Jeep CJ Models

Jeep CJ Models
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Ouch... :chug:

Can't see the image... Requires CJ8 membership to view the file ... :(

I didnt know of the "Spring Edition" either.
There's a Spring Edition? :confused:
I guess I have more research to do before this CJ Package thread.
there is a little known Baja Edition, only owned by some guy in Riverside Ca
There's a Spring Edition? :confused:
I guess I have more research to do before this CJ Package thread.
trust me on this one
once CJ opens us a forum
We will have the info filing in so fast we will be trying to keep out heads above water, everyone seems to want this
there is a little known Baja Edition, only owned by some guy in Riverside Ca

Someone here besides the Old Shaman brought up that model awhile back. I wish I could find the post. I enjoyed it but let it go. :laugh:
And don't forget the summer edition, top and doors off! :D U guys have your hands full :eek: .

I like Baja's idea. A section or thread dedication to putting the history together in one place sounds like a good idea.
If I am understanding correctly, you will have them categorized by model, then the optional packages, or Themes if you will, will be categorized under it. For instance, the 1973 "Supper Jeep" I posted would go under the CJ5 Model section correct?

~ JR

The " Super Jeep " would be in the CJ5 category. Its hard to say where and how right now till we gather all the info. I think alot of people will be suprised by the sheer magnitude of a thread like this. :cool:

I say we have categories for CJ models and Categories for CJ Packages. They are separate. For example the Laredo Package was availble for the CJ5 , the CJ7 and the CJ8 Scrambler. Would we mention that package in three categories for the 3 models?
I think I would be best to have the Larado mentioned in a section as a Trim Package. We would need to specify what models had that package but it's different than a model.

That's just my opinion.
I think we build off the first post in this thread
add packages and years, major changes under each model
that way 1 thread is just the cjs it will be basically one post then we lock it. another thread for guys to submit info, as we update the original post with the info we edit the info thread.
then we have all the other threads suggested
if we keep it modded tight we will have a nice section, guys can add their pics and in the other thread say what year they own, those threads will grow bu the main thread we keep like an article and as we gather more, or others post in the info thread, we edit the first post to reflect it.
I think it would get too cluttered.
What if we have one thread titled "CJ Spotter's Guide". Just like my first post in this thread. Then separate threads for each model. Then if you see a flattie you could go to the spotters guide and quickly find out that it is a CJ3b . Then we could have a link "for more information see the CJ3b thread". There we could go into all kinds of detail.
What I had envisioned in my head while reading this from the start is something similar to this: (bare with me, my head is rather messy) :cool:

For info / example purpose only, since info is not correct below:

  • 1960
    • CJ2a (any main changes to the design of the CJ2a from former years noted here)
      • Military package: This package came with green tires and a G-I_joe hood ornament :rolleyes: (or CJ's build helper :laugh: sorry inside joke if you haven't seen CJ's build page) obviously this would be way more informative, and include a picture of this year, model, package specific jeep. (we could even list a picture wanted contest for certain stuff, and offer a sticker as a reward for the correct pic ?? again ideas just flowing... may not be a possibility / desired option...)
      • .....
      • .....
      • .....
    • CJ3 (info)
      • .....
      • .....
      • .....
    • CJ5 (info)
      • .....
So Basically, it would be categorized by:

  • Year (in chronological order from the first year jeep model was produced)
    • Model types avail that year, and changes in the same model from previous years if any (for example when CJ5 's extended to accommodate the V8's, or when the tanks were now placed in rear instead of the under seat, or when the brakes were upgraded, or axles etc.)
      • Available Packages or themes such as Spring Jeep, Super Jeep , Renegade , etc. with detailed info and a picture of the exact jeep, year model and package.
Now we can comprehensively list each years difference in details, It would require a lot of redundancy, however it can easily be done with copy / paste and edit then upload. It will be incomplete for a long time, but each update would add more useful info.

I feel we should do it this way, as each year seems to change something, even down to the same named available packages within the same model to the next year (as examples above would suggest) with new technology and new attempts to attract more sales.

Once the list and outline is started, then the info can be complied by all, and a Mod (such as Baja or Pete) can edit into the actual main list info thread.

I am in no way insisting this is how we should do it. I am just offering my 2c as, again, this is how I pictured it in my head. :D It will not be a one and done thread, and will require a lot of work I realize, it would almost be a website / page more than a "thread" if the links were click-able, so not sure that would work for CJ. May just need to be a huge thread split by x number of years each most etc. or maybe a new post for each year.

What do you guys think about that?

Once we have the main outline of years: Models in place, then entering packages / themes will be easier, though again it would need to be entered throughout each years / model the package was available through.

The second though would be more like a collapsible webpage list with click able links, though again, not sure how CJ would feel on that with site management or settings particulars.

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: All main contributors of this project. I've spoken to Pete and requested he use me however necessary if needed to accomplish this. I feel it will help me learn a lot to help with research and typing / hunting for info, and if that helps me to help others later, I'm game.


~ JR
I think it would get too cluttered.

I too feel this may be the case.

