

There are more than a few people on this forum and countless others that are using MC2100 and MC2150 carbs without any problems at all. It's just about the most comon swap on a AMC 258 i6 / 4.2l for more reasons than their cheap price. They're so simple to build and tune, a caveman could do it! :D

I agree

What I was trying to get across... I tuned a 2100 for a customer here in MN... the ported worked at a low level at idle.... Open the trottle plates and had almost zero vaccum. I and the Calf REbuilder scatched our heads... I pulled carb 3 times to trouble shoot & found no plug or obstruction. Poster above... read this... found vac adv not working... the normal ported vac source did not work. I had a beautiful REBUILT 2100 in my hands.

I will guess that 2100 had a auto application that needed some vaccum signal and switched sources or something...

I had my hands on one... Treble had one..... mentioned this a wk ago in CARB THREAD so 2100 lovers like yourself know about it... and the ODD BALL APP showed up again.... Treble found the solution when he looked to verify his vac advance using the correct ported source. Then there were two cases... I guess there might be a few more...

hope that helps
just tuck in back in the mind.. it migth come up again...
Was odd enough I recorded it on video... tags were gone/removed off carb also
I agree

What I was trying to get across... I tuned a 2100 for a customer here in MN... the ported worked at a low level at idle.... Open the trottle plates and had almost zero vaccum. I and the Calf REbuilder scatched our heads... I pulled carb 3 times to trouble shoot & found no plug or obstruction. Poster above... read this... found vac adv not working... the normal ported vac source did not work. I had a beautiful REBUILT 2100 in my hands.

I will guess that 2100 had a auto application that needed some vaccum signal and switched sources or something...

I had my hands on one... Treble had one..... mentioned this a wk ago in CARB THREAD so 2100 lovers like yourself know about it... and the ODD BALL APP showed up again.... Treble found the solution when he looked to verify his vac advance using the correct ported source. Then there were two cases... I guess there might be a few more...

hope that helps
just tuck in back in the mind.. it migth come up again...
Was odd enough I recorded it on video... tags were gone/removed off carb also
Unfortunately the tag was missing from my carb as well, so I have no eact application that my carb came on originally. All I know is I was able to match up a kit with the exact same gaskets from a 1971 Ford F100 with a 302. I never ran across anything in all my research on MC carbs that suggested that there were different models for auto or manual trannies. I'll have to take a look at my carb because I'm drawing a blank on how the passage is routed for the ported vaccum. I don't think it goes through any gasket mated surface, so that would eliminate the possibility of the wrong gasket being used that would block it.

Since the port does begin just above the throttle plates, it should have virtually no vaccum at idle, and then it should have moderate vaccum from off idle to moderate throttle, then it should drop off sharply when the butterflies are opened all the way. That's exactly what mine does. I just can't remember without taking another look if there is any other place between the entry of the port and where the hose connects that could block it. I seem to remember that the port for the hose has a fitting that threads into the passenger side of the carb because mine had a piece of brake line threaded into it that I replaced with a nice clean plastic fitting. I'll double check and get back with you.
I thought I read that if your dist had that octogon shape (not rounded) there is a good chance it is adjustable (w/hex inside nipple).
I thought I read that if your dist had that octogon shape (not rounded) there is a good chance it is adjustable (w/hex inside nipple).
That's exactly right. The HEI vaccum advance canister that for some reason looks like a wrench would fit on it is the adjustable one. From what I've seen, all the aftermarket HEIs come with them, including my super cheap ebay special.
I thought I read that if your dist had that octogon shape (not rounded) there is a good chance it is adjustable (w/hex inside nipple).
When I posted earlier with the following, that was a quote from the web site that says anyone who puts an HEI in their AMC engine is doomed. You might notice the qualifier "Factory GM HEI" but the site says nothing about aftermarket HEIs or the fact that those adjustable vaccum advance canisters are a dime a dozen and will also fit the factory GM HEI. It's a very biased against HEI web site. Every other site I've found that slams the use of an HEI in an AMC just gets all of its info from that same site. I personally look for independent information to back something like that up, but people just keep regurgitating what they read. Tell that stuff to all the thousands of people running HEIs in AMC engines or to all the reputable companies that sell HEIs set up for the AMC. You get a few people that either didn't set their new distributor up with the correct gear, or failed to tune the new distributor to match their engine, and all of a sudden they're all a problem in some people's minds.

"C.In a factory GM HEI there is no tuning of the vacuum advance. Peroid.
GM made NO provision for either tuning or limiting the vacuum advance from the factory."
Hey I resemble that remark. :) My 2100 is the same model as Rescue has. Vacuum advance is hooked to the left side of the carb looking from the Cj grill. Pcv valve is hooked to the port in the manifold directly under the carb. Never ran better.
They're so simple to build and tune, a caveman could do it! :D
I thought I read that if your dist had that octogon shape (not rounded) there is a good chance it is adjustable (w/hex inside nipple).

correct.... the stock JEEP ford DuraSpark Ignition and Distributor can change at what level the vac advance starts to change. Different engines and health wise will produce different levels of vac. The level vac adv. starts to activate from the ported vac source on the carb... Tune them to work together.

The reason to note the shape is some of the early jeep distributors... like the prestolite have a round can shape..... just a shape ref... and do not have adj vac advance.

