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PC is killing this country!

PC is killing this country!
Your dog sure is ummmmm , in the mood. :laugh:

Is that not PC :eek:

sorry Pete it was the only pic of them by the christmas tree,
I guess he was excited about getting his bone. (pun intended)
Sorry, but I can't imagine why in hell anyone on this planet would try to deny Christians their holiday. It's not a holiday tree, It's a christmas tree. This "holiday" is in fact, Christams. Why anyone would or could be offended with the greeting of "merry christmas" is beyond my comprehention. Christians are being persecuted, belittled, and somehow, we are suposed to be ashamed for our belief in God. As well, I can't understand a bah humbug sentament over the seasons message of peace, giving, and the one night we celebrate our symbol of profound love and faith. I guess if the words, merry christmas stick in your throat, or cause embarassment, then I would rather people would just say nothing at all.

Another "Oh Woe is me the christian being persecuted and belittled Blah Blah Blah. At the same time you say I shouldn't say anything at all because I don't believe in what you do.
Why can't you see the utter hypocrisy in this statement? If I don't believe in what you do, I shouldn't say anything, Yet your kind show up at my door and in my workplace uninvited, and try and tell me that my way of life is wrong. Wrong by who's standards? A mythical superbeing? Or is it just that you think your better than me? Fine, you keep thinking that, I couldn't care less.
I could go on and on, but I'm done here. Thanxgoodbye
Where did you hail from before you moved in with the ,Fruits, nuts & flakes?;)
Oh I was Born in L.A. LOWER ALABAMA or as they call it Fort Walton Beach Florida, When I go back after I retire, I can run Florida Native plates. Love the south, I lived in another LA, Louisiana, Alexandria to be exact, for over 17years there. However I also grew up an Air Force Brat so I spent around 6 years in teh orient before I was in the 4th grade when we moved back to Florida.
Another "Oh Woe is me the christian being persecuted and belittled Blah Blah Blah. At the same time you say I shouldn't say anything at all because I don't believe in what you do.
Why can't you see the utter hypocrisy in this statement? If I don't believe in what you do, I shouldn't say anything, Yet your kind show up at my door and in my workplace uninvited, and try and tell me that my way of life is wrong. Wrong by who's standards? A mythical superbeing? Or is it just that you think your better than me? Fine, you keep thinking that, I couldn't care less.
I could go on and on, but I'm done here. Thanxgoodbye

I've heard no one on this thread complain about Hebrews & Hanukkah.
Or the Africans & Kwanzaa.
No one has complained about the Muslims & Eid ul-Adha.
I have not heard even one person complain about the Athiest or Agnostics right to believe in absolutely nothing!

The only disrespect I've heard on this thread came from the the latter.:mad:
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Oh I was Born in L.A. LOWER ALABAMA or as they call it Fort Walton Beach Florida, When I go back after I retire, I can run Florida Native plates. Love the south, I lived in another LA, Louisiana, Alexandria to be exact, for over 17years there. However I also grew up an Air Force Brat so I spent around 6 years in teh orient before I was in the 4th grade when we moved back to Florida.

I just knew it!! There was no way that anyone I agree with as often as I agree with you , came from California!!:grinjeep:
I have two quotes to share;

"Politically Correct"
By SR-71

I don't mean to piss you off with things I might say
But when I try to shut my mouth they come out anyway
When I speak my mind, that's when we connect
But that's not politically correct

Your head's so filled with thought, you can't use your imagination
Like a sky so filled with stars, you can't find a constellation
And everyone's so sensitive to every bad vibration
We're so impressing while we're regressing

There's nothing I believe in more than my own insignificance
So why does everybody think that my words can make a difference
I just don't have time to think up every social consequence
I'll just keep on talking you keep applauding

I don't mean to piss you off with things I might say
But when I try to shut my mouth they come out anyway
If you spoke your mind you might feel more connected
But, until you get politically corrected

You lean a little to the left or the right but
You can only see what's on your side.
Look a little like a deer in the headlights
A little blind a little hypnotized.
So you conform with the best of intention
Change comes from inside.
After all that's what this country was founded on
Do nothing different just fall in line.

