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What did you do to or with your CJ today?

What did you do to or with your CJ today?
Thank you... One can will just barely cover the rear floor and both fender prices. Two cans would do all the carpet in the Jeep.

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How does the fabric feel after the 'paint' dries?
It feels softer then the standard short AstroTurf stuff used in and on boats. I'd say it's somewhere between that and what it felt like originally.

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Drove up to the shop to begin final checks on the vehicle before delivery. Shop found that the original (and modded) T-18 shift lever had a hairline crack, so test driving was out. Ordered a new one from Novak. Hope to get this dang thing back before Memorial Day.

But it doesn't look promising...:(
Last night I went to finish up the H1 steering gear install I started on Sunday and the pitman arm lock washer broke, hope to find one big enough at the hardware store and finish it up today.
For the past couple of days and nights I have been fighting trying to get the yoke off of the front axle so I can swap it out and finally get my front driveshaft installed. Running out of penetrating solution and my compressor/impact gun is not budging it (it is only a pancake compressor but giving it 110 psi at the start).

Any suggestions is appreciated. A friend suggested using a jack to push up on the wrench using the weight of the Jeep to help. Good plan? Sounds a bit dangerous, but I will probably try it.
Pinion yoke?? Get a 4' section of steel pipe for the socket wrench.
If that socket is 1/2" drive-You may well twist the drive of that socket off. Ask me how I know this. :D
I now have a full set of 3/4" drive sockets with ratchet and extensions to go along.
Good luck-:chug:
If that socket is 1/2" drive-You may well twist the drive of that socket off. Ask me how I know this. :D

I now have a full set of 3/4" drive sockets with ratchet and extensions to go along.

Good luck-:chug:


Thanks. I do have a 3/4 socket in the required 1 and 1/18 inch size.
I pulled a previous owner's Weber carb (there were three POs) and installed one of Gronk's 2150s.

I did it 30 miles from home at a friend's house. I used the existing downward pull linkage. Michael (the man behind Gronk Performance) said I might have to shorten my throttle cable, but it was a breeze to shorten the rod to get full cable travel from idle to wide open throttle.

It ran well enough to get home, in rush hour, stop-n-go traffic.

It stumbles as I let off the clutch in 1st gear from idle, taking some fancier footwork to keep from dying in intersections - more shenanigans than I enjoy....

I'll see about rectifying that tomorrow.

If I recall correctly, I bought and drove the Jeep home with the Weber carb and 9 degrees BTDC timing.

Haven't felt the need to tinker with it until now; having thrown the Weber's retirement party.

Been playing to see if I could get my rpms down at idle. Since the frame swap, I have been revving at 1500. I assume that I have something wrong when I hooked the carb back up. Let me know if you see anything wrong.


Decided to accomplish something. So I installed a hatch in the bed to access the fuel sending unit.

Surprisingly, it went well. I still need to screw it on, but here goes.

Marked it trying to center the sending unit in the box


Then I cut


And here it is



Look at a boat catalog on line. Doors, hatches, hand holes ... round, square, big and little ... prices from reasonable to OMG!
Look at a boat catalog on line. Doors, hatches, hand holes ... round, square, big and little ... prices from reasonable to OMG!

The person who sold me this one said it cost him $50 from the boat place. I got an even better deal from him since he decided not to use it.
Beautiful dog. My first was a black with the white blaze. And I love the ears left natural.
Daughter's dog. She got him from a Great Dane rescue. Some turd of a human had left him tied up with a collar that eventually cut into his neck and the skin had started to grow around it.

I hope there is a special place in Hell for people like that.
Daughter's dog. She got him from a Great Dane rescue. Some turd of a human had left him tied up with a collar that eventually cut into his neck and the skin had started to grow around it.

I hope there is a special place in Hell for people like that.

We rescued this guy a few years ago from a vet who did an amputation surgery and would nor t let the "owner" have him back. Luke's leg for caught up in a tarp in his outdoor run and was caught up all day. Some humans.


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