AMC 20 to Dana 44 swap will the drive shaft work?
I finally found some axles that are geared locked and priced well. They are Jeepster axles 4.27 gears front locked Dana 30 and rear welded Dana 44 . The price is write and the front should be an easy bolt in. The rear on the other hand will need purchase welded on. My question is will the drive shaft on the rear bolt right up is it the same u joint as the AMC20 ? I get the axles this weekend but with time to kill there is nothing like doing internet research. Thanks in advance.
I finally found some axles that are geared locked and priced well. They are Jeepster axles 4.27 gears front locked Dana 30 and rear welded Dana 44 . The price is write and the front should be an easy bolt in. The rear on the other hand will need purchase welded on. My question is will the drive shaft on the rear bolt right up is it the same u joint as the AMC20 ? I get the axles this weekend but with time to kill there is nothing like doing internet research. Thanks in advance.