What happened to make us so afraid
You couldn't make a Mel Brooks movie today
I saw Blazing Saddles yesterday

And two;
Who is John Galt?
by Dagny Taggart

Make that 3 quotes
Where the hell is John Galt.
by Darren Flint
Another "Oh Woe is me the christian being persecuted and belittled Blah Blah Blah. At the same time you say I shouldn't say anything at all because I don't believe in what you do.
Why can't you see the utter hypocrisy in this statement? If I don't believe in what you do, I shouldn't say anything, Yet your kind show up at my door and in my workplace uninvited, and try and tell me that my way of life is wrong. Wrong by who's standards? A mythical superbeing? Or is it just that you think your better than me? Fine, you keep thinking that, I couldn't care less.
I could go on and on, but I'm done here. Thanxgoodbye

Christians are in fact being persecuted across this country, and the world. If you and your family have chosen to deny a belief in God, that is entirely your business. I don't know of any of "my kind" , a Roman Catholic, going door to door or any work place to attempt conversion. And If you live your life diferently than I, that again is your business, not mine. I choose to believe in God, and find solice in that belief, and I am no better than any other man.
I've heard no one on this thread complain about Hebrews & Hanukkah.
Or the Africans & Kwanzaa.
No one has complained about the Muslims & Eid ul-Adha.
I have not heard even one person complain about the Athiest or Agnostics right to believe in absolutely nothing!

The only disrespect I've heard on this thread came from the the latter.:mad:

Said better than I could.
Seems like segregation is good, from what I am reading anyway. I have lived in Utah all my life, and yes it’s Mormon Mecca. The funny thing is I would never move to town near the Vatican and bitch about the Catholics, not that I have anything against them mind you. People move to Ut. And complain about “the Church” as it’s know here. It would be nice if people could just say “thanks for your info but I am happy with my place in life, have a nice day”

Seems to me that the original thought of this post is correct, yes there is an organized effort to stop things of Christianity, such as nativity seems and Christmas trees, why so thin skinned? If someone calls me a cracker I am not offended, crackers are good, but we crackers don’t run around telling people you can’t say the “c” word.

Our forefathers knew hardship, death was easy and around every corner, do you think they worried about words? And you want to talk about persecution, it rather hard to argue that the Jews know a little something about real persecution. Don’t give me any of this Hitler was a Christen :dung:, that is like saying the Ft. Hood a-hole was “misunderstood”. I decided long ago that I was going to say what I think, not be afraid to point out evil and errors, and if you are offended you should look at yourself.

Now having said that, and with no offence intended, let me say this, Atheist are just lazy! If we just evolved then there are no consequences, no right and wrong, so you can do what you want and not pay any price. At least the devil worshipers have rules to follow. But that is just my opinion, don’t hate because you can’t relate. BUT you should not be offended by a tree, or 10 commandments, because they are just someone’s thoughts and they should have no effect on you.

And finally another quote, this one from the grate philosopher and poet Mr. Neal Peart;

There is unrest in the forest,
There is trouble with the trees,
For the maples want more sunlight
And the oaks ignore their please.

The trouble with the maples,
(And they're quite convinced they're right)
They say the oaks are just too lofty
And they grab up all the light.
But the oaks can't help their feelings
If they like the way they're made.
And they wonder why the maples
Can't be happy in their shade.

