OK, I will now rant
let us look at some of our founding principles in this country
they were some of the most liberal ever put on paper in those days
we were going to be the most liberal nation alive
freedom of religion
separation of church and state
freedom of speech
owning guns is a right
representation in government by elected officials making the common mans words as great as the richest
face it guys we were not set up on any conservative ideas.
However, no mater how liberal the founding issues were, we were basing this on people who were very conservative in religion and ethics.
So even then we had a firm base of ideas that did not meld. We also did not see the need for a set of rules banning our religion because Christianity was the only big religion recognized here at the time. But because of our broad open immigration policies we imported religions and views different from ours. That seems to be the problem. However under the basis of separation of church and state policy we should have no problem. If we truely did listen to our fore fathers then we could openly have non PC songs sung, we just add the songs others want sung.
I will be the last to comment on a religious problem, I feel if you worship a goat, that is ok as long as your social morals conform to what is the norm in our society. So if we want to sing silent night, and you want to sing oh how holy is my goat, I have no problem, when I do have a problem is when you say I can no longer sing Silent Night. I have the legal right to sing that song whenever and however I want. Just as long as we represent ourselves in equal portions. So ......
If you want a song every 125th time about Alla Being the profit, I will play it, but do not make us not play our songs the other 124 want to hear, If you think that using the government to keep us from singing Silent Night will work I will counter sue that the government telling me what to do at my sons school is violating separation of church and state. That I have every right as long as I give proportional space according to the dimeographics of my sons school. That is fair.
How ever some bleeding heart, thinks she is a liberal but is truly a divisionist, soccer mom who could not get laid at a porn convention wants to stop me, then I will stand up and fight.