Does not mean all octagonal cans are adj vac advance..... that I am aware of.... nor do I know how common this is... It is a cool feature of duraspark and our little jeep CJs

A nice feature of the Ford Duraspark use in our Jeeps from late 70s to late 80s for CJ and true for the YJ too I think. These tricks will work on the old ford cars and trucks too.


if the HEI distributors can have the Vac Advance adjust... its news to me.. could be new? I have not heard of this and web add or spec sheet saying so would be nice. Test would be use a vac pump to see the vac level the suction moves the diaphram and the linkage arm going into the distributor side. Also hold the vac level and can tell you if the diaphram is leaking... should hold steady.... is a failure mode to leak and is a vac leak. The ck for the set screw change it and apply the vac pump and see if there is a change.

News to me if it is, avail on HEI also
why are you looking at vac advance?? Just raz, I am glad you are
On the way home today, I had a thought and a guess....keep in mind I don't know diddly about carbs/engines. I wondered if perhaps the distributor was failing to advance properly due to Limited vacuum. Well I pulled over and pulled the vacuum line to the distributor. It had very weak suction.

I felt a few of the vacuum ports on the carb (most are capped so I just uncapped them and tested them) and found one that had better vacuum. Plugged the distributor into that one. Drove off.....problem solved. No more knocking. Seems to run smooth and strong not matter how hard I am pushing it. Starts strong.
I see no carb problem here. He pulled over, the engine was ideling, so there should not have been any vac. at the ported fitting. Right?
He pluged it into a full manifold vac. line, and drove off.
I don't see a carb or a dist. problem.
if the HEI distributors can have the Vac Advance adjust... its news to me.. could be new?

It's not new. Been around since the 80's. This whole HEI advance curve kit includes one. My HEI that I bought new from ebay for less that $60 delivered came with one already installed? I've already said that several times! I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall. :confused:

Please check the link below. It took two seconds to do a search to find one. And yes, if they have the octagon shape, they can be adjusted with a small allen wrench through the nipple where the hose plugs on.

Mr. Gasket 6011 Mr. Gasket HEI Adjustable Vacuum Advance Set
I see no carb problem here. He pulled over, the engine was ideling, so there should not have been any vac. at the ported fitting. Right?
He pluged it into a full manifold vac. line, and drove off.
I don't see a carb or a dist. problem.

It actually sounds to me like he either has the initial advance way far retarded, or his mechanical advance isn't working much if any at all. If he has to plug the vaccum advance into non ported full time vaccum to get it to run correctly, he doesn't have enough initial or mechanical advance to begin with. The vaccum advance should ALWAYS be plugged into ported vaccum.
More backing up rescue on this one, the cheap hei i have in the garage is adjustable as well.

The biggest danger on the internet is incorrect and incomplete information being shared around as if it's an absolute fact. That web site's claim or at the very least, attempt to give everyone the impression that you can't have an adjustable vaccum advance on an HEI is totally false. The only way to combat this false information is to put the truth out there with proof to back it up. But in a polite way. :)
MN CJ7 ..... never said a word about 2100 not working...
the above posts seem to have a life of their own..pls stop

Several of the Above Posts have zero correlation with what was posted.

HATS OFF TO TrebelHook solved his issue. The discussion of advance and matching advance curve gave him knowledge to LOOK... and he solved a issue and was now a ....



TrebelHook...... posted his ported did not work... vac level was too low to operate... CHANGED TO PORTED VAC SUPPLY ON RIGHT SIDE...... he did not use manifold vac ..... he clearly states working on the CARB VAC.

MN CJ7 posted about this because....... I saw this one a customers 2100, called a REbuilder in Calf that does 500 rebuilds/wk he seemed to let on.... He knew his 2100... did not know why the Ported on LEFT did not work. I came out above the T Plates, carb cleaner went thru fine, could find nothing on bottom covered by gasket.....

IT was a ODD BALL application on some AUTO / AUTOMOBILE, not auto Transmission , I do not have an ans for you.... Just keep it in mind if you hear it again....

I am quite sick of this you win
Please put your what ever away

WAXER....the poster remember him
Poster does not have a 2100 he has a weber... fixed his IGNITION..... and it is running better. Additional information given.... and he should be able to hook up his vac advance... with the HEI or the stock duraspark. His choice.
If you have a vac adj HEI... great.... show us.

Get a vac pump and a digital video recorder activate the distibutor advance. Then increase vac level to a vac level that movement stops. Thats the range. Have the correct allen key metric/english ready and adjust your starting vac setting and show us the gauge readings... Video would be a great way to do it.... Easy quick do it while on the engine.

Count your turns so you can put it back to where it was...... I do not be the issue/belly ack why your HEI does not work right anymore.

Adjusting the Vac Can.....
This changes the START VAC MOVMENT level... it does not change the amount of mech advance... JUST at what level vac it starts. There is a slot inside the head that is a physical stop... the width of slot is the mech advance amount & stop.

A show of iterature, web site, directions would also be good supporting information.
man im not calling you out, im not trying to be rude, i simply stated that the hei dist. i have just like rescue's has the adjustable vac advance, nothing more, nothing less. it does that's a fact, i cannot show you as i don't have a video camera, and it is not installed in my motor, it is on a shelf in my dad's garage. calm down, just because you have not seen it, or messed around with one does not mean it does not exist. i have stayed out of this, by simply stating facts and nothing more. that is all you are going to get from me. you are the only one getting all riled up because someone doesn't share the exact same opinion as you. thank you, have a wonderful day.
If you have a vac adj HEI... great.... show us.


I already did. I gave you a link to's ad for them. I took pictures of my very own distributor with an adjustable vaccum advance. I even adjusted mine with an allen wrench. Are you just stirring the pot to try and get someone banned? I'm not playing anymore. Consider yourself on my ignore list because I'm not falling for this stuff any more. Please do not try and contact me, or respond directly to me for anything I ever write again. From now on, please pretend I don't exist.

Moderators, I'm sorry but look at what we're dealing with here!

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