There is trouble in the forest,
And the creatures all have fled,
As the maples scream "Oppression!"
And the oaks just shake their heads

So the maples formed a union
And demanded equal rights.
"The oaks are just too greedy;
We will make them give us light."
Now there's no more oak oppression,
For they passed a noble law,
And the trees are all kept equal
By hatchet, axe, and saw.
Seems like segregation is good, from what I am reading anyway. I have lived in Utah all my life, and yes it’s Mormon Mecca. The funny thing is I would never move to town near the Vatican and bitch about the Catholics, not that I have anything against them mind you. People move to Ut. And complain about “the Church” as it’s know here. It would be nice if people could just say “thanks for your info but I am happy with my place in life, have a nice day”

Seems to me that the original thought of this post is correct, yes there is an organized effort to stop things of Christianity, such as nativity seems and Christmas trees, why so thin skinned? If someone calls me a cracker I am not offended, crackers are good, but we crackers don’t run around telling people you can’t say the “c” word.

Our forefathers knew hardship, death was easy and around every corner, do you think they worried about words? And you want to talk about persecution, it rather hard to argue that the Jews know a little something about real persecution. Don’t give me any of this Hitler was a Christen :dung:, that is like saying the Ft. Hood a-hole was “misunderstood”. I decided long ago that I was going to say what I think, not be afraid to point out evil and errors, and if you are offended you should look at yourself.

Now having said that, and with no offence intended, let me say this, Atheist are just lazy! If we just evolved then there are no consequences, no right and wrong, so you can do what you want and not pay any price. At least the devil worshipers have rules to follow. But that is just my opinion, don’t hate because you can’t relate. BUT you should not be offended by a tree, or 10 commandments, because they are just someone’s thoughts and they should have no effect on you.

And finally another quote, this one from the grate philosopher and poet Mr. Neal Peart;

There is unrest in the forest,
There is trouble with the trees,
For the maples want more sunlight
And the oaks ignore their please.

The trouble with the maples,
(And they're quite convinced they're right)
They say the oaks are just too lofty
And they grab up all the light.
But the oaks can't help their feelings
If they like the way they're made.
And they wonder why the maples
Can't be happy in their shade.

There is trouble in the forest,
And the creatures all have fled,
As the maples scream "Oppression!"
And the oaks just shake their heads

So the maples formed a union
And demanded equal rights.
"The oaks are just too greedy;
We will make them give us light."
Now there's no more oak oppression,
For they passed a noble law,
And the trees are all kept equal
By hatchet, axe, and saw.

Rock On, RPS. I always loved "Rush"!:punk: Neil, what a drummer. What a drum kit!:drool:
I have a friend who is a big fan of that book that John Galt is in
He even uses John Galt as a screen name.
I have asked him about it and he tells me I need to read the book, I have never even seen it to tell the truth but understand it is a kinda sci fi social cometary.
You have a very wise friend, and he is correct you should read it, it’s not a novel it’s prophecy. Have your friend check out johngaltblog.com. The guy disappeared over a year ago, interesting.
Not to get into a religious argument, Which guys let us show our maturity by stepping back and doing some thought and letting everyone believe what they want. We have a great forum here, let us not belittle it with a religious argument.

and here is why, No matter how much you believe your particular beliefs are, your opposite believes just as much into his own.
And there is no book written that tells us who is correct. Every belief has it's own book, weather that be the Bible, the Eddas, the Koran or whatever religious belief you have, you can qoute from somewhere and they can counter quote from somewhere else. Religion is belief. And some of them are pretty broken up with sub sets. After al there are over 165 recognized sects of the Christian faith in the USA.

If we would just allow such, then no one would need to be PC, we could have Christmas, not a holiday season, and Ramadan and Hanukkah. and no one would get upset.

