up a cork gasket. Painted a thin layer of sealer on the VC and stuck the cork gasket to it. Bolted it down. Haven't had a drop of oil leak in two weeks now. Not too sure how that's possible, but, it worked! Just changed out the belts today as well seeing as I dumped about 17 gallons of antifreeze on them over that process and it sounded like a banshee from them squealing.

So, needless to say it's time to start dumping money into other things before I start saving pennies for a 4 speed and a fiberglass tub.

Thanks for all the help, it was really encouraging despite being ready to roll the damn thing down a hill for a couple weeks.
I'm happy you got it fixed :chug:
Just back from vacation so late post.

My buddy had a valve cover leaking oil and after changing the valve cover gasket 3 times, he asked me to look at his jeep. After removing and cleaning the valve cover and head, we installed the valve cover bolts to see how far they installed. After nothing several different heights he bought bolts 1/4" 18thread by 3/4" length with washers and no more leak.

His previous bolts were 1" long and bottoming out as the previous owner hadn't drilled and tapped the thread holes deep enough. Again a simple fix, hope this saves some one some headaches in the future.

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