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Vote for Jeep-CJ.com

Vote for Jeep-CJ.com
405 my vote just posted :D
They must have just reset the votes this morning. So I voted, as I do every morning, but jeep-cj.com wasn't even listed on any of the 7 or 8 pages, yet it's consistently one of the top 4 every month!
4 at lunch time and 6 now. we're in 3rd.
I vote and the page wont load for me to see where we are in the rankings. :(
6th with 18 :eek: more people need to start voting only 10 of you have in the last 24hrs. Thanks to you 10 for supporting the best CJ site.
5th with 24 we didn't even get 10 votes in the last 24hrs :mad:
5th at 59.
Like Pete I'm back from the long week end so lets kick some ford butt.
62 plus one when my vote posts.
In 5th place

Hey it's good to be back home again
Sure enjoyed the time up North,
Fishing and kayaking and listening to the loons...
But hey it's good to be back home again.

I'll get my votes in much better now.
Voted but lately the page doesnt load here at home for some reason? :confused:
72 in 5th
Tied with the Ranger Station when I voted...:D
but my vote hasn't posted yet....:p
And there are other computers on the farm that need, uh... maintenance since I have been gone and I am the resident geek ;);)
still tied with the Ranger guys with 73

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