Personally I feel even if you do not believe in anything, you can see the social good that a strong religious system does by controlling the morals of the masses.
You have a very wise friend, and he is correct you should read it, it’s not a novel it’s prophecy. Have your friend check out johngaltblog.com. The guy disappeared over a year ago, interesting.
Funny from the Blog article I read, I could counter point strongly, not that I disagree, but I mean the stock market is again skyrocketing and the reason it was so bad last year is because we removed government regulation and let greed overide safe practice. The death of America is not becuase we let guys leech, it is because we then blame the problems of them leeching on Illegal immagrants. Kill social welfare and forign aide and see how strong we can become. We would cure a lot of our problems in 2 swoops, excessive spending on programs that drain the country, and Illegal immigration, our own poor would take those jobs just as they did before social welfare became the norm. And why in the world are we paying the taxes of foriegn countries through foriegn aide just so they can under sell us by not having to add the price burden of taxing their own to production cost?
Funny from the Blog article I read, I could counter point strongly, not that I disagree, but I mean the stock market is again skyrocketing and the reason it was so bad last year is because we removed government regulation and let greed overide safe practice. The death of America is not becuase we let guys leech, it is because we then blame the problems of them leeching on Illegal immagrants. Kill social welfare and forign aide and see how strong we can become. We would cure a lot of our problems in 2 swoops, excessive spending on programs that drain the country, and Illegal immigration, our own poor would take those jobs just as they did before social welfare became the norm. And why in the world are we paying the taxes of foriegn countries through foriegn aide just so they can under sell us by not having to add the price burden of taxing their own to production cost?

X2 on that!!!:punk:
I know who the guy is, most people would probably know the name, but he has dropped off the radar, so he really is John Galt or he is Howard Hughes level nuts. What I find fascinating about the blog is this it was posted last year, back when everyone was saying “oh no he is not a socialist”. Well it’s clear this guy was on target, obama is a socialist, at the very least a statest. “I don’t want to own a car company, I am too busy” well then why do you? If I don’t want to own a car I sale it, if you don’t want to own a company don’t own it.

As for me I am not heavily back into the market, I don’t know anyone who is, I am happy to see it as high as it is, but without jobs what is the point. This credit argument is BS, I need to hire because we are so busy, I have a 4 week waiting list on custom brackets, but I will not do it until I see what happens with cap and trade and health care.

In my companies if you can’t prove you are a US citizen you don’t get hired. And the fastest way to get fired is to say the word union, paying GM workers $25.00 to sit and watch TV? The union has held a gun to GM for years, not saying that the suits are not to blame as well. I just don’t trust anyone that would take my money, tell me when to work or not, and when they tell me to strike they will give me a pick-nick, gee thanks but how about paying my mortgage.

As for the rest of your post I completely agree, and would add an underlying problem is the fact that the youth are above hard work or don’t know how to work, that will be the US death nail.
I know who the guy is, most people would probably know the name, but he has dropped off the radar, so he really is John Galt or he is Howard Hughes level nuts. What I find fascinating about the blog is this it was posted last year, back when everyone was saying “oh no he is not a socialist”. Well it’s clear this guy was on target, obama is a socialist, at the very least a statest. “I don’t want to own a car company, I am too busy” well then why do you? If I don’t want to own a car I sale it, if you don’t want to own a company don’t own it.

As for me I am not heavily back into the market, I don’t know anyone who is, I am happy to see it as high as it is, but without jobs what is the point. This credit argument is BS, I need to hire because we are so busy, I have a 4 week waiting list on custom brackets, but I will not do it until I see what happens with cap and trade and health care.

In my companies if you can’t prove you are a US citizen you don’t get hired. And the fastest way to get fired is to say the word union, paying GM workers $25.00 to sit and watch TV? The union has held a gun to GM for years, not saying that the suits are not to blame as well. I just don’t trust anyone that would take my money, tell me when to work or not, and when they tell me to strike they will give me a pick-nick, gee thanks but how about paying my mortgage.

As for the rest of your post I completely agree, and would add an underlying problem is the fact that the youth are above hard work or don’t know how to work, that will be the US death nail.

That wasn't a hard shot to call. Liberal Democrat= Socialist.;)
funny how any time PC is brought up, the government is mentioned in the same sentence. I guess there is hope when people can relate this insane crush on our personal thought process and ability to speak our minds, directly to government intervention. I suggest that the current loose screw driving the machine is beyond socialist, and has entered the sea of Bolshevik. A ruling class is being installed right before our very eyes, and the rest will be working class to support it. When your ability to speak your mind is being monitered and restricted, there is a serious problem my friends.

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