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TeamRush Ignition Upgrade

TeamRush Ignition Upgrade
That's what would happen if you always have 12 volts on the red wire that goes to the old coil connector.

the red wire in the top of this drawing should have 12 volts ONLY when the key is turned on.
I would hook up the ground and everything else. check the red wire that goes from the old coil connector into the MSD module. There should not be 12 volts there until you turn on the key. If there is 12 volts that's your problem. Dont start your engine or it will stay running again.
If there is 12 volts there don't leave it like that overnight. It will drain your battery. Disconnect the battery or the ground MSD wire.

EDIT: It's good that you didn't make a permanent connection where the old coil connection goes into the MSD harness. Disconnect the coil connector and check for voltage on the red wire in the CJ harness (not the MSD harness). That red wire should not have 12 volts on it until the key is turned to the ON position.

Ok, just tested it and there is no power to the old positive coil red wire when key is off. When key is on it does have power. Turn key off and no power to it...so what now...:confused:
Okay, you have it wired up right. You do need a diode. Did you get one with the MSD Ignition? Cut the grey wire to the alternator. You need to put the diode there so the stripe on the diode is facing toward the alternator. The direction is important.
Okay, you have it wired up right. You do need a diode. Did you get one with the MSD Ignition? Cut the grey wire to the alternator. You need to put the diode there so the stripe on the diode is facing toward the alternator. The direction is important.

Attached the diode, one did come with the A6. It's a temp. hook-up as you can see but I had to work with what I had since I am currently snowed in. But, IT WORKED!! Everything works like it's supposed to. As soon as I finish shoveling snow and plow I will set the timing and idle.

Thanks again Dave for all your help.
i bought the msd cap that is recommended, but i dont know how to tell where cylinder 1 plugs into because its not marked like the motocraft cap is. I dont mean to ask a dumb qustion but iam no expert on this stuff. thanks
i bought the msd cap that is recommended, but i dont know how to tell where cylinder 1 plugs into because its not marked like the motocraft cap is. I dont mean to ask a dumb qustion but iam no expert on this stuff. thanks

I think you get the engine to TDC compression stroke on # 1 cylinder and then note where the rotor is pointing. That should be your # 1.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong...


~ Jr
Jr has it right.
Actually it's easiest if you note where the #1 plug wire is before you remove the old cap. Don't remove any wires from the cap but remove the old cap. Install the new cap. Now put #1 wire where you noted the wire was on the old cap. Then remove each plug wire one at a time from the old cap and install them on the new.
In your case you would be replacing the wires at the same time but by keeping the wires on the old cap you can be sure where they go.
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Well...spent the afternoon trying to get started with no luck. I took the distributor cap and everything off down to the advance springs to make sure it's all attached correctly and then put it all back together. Still no joy. The engine will crank but getting no spark. I am pretty sure it is a timing issue at this point as I can adjust the distro one way or the other and it will almost catch, but then nothing more. So I figure I am either way over BTDC or under but that's the catch...which way? My number one plug is pretty much in the same spot. I got juice to everything. Any ideas?
Didn't it work after the Team Rush upgrade?
If so maybe you would want to start a new thread so everyone can see it.
If you think it's related to the Team Rush upgrade check for 12 volts on both of the red wires at the top of this drawing when the key is on:
I would check voltages first. Also check the orange wire on the coil. It should have 12 volts when the key is on.
You said you also were worried your distributor is not set right. Check out this link: How To Set A Distributor
I will check voltage again. If I can't get it I will start a new thread...:cool:
I would check voltages first. Also check the orange wire on the coil. It should have 12 volts when the key is on.

You called it Dave...no juice to the orange wire. So I got no juice to my coil. How do I fix this? I do have juice to my small red wire that is connected to the old positive coil cap.
You called it Dave...no juice to the orange wire. So I got no juice to my coil. How do I fix this? I do have juice to my small red wire that is connected to the old positive coil cap.

If I'm understanding correct, You need to make sure the old existing red wire to the old cap is now hooked up to the new little red wire to the ignition box. Your ignition box should be supplying the Orange wire to your new coil with the power it needs.


You're getting power at old cap existing harness red wire, and are hooking the new "MSD" ignition control boxes red wire to it correct? And still only getting the 12v to it when the key is on right?
Help, I have just put in a new painless harness and did the team rush upgrade, but when I try to crank the jeep, it blows my starter solenoid. I have wired the msd box like the diagram in the forum, and double checked. I have a red light on the msd box when I have the key in the on postion and 12v at the solenoid, but when I turn it over all I here is a click. Any suggestion would be much appreciated
Help, I have just put in a new painless harness and did the team rush upgrade, but when I try to crank the jeep, it blows my starter solenoid. I have wired the msd box like the diagram in the forum, and double checked. I have a red light on the msd box when I have the key in the on postion and 12v at the solenoid, but when I turn it over all I here is a click. Any suggestion would be much appreciated
First thing I would suspect is a bad battery or a low battery. Try jump starting it. Your battery may have gone low. Does that red light on the MSD ignition module turn off when the key is off?
yes, it turns off. What I didnt say in the post above was the starter solenoid will only click once and thats it. I can put in a new solenoid and it reacts the same way, will only click once, so i figured its fried. Could I short the solenoid and see if the starter will turn over?
I need to correct myself again, if I let the jeep sit for a hour or so, the solenoid will click just once again. My Limited knowledge just assumes the solenoid is blown, but its probably not. I will try what you said and post what happens. Thank you
When your solenoid just clicks like that it usually means the starter isn't getting enough power to crank the engine over. The solenoid is turning on and sending several volts to the starter but that's not enough to crank the engine over. Another reason your starter isn't getting the power it needs could be a bad connection. Check the battery terminals.
It has to have at least nine volts to crank, so if your it isn't getting that it won't crank. Is the click coming from the MSD? I ran a test with the MSD techs and one thing was to short the purple and green wire by arcing them. This caused the A6 to click and the light went out. I would have to shut off the ignition and then turn the key to reset the A6. If this is the single click you are hearing then it is because the green and purple wire are not connected right and it is arcing somehow.
I think your solenoid is clicking, it pretty commonly that when you hear "the start click"

I agree with BusaDave on checking the charge on the battery, and the connections for ground especially. Take your grounds off, clean the contact areas(block, body, frame... all of them) and then do the same to all power connections (the starter one too) and see what happens. Make sure everything goes back nice and tight. Also quadruple check all the wires are going where they should...

~ Jr
thanks guys, I went to napa and bought new battery cables and and i have the charger on the battery. I am also gonna ground the starter and alternator since they were not grounded. When I get all this accomplished, I will post again the outcome. Thanks again
Well its me again, I finally have had time to work on the ignition problem again. I took the battery to napa and they tested it, all good. I also bought new battery cables from napa. I hooked everything up, I have 12.8 volts on the ignition side of the starter, but when I turn the key, nothing, no click, nothing. Does anyone out there have a diagram or picture of a painless harness and msd 6a ignition box hooked up. The diagram in the painless manual is for a ford duraspark ignition sys. thanks

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