That's probably really going to be the hardest part of this project is the planning of format so it will be a usable, and informative source without over-loading or killing interest by poor set-up / organization...
If the thread is like this below it would work but I would have to be a closed thread that no one could add to.
For info / example purpose only, since info is not correct below:

  • 1960
    • CJ2a (any main changes to the design of the CJ2a from former years noted here)
      • Military package: This package came with green tires and a G-I_joe hood ornament :rolleyes: (or CJ's build helper :laugh: sorry inside joke if you haven't seen CJ's build page) obviously this would be way more informative, and include a picture of this year, model, package specific jeep. (we could even list a picture wanted contest for certain stuff, and offer a sticker as a reward for the correct pic ?? again ideas just flowing... may not be a possibility / desired option...)
      • .....
      • .....
      • .....
    • CJ3 (info)
      • .....
      • .....
      • .....
    • CJ5 (info)
      • .....
So Basically, it would be categorized by:

  • Year (in chronological order from the first year jeep model was produced)
    • Model types avail that year, and changes in the same model from previous years if any (for example when CJ5 's extended to accommodate the V8's, or when the tanks were now placed in rear instead of the under seat, or when the brakes were upgraded, or axles etc.)
      • Available Packages or themes such as Spring Jeep, Super Jeep , Renegade , etc. with detailed info and a picture of the exact jeep, year model and package.

~ JR
BUT I think everyone always has good info to add. If everyone added to post that included all CJ models then it would take a tremendous amount of administration.
If we had separate threads. Then we could keep them all open and no one would get confuesed about what model we were talking about.
Yes what i envision would be the new section in forums.

There would be the main locked thread like the outline I proposed. It could be a "sticky" at the top of the section. Then the sections you're describing could be new threads allowed / categorized by model type like you suggest. Then the info can be moved after sightings / sources checked out and info deemed actually valid and correct.

The mods would then incorp the "move" of info into the correct format (ie: a general layout theme such as picture of the package, with wording under it etc) into the "sticky" main locked list thread... Only mods (or permission granted individuals) would be able to edit the sticky with new info, but everyone could suggest info to add in threads within the "section" Hope this makes sense...

But... Again, I'm a noob with Jeeps still (though getting a little better :D) and even though I manage my Business website, am noobish with site layouts and such as well.
My first suggestion is the main thread be a closed thread

only mods can add to it

it is the spotters thread

I also want a lot of info in there, but yes that would get cluttered, so we could just put production years, a picture or 2, different editions,

from there we can have each major model have an info thread, again closed with stuff like options, engines, trannies, paint colors? if there are year by year changes, you know good info you need to date or rebuild.

then we have the owner pics for each model where guys putup pics and discriptions

modding this forum will be the big thing, we want to keep it clean

and we need a place for guys who find info to post it so we can get it into the right spot

so let us look at how a forum is set up

we have a main forum CJ Model and Info
a sub forum, CJ models, with 1 closed threads, CJ models (the spotters guide) and how many closed threads for each cj model-CJ 2a info (where we put info for each model)
then an open thread where anyone can post up info they have found with the source and we can put that into the thread it belongs
sub forum, Owners Cjs with threads for each model where a member can post his pics and a brief discription, and the who owns what year thread.
in here we will need to make sure no new threads are created so it stays clean
sub forum, Other Cjs, we can have info on the CJ4 , the AgriJeep , the CJ2
the CJ10 and any jeep produced off shore like Mihandra Jeeps
Jeep CJ Models and Info

CJ Models
CJ spotters Guide
CJ 2 A info
CJ 3 A info
CJ 3 B info
Post new info here
Members CJs
CJ 2 A
CJ 3 A
Other CJs

Black, open threads
Blue Sub Forum
Orange Closed threads
Red Main Forum

I think this setup would be real workable

I like that Idea too Baja.

If we combine the two, then we could do a year: package bullet list as I suggested within each Model Type. The year would note the changes as done in that year, and the package could include info and picture of the options the theme / package / edition included.

So we would basically end up with something like this within each Model Sub Catagory:

(we are in the CJ5 Sub Section) - The orange Mods get info from self research /

  • 1900 - New features listed (horse required to operate :D )
    • Theme's / special editions offered (details and hopefully a picture or two
  • 1901 - New features listed (Horse no longer required to operate)
    • Optional package 1
    • Optional package 2

Or not :cool:

For some reason I keep going back to the year categorizing list type. :rolleyes:

They seemed to have so many changes between years. It would be more informative to log such.

I think I am just repeating what you are already thinking though. ;)

Jeep CJ Models and Info

CJ Models
CJ spotters Guide
CJ 2 A info
CJ 3 A info
CJ 3 B info
Post new info here
Members CJs
CJ 2 A
CJ 3 A
Other CJs

Black, open threads
Blue Sub Forum
Orange Closed threads
Red Main Forum

I think this setup would be real workable

I like that layout. Modding it is gonna be quite the pita, with people just commenting and so on. It may be a bit tricky to start. With the people we have supporting it already it'll be doable. :cool: Im sure more ideas and how to streamline it a bit will come up after its started.

This is a great idea though , and well worth the time and patience it will take to create. :rock:
modding will not be bad,we just delete anything not allowed
we have an announcement on top of the forum of what is allowed and enforce a zero tolerance policy

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