PC is killing this country!

PC is killing this country!


Central FL
'72 CJ5, 401, T18, D20, D44, D30
'82 CJ8, 258, D300, AMC20, D30
A school pulls a giving tree (a tree used to give others less fortunate presents), our own military ignores problems with a Dr who has terrorist ties and does not investigate them because of a PC policy (Fort Hood)...

I'm about to pull what is left of my hair out! :eek:

Candy canes banned from a school because they could be construed as religious symbol? :wtf: Give me a Fin break!

This country was and is based on religious beliefs! Um - look at our currency and our founding Fathers teachings, as well as our founding documents.

I have no problem if some one does not want to follow a faith! Just do not force your non-belief on my self!

Profiling? Um - I'm profiled as a redneck, there are others too! We have a profile! We all have profiles! Bring em on! They usually fit!

Rant over!
Don't even get me started, I could go on for hours.

Redneck? of course your a redneck you own a 4x4.:D
And incase you didn't know it you also spend all your time distroying the trails you go on. Thats why you must be banned from them.:eek:
Don't even get me started, I could go on for hours.

Redneck? of course your a redneck you own a 4x4.:D
And incase you didn't know it you also spend all your time distroying the trails you go on. Thats why you must be banned from them.:eek:
I would love to hear you go on!

That is why I started this thread...

Tell us what you think!
I would love to hear you go on!

That is why I started this thread...

Tell us what you think!
I have a couple of things that I need to do this morning so I am not going to pick up this thread but maybe this evening, I just don't think I will be able to stop once I get started. I am posting to it so I will be sure it shows up in my subscribed threads because I think this rant may go on for a long time and be rather interesting although totally unrelated to the machinery we are here to cuss and discuss.:cool:

Anarchism is founded on the observation that since few men are wise enough to rule themselves, even fewer are wise enough to rule others.
- Edward Abbey
Christmas carol singing banned but voted to be reinstated -->> FOXNews.com - School Christmas Song Ban Sparks Debate - U.S. & World

A PA ban on Christmas carols! This one upheld by a judge... -->> School Christmas carol ban upheld - The ReporterOnline: Serving North Penn, Indian Valley and neighboring communities

While I agree with others rights, their rights do not trump my right to do so....

What I mean is that it seems that one persons right to NOT be exposed is greater the thousands who would do so.... It's tough to explain and I'm probably not doing a good job - I'm just a little tired of all this :dung: !
This really ticks me off. A MOH winner has been told by his local HOA that he can't have a flag pole in his front yard....

Colonel Van Barfoot's homeowner's association has ordered him to remove the flagpole from his yard.

90 year-old Colonel Van Barfoot has until Friday to remove the flagpole from his yard.

Since this saga began, it's been played out on the radio from Washington D.C. to Boston, but many believe what is happening to this true American hero is tarnishing the image of Richmond.

Barfoot lives in the Sussex Square community in western Henrico County. He moved there in July, and was ordered to remove the flagpole from his front lawn when he flew the flag on Labor Day, and again on Veterans Day.

The homeowner's association doesn't explicitly forbid flagpoles but they must be "aesthetically appropriate". Short flags are allowed on porches, but Barfoot says that's not the way he was raised to respect the flag.

"First of all, it's not dignified, and it shows you got it in the half mast position... you can walk around here and I'll bet you the American flag is hanging out in the rain, nobody ever checks it", says Barfoot.

Family members say he's the most decorated American combat veteran alive. Barfoot has been awared more than 20 medals, including the Medal of Honor, The Silver Star, the Legion of Merit, The Bronze Star, and three Purple Hearts.

Wounded in combat three times, Barfoot fought in World War II and in Vietnam.

And he has the support of a lot of people, including Senator Mark Warner. Warner says he's outraged Barfoot's neighborhood association wants him to remove the flagpole from his yard.

Barfoot says he will take it to court.

Meanwhile, the Sussex Square Homeowner's Association issued a statement saying in part, "This is not about the American flag. This is about a flagpole... We are a neighborhood of patriotic Americans, many of whom have served our country in the military as Col. Barfoot has done.."

The homeowner's association also says Barfoot knew from the beginning that he wasn't supposed to have a flagpole without permission.

If I hear one more <-BAD WORD-> clown tell me "happy holidays" instead of MERRY CHRISTMAS, I swear I'm gonna knock them out.
A school pulls a giving tree (a tree used to give others less fortunate presents), our own military ignores problems with a Dr who has terrorist ties and does not investigate them because of a PC policy (Fort Hood)...

I'm about to pull what is left of my hair out! :eek:

Candy canes banned from a school because they could be construed as religious symbol? :wtf: Give me a Fin break!

