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speaking of having a cold one

speaking of having a cold one


Crazy Sr. Respected Jeeper
Chickamauga, Ga
1985 Jeep CJ7, 258, t-176, D300, AMC20, D30
well whats your favorite beer? my old standby, everyday drinker is miller lite, but my favorite is a light lager from Big river grille and brewery in downtown chattanooga, they call it southern flyer. i also like yuengling/light, budweiser, and just about any light lager. not a big fan of the real dark beers, or stuff like heineken, amber bock, shiner bock, or most of the samuel adams (although some are ok)also don't care for any of the irish/english black beers. i do like the mexican imports, dos equis, corona, tecate. i wouldn't mind trying out some of the dogfish head beers, that dude comes up with some weird stuff. i need to try some more of the smaller craft beers but they can be hard to come by.
share with us what you drink.:beer::beer::beer::chug::chug:
I started homebrewing last year and in doing so have become a beer snob. Other than my own brews, I like a variety of the beers from Sierra Nevada and Lagunitas. I generally favor ales over lagers.
Yes, I use kits, although I'm ready to try experimenting with my own recipies. Northern Brewer (northernbrewer.com) has a very nice catalog of ingredient kits and equipment. It is not hard and you can make really great beer that isn't ordinary.
well I certainly wish that I had some more options of local breweries to choose from. However this little town has nothing of the sort. In fact the alcohol content is even reduced. For an after work brew it would be corona, and for the special bbq days it goes to Guinness.:chug:
Silver Bullets for my daily beer, but I love almost every IPA/Pale Ale I've ever tried. So far my favorite is Anderson Valley :chug:
Sam I am man. I am the guy that loves the dark beers Gunniess, Smithwicks, Killians Irish red, Fosters, Worstiener:chug::chug:
Why do Americans drink cold beer? So we can tell it from urine. :D I'll drink just about any beer, Bud light mostly. My new favorite is "Landshark lager". As long as it's cold, I'll drink it.
bud light for beer and jack n coke for mixed drinks.
I like Miller Lite. But I dont drink a whole lot of beer. :)

I am a rum and coke kind of girl. Yes, I get VERY rum dumb.
Dont get me started :laugh: I get a different beer almost every time. My brother is a head brewer at a brewery in Charleston SC and he went to Germany just for brewing school. He used to brew SweetWater's beer in Atlanta. Because of this, I have tasted more beers than you can shake a stick at. I usually drink nice craft beer or some "weird beer that yal have probably never heard of"

Having a brother thats made beer his profession is real cool and really opened my eyes to the art side of brewing a beer but this has also caused me to only like the beer that usually cost alot. :(

Home brewers be cautious. Once you start getting interested you can go from being happy with cheap natural light to only being happy with an expensive complex belgian brew then before you know it you cant afford your jeep. :laugh:

Beer is almost nothing as it seams. example Lots of people think bud light is a good beer, but people only think that because its one of the most advertised... and most of the time when you realize this and you start beer tasting, people never go back to what they used to always drink.

There is alot more to beer than bud light and miler light haha. Go out and try something new like a sweetwater blue or a dogfishhead 90 minuet indian pale ale and go on from there :chug:
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Like I said, I usually dont drink beer. I have found that it tastes best off someone else's lips. But when I am working (barmaid) and we dont have anything special, he doesnt get to drink anything special. Miller Lite of his lips :)
Yes, I use kits, although I'm ready to try experimenting with my own recipies. Northern Brewer (northernbrewer.com) has a very nice catalog of ingredient kits and equipment. It is not hard and you can make really great beer that isn't ordinary.

I used to make beer when I lived in Minnesota. I often got my supplies from Northern Brewer in Saint Paul. I brewed for several years and have over a hundred recipes. It is easy to brew good beer as long as you don't like the light American beers. You get a lot of flexibility with all the different types of grains and hops.

I prefer a lot of flavor in my beers. I like porters and stouts. If it's pale it needs a lot of hops such as an IPA.
I never drink hard liquor. I stick with beer and wine.
When a distiller uses beer or wine to make brandy or whiskey I think it's too strong. So then you use water or Coke to delute it back down. I just don't see the point.
Captain and Coke, Captain and sugar free Rock Star when I plan a late night, Dos Equis, margaritas or tequilla shots on island dive trips, at the lake with my Baja, or when I want to day dream about being on a dive trip or at the lake. :chug:
I love the beers from Belgium. Lots of variety there. The dubbels are among my favorite. New Belgium brewers in Fort Collins CO brews some great beers in the Belgium styles. Their Abbey Ale is now my favorite but when I want the real thing I get a Chimay Red cap or a Westmalle Trappist Dubbel.

Today I treated myself to a Westmalle :D
That's my place. I sometimes like to sit on the hill behind my house.
Jack black is still my friend. Never got into drinking the popular beer. Started on coors and found warm miller high life to be best. Stopped all beer drinking for some reason until about a year ago. Has to be ice cold but prefer blue moon,sammy smith, or of course jack black. Keep the mason jar for when my rowdy friends come over,well, I think they all settled down!:D

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