Vote for

Vote for
Anyone else having trouble getting in a vote? I haven't been able to get that feature to work for several days now...
I put in a 167 earlier today and I now see it's at 169. Someone's gettin' through. The site may be having some of those "technical difficulties" I've always heard about.
Anyone else having trouble getting in a vote? I haven't been able to get that feature to work for several days now...
I want to thank you for voting I wish more members would. If we had every member doing it we would be at the top every month. When you have a problem what is happening?
I got thru it's still 169 hasn't up dated yet.
I get to the next page and no further; the one that says you're voting for the site you just left...

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When you click on this you should see
" Click here to vote for the sit you just left"
When you click on it it should list all the sites and right now you will see this one at #3 click on it and it should take you back here. And you have voted. Hope this helps you.
"Should" being the operative word there... and it's taking longer than a minute. The page keeps timing out without redirecting me. Have tried dozens of times...
"Should" being the operative word there... and it's taking longer than a minute. The page keeps timing out without redirecting me. Have tried dozens of times...
I don't understand why you are having a problem I just did it and it worked fine it must not like your computer. :rolleyes:
We are at 181
189... :p
Tapped in at 207
So, I finally got thru three pages of the voting process but still no confirmation that my vote counts... went from leaving site page to list page and ended up on page... should I be getting a banner of some type telling me that my vote was submitted?

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So, I finally got thru three pages of the voting process but still no confirmation that my vote counts... went from leaving site page to list page and ended up on page... should I be getting a banner of some type telling me that my vote was submitted?

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No banner or anything if it takes you to this site you voted. From what you are saying you voted and I would like to thank you for it and your perserverance. :chug:
No problem. Glad to help out. Don't know why it's been so tricky this week. It's not like I haven't voted before...

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