You guys are going to have to deal with me off and on all day long

You guys are going to have to deal with me off and on all day long
Wow. Clear tanks heh? :)
Wow...that's a great price on that first one :eek: Fortunately, I have 4 brackets (of that design) that came with my settup. But the rubber dampner part on the bands is inspiring. Wonder what I could use for that. I'll have to see what I can come up with. thanks for the links John

Shoot...I have photobucket. I didnt even know it hosted video clips. I'll have to take some time and figure that out. thanks man!

Sticky back insulation seal tape from Home Depot/Lowes ?
Got a few pics of my propane system...enjoy (and disregard the grime under the hood...)

Here's the 450 mixer Im using. Previous owner ran it with great success on top of his 500hp 383 stroker. At a modest 430hp, my engine should handle it just fine with minimal (if any) loss in power.

And of course, this is the regulator/convertor/vaporizor. The purpose of the regulator is to lower the fuel pressure from about 312psi from the tank down to roughly 4psi for engine consumption. The regulator also vaporizes the liquid propane as pressure is relieved and heat is added through the use of radiator fluid circulated through the regulator and supplied by my heater core return line. The smaller module is a high pressure lockout valve. Uneccesary for operation, but a good idea for safety reasons.

These are the tank brackets I am using. John came up with an idea for me to use some weather stripping for buffering purposes between the straps and the tanks. The hose is my high pressure line that will run from the tanks to the regulator. 10 feet long and I will keep it inside the cab and routed through the firewall.

And of course, the tanks. Dual forklift with plenty of capacity.

Out with the old, in with the new. On the right is my new 450 mixer, and on the left is my very faithful Quadrajet. The difference in simplicity between the two is stunning.

I was able (luckily) to use my old air cleaner assembly on top of the new 450 mixer. A little bling to add some blingin character :cool:

Mixer mounted up to my Edelbrock intake. Excuse the grime, I just want to get this thing running at this point.

It's starting to look like an engine again.

Got a plate cut out and mounted up to the timing cover to replace the fuel pump which is no longer needed. Mixer is hard mounted at this point. I still need to find a decent spot to mount the vaporizer and build a bracket to do so.

Today is "add fluids day" the oil pump and install the dizzy. I believe Im at the exhaust stroke on #1...essentially 180* out from TDC. I dont see why I cant, but Im going to rotate the dizzy shaft 180* away from the #1 firing post and then drop the dizzy. Should be the same as setting it all up at TDC. In my head anyways. :D

Anyone have any reason to think that might be a bad idea? :wtf:
don't see why not, you'll find out if you got it right or not as soon as you turn it over, the bang and pop might be a little louder with lpg. :D

True :D

Im just scared of that crank bolt and the thought of trying to turn the motor with it...I have nightmares of breaking one of those things off in the crank. :(
yeaaaah, that would suck. a large strap wrench works pretty well. although ive never had one break before, theres always a first time right.

Strap wrench is a good idea :chug:
Take the plugs out ??

I dont have the plugs in, but with the tranny mounted up, the belts on, and the total rotating's a load on that little crank bolt that I dont want to mess with.

At 180* out, setting up the dizzy shouldnt be hard. It's just not recognizing that it's 180* out that gets people in trouble
I dont have the plugs in, but with the tranny mounted up, the belts on, and the total rotating's a load on that little crank bolt that I dont want to mess with.

At 180* out, setting up the dizzy shouldnt be hard. It's just not recognizing that it's 180* out that gets people in trouble

:grinjeep: If you are like me and have a bad case of CRS.
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I've turned over many an engine with that crank bolt, I wouldn't worry about it.
I even moved a Ford truck one time by turning that bolt (unintentionally of course, I forgot to take it out of gear!)
I'd rather have it in the right spot (TDC) so I could double-check everything without going :OK its supposed to work this way, but...:
:grinjeep: If you are like me and have a bad case of CRS.

Actually, I've had a case of OCD with this project. I'll lay in bed at night going over every bolt that still needs tightened down, torque specs, things left to do/not do....

Jeep ownership is a disease :mad:
Actually, I've had a case of OCD with this project. I'll lay in bed at night going over every bolt that still needs tightened down, torque specs, things left to do/not do....

Jeep ownership is a Great disease :mad:

Fixed it for you. :D

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