Vote for

122 only 10 ahead of the bronco guys.
127 in 3rd

but I just voted, and that hasn't posted yet....
From the Great Northwoods of Wisconsin on "dialup" :eek:
153 in 3rd

Sent from my Motorola Electrify using Tapatalk 2
166 in 3rd
but I just voted, and that hasn't posted yet
still in Northern Wisconsin :D
still have dial-up :(
but at least I am voting :chug:

(Hey - at least we are so far out in the boonies we cannot even get cable or dsl, I am trying to build an antenna to reach one of the "free" wifi sites or someone's that isn't locked:cool:)
3rd w 176

Sent from my Motorola Electrify using Tapatalk 2
181 in 3rd plus my vote when it posts

Sent from my Motorola Electrify using Tapatalk 2
188, 20 ahead of the ford guys.:)
I am trying to build an antenna to reach one of the "free" wifi sites or someone's that isn't locked:cool:)

:laugh: let us know how that turns out for ya.

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