This country was and is based on religious beliefs! Um - look at our currency and our founding Fathers teachings, as well as our founding documents.

I have no problem if some one does not want to follow a faith! Just do not force your non-belief on my self!

Profiling? Um - I'm profiled as a redneck, there are others too! We have a profile! We all have profiles! Bring em on! They usually fit!

Rant over!

X 10,000 on that!!!!!

In this country you can :dung: on"Rednecks & Christians" all you want, but don't you dare say anything about "jihad-est"or muslims.
This really ticks me off. A MOH winner has been told by his local HOA that he can't have a flag pole in his front yard....

Colonel Van Barfoot's homeowner's association has ordered him to remove the flagpole from his yard.

90 year-old Colonel Van Barfoot has until Friday to remove the flagpole from his yard.

Since this saga began, it's been played out on the radio from Washington D.C. to Boston, but many believe what is happening to this true American hero is tarnishing the image of Richmond.

Barfoot lives in the Sussex Square community in western Henrico County. He moved there in July, and was ordered to remove the flagpole from his front lawn when he flew the flag on Labor Day, and again on Veterans Day.

The homeowner's association doesn't explicitly forbid flagpoles but they must be "aesthetically appropriate". Short flags are allowed on porches, but Barfoot says that's not the way he was raised to respect the flag.

"First of all, it's not dignified, and it shows you got it in the half mast position... you can walk around here and I'll bet you the American flag is hanging out in the rain, nobody ever checks it", says Barfoot.

Family members say he's the most decorated American combat veteran alive. Barfoot has been awared more than 20 medals, including the Medal of Honor, The Silver Star, the Legion of Merit, The Bronze Star, and three Purple Hearts.

Wounded in combat three times, Barfoot fought in World War II and in Vietnam.

And he has the support of a lot of people, including Senator Mark Warner. Warner says he's outraged Barfoot's neighborhood association wants him to remove the flagpole from his yard.

Barfoot says he will take it to court.

Meanwhile, the Sussex Square Homeowner's Association issued a statement saying in part, "This is not about the American flag. This is about a flagpole... We are a neighborhood of patriotic Americans, many of whom have served our country in the military as Col. Barfoot has done.."

The homeowner's association also says Barfoot knew from the beginning that he wasn't supposed to have a flagpole without permission.

That one is a little bit of a problem and not quite what I was talking about...

The home owner knew the rules before he moved there and choose to break them. As much as I admire and believe that anyone should be able to display the American flag - the way it is displayed is in question... :)
If I hear one more <-BAD WORD-> clown tell me "happy holidays" instead of MERRY CHRISTMAS, I swear I'm gonna knock them out.
LMAO! Stopped by a bell ringer today! Asked if they were saying 'Happy Holidays' or 'Merry Christmas'! The later was the reply!

They got a five spot! :)
X 10,000 on that!!!!!

In this country you can :dung: on"Rednecks & Christians" all you want, but don't you dare say anything about "jihad-est"or muslims.
But why? Why is it so wrong to belittle those WHO KILL US?

Just asking...
If I hear one more <-BAD WORD-> clown tell me "happy holidays" instead of MERRY CHRISTMAS, I swear I'm gonna knock them out.

Ain't the first time I've been called an <-BAD WORD-> Clown...Won't be the last, either! But it is the first time I've been threatened for saying that!
But then most of the time I just say Bah! Humbug! to those who greet me as you would!
I usually say welcome to wal-mart get your :dung: and get out!

I agree we've become to PC in this country we'd rather take it in the shorts than offend someone.
This country was founded on freedom of religion, representation, and other ideas, that have since gone out the window.

I fought just like many others for freedom of speech, I have the just as much right to give one the bird and call'em a fooking raghead, just as they have the right to tell me to get bent.

I'm tired of always having to watch what I do and say as I may offend someone who isn't even part of the conversation.

I got wrote up once because of a conversation I was having with a buddy, a lady down the hall in another office heard a comment made jokingly to my buddy. Got all pissed and I got wrote up for it. WTF, I can't speak now.

All these frivolous law suits tying up the court system is getting out of control.
I say if you did the crime, the are witnesses, evidence and there is no doubt you did it. The you should skip all the BS appeals, ETC. and take your beating!

People shouldn't be punished for other peoples stupidity!
I usually say welcome to wal-mart get your :dung: and get out!

I agree we've become to PC in this country we'd rather take it in the shorts than offend someone.
This country was founded on freedom of religion, representation, and other ideas, that have since gone out the window.

I fought just like many others for freedom of speech, I have the just as much right to give one the bird and call'em a fooking raghead, just as they have the right to tell me to get bent.

I'm tired of always having to watch what I do and say as I may offend someone who isn't even part of the conversation.

I got wrote up once because of a conversation I was having with a buddy, a lady down the hall in another office heard a comment made jokingly to my buddy. Got all pissed and I got wrote up for it. WTF, I can't speak now.

All these frivolous law suits tying up the court system is getting out of control.
I say if you did the crime, the are witnesses, evidence and there is no doubt you did it. The you should skip all the BS appeals, ETC. and take your beating!

People shouldn't be punished for other peoples stupidity!

A-men brother!:chug:
If you think were PC, read this!Rat cooking lands TV show in hot water

SYDNEY – Two stars of the "I'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here" television show have been charged with animal cruelty after allegedly killing and cooking a rat to eat during filming.
Chef Gino D'Acampo, who won the viewer-feedback contest series, and actor Stuart Manning were charged after animal welfare activists lodged a complaint about a segment for the British TV program, which was filmed in Australia, the activists and British media reported Sunday.
In a statement to The Associated Press, New South Wales state police said Sunday that two men, aged 33 and 30, were charged with animal cruelty for acts in connection to the program but did not give names or other details. They have been asked to appear in court to face the charge on Feb. 3. The maximum penalty is three years in prison.
The performers and ITV, the network that produces the show, did not immediately respond to media inquiries about the incident.
"The killing of a rat for a performance is not acceptable. The concern is this was done purely for the cameras," David O'Shannessy from the New South Wales RSPCA told the British Broadcasting Corp.
He said producers were normally required to have animal welfare officers on set when animals were used during filming, but in this case it did not take place.
"I'm a Celebrity" strands C-list celebrities in the Australian Outback, subjects them to a series of icky trials involving spiders and snakes, and allows the public to vote them off the show one by one.:eek:
It seems to me that we do all the wrong things for all the right reasons. It also seems to me that there is a way around just about anything if you look.
consider prayer in school, Muslim kids pray in school Cristian kids don't. The law does not say there can be no prayer in school it says the school can not encourage it. The Muslim kids don't wait for some one to tell them to do it, they don't ask if they can do it , they just do it. Cristian kids should just do it! If there were 200 Cristian kids praying in the hallway between home room and first period the school would find a place for them to do it, the gym the cafeteria, just to keep them from being a fire hazard. It looks to me as we are not so much concerned with Prayer as we are with the ownership of the school.
The problem we face is that the law is a double edged sword. We should either learn to avoid the back swing or take advantage of it. :cool:
I agree that PC is a PITA, especially for those of us that have a generally low opinion of our own species. I know it seems unfair to have to give up the pin ups in the locker at work but can you imagine the lady with the locker next to you opening the door and you finding your self face to junk with a centerfold shot of Sarah Palin's son in law??:barf: The off color jokes are easy, as long as lawyers are still fair game I have no problem. every one knows what I am saying, I'm just not saying it.:wtf:
The next time you go out be sure to wish every one a "happy Ramadan", If enough of us say it some one will get pissed and Wal Mart will issue a press release to ban Ramadan in there stores and offices.:pissed:
Some people see a glass half full some see a glass half empty. I see a glass that is twice as big as it needs to be.
There is always something else going on, this is just a diversion.

Oh yea, one more thing. WTF is an <-BAD WORD-> clown?:wtf:
If I had a pin-up on the wall and a female co-worker put up her one.
It would be a great day indeed, for once finally I will have worked with someone
mature enough to not let little :dung: bother them.

I say as long as your not physically bothering me, I could give a rats <-BAD WORD->!
Say what you want, tell that dirty joke, hang that poster up, wish everyone
a happymerrychristmhoniquanzica, pray all day, arrest that criminal who broke his
leg while trying to steal my TV, and have a coke, a smile and shut the F&^% UP!
If I had a pin-up on the wall and a female co-worker put up her one.
It would be a great day indeed, for once finally I will have worked with someone
mature enough to not let little :dung: bother them.

I say as long as your not physically bothering me, I could give a rats <-BAD WORD->!
Say what you want, tell that dirty joke, hang that poster up, wish everyone
a happymerrychristmhoniquanzica, pray all day, arrest that criminal who broke his
leg while trying to steal my TV, and have a coke, a smile and shut the F&^% UP!

X2 on that!:punk:
That's my rub with PC liberals. If a conservative doesn't like something they just don't do it.

If a PC liberal doesn't like something. It needs to be made illegal. I.E. hunting, fishing, 4 wheeling, Christianity, smoking, you name it they they want to outlaw it.:pissed:

Although in public they claim to support live & let live, but only if they agree with it.